Son on ESA and SDP moving house- will he be transferred to UC?
Hi there I hope everyone is keeping well. I am just wondering if you could advise me on my disabled son’s situation please. He has had to move from his flat due to being ‘cuckooed’ and was put up in a hotel and then they decided he should go into supported housing so he has a key worker. However, this is temporary whilst…
ESA backdating
hello good day ive just received my pip claim after waiting almost a year from appeal and new decision now I've received my new claim my question is i used to receive esa with the extra priemium but lost this when my new decision was being made will i now get the backdated payments from esa automatically or do i need to…
New style esa and carers allowence
Hii long story short i am disabled recieveing new style esa industrial injurys benifit and pip standad and high mobility My nan has lost 90% her eye sight recently and now i having to travel to hers every day via taxi took cook ( well as best as i can manage n help her with every tasks ) its killing me off finacally and…
Declaring lump sums to ESA
Hello all I really need some advice i am registered with the DWP and job centre plus as my husband’s appointee and we have recently started to receive the new style ESA at the starter rate of £77 The capability for work questionnaire has also just popped through the post so it’s all a bit overwhelming I am aware that I…
ESA Reassessment
Hi all are reassessments for ESA still suspended, I haven't been assessed for over 5 years.Getting concerned a letter may have gone walkabout(I have a communal postbox). Thanks
Do you have to inform dwp of a new condition
Hello, I was placed in the lcwra group for c/b esa last year. I've since been diagnosed by a specialist as suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, arms and feet. Do I have to inform the dwp of this new condition or should I wait until I am reassessed.
Hi, my name is glo45! My husband wants to withdraw 25% of his pension. Will I lose ESA?
Hi , my huband wants to withdraw 25% of his pension around 8 gran , to pay off bills , which will leave a few gran left , we are on esa surport with pip he is my carer , will I lose esa because of this ?????
I'm getting married next year. Will my benefits stop?
Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me information please?. I'm getting married next year. I'm on contribution based ESA, we don't live together but my partner works. Will my benefits stop? I've had a rough last 10 years & she's super cool with my journey beating my depression. I have spondylosis also.
Just won pip appeal will this help my esa support group claim ?
Hi everyone I just won at appeal for Pip. I got enhanced mobility and standard care. I claim new style esa. I haven’t been assessed yet it’s due next week as that’s week 14 as I was on sick pay before that. Will I have to be assessed by ESA ? Will it help that I get PIP? Thankyou very much
ESA benefit
Looking for some detail information on applying for contribution based ESA. Wife has a history of illness which is making her to take time off work over the years and the occupational health assessment has asked if she wants to be put on ESA. Didn’t discuss the details with them as at the time didn’t want to go on it. Now…
Hi, my name is serenakc! Why has my SDP been backdated so far back?
Hi I was recently awarded my server care element back on my pip. I was told by esa I would be awarded back my sdp from 5th of may this year but when I called they said they are looking back from 2020. I don’t know what 2020 has to do with this years claim. They asked if I have been in hospital for 28 days or more since…
My bank card was block but unblock same day will I get my ESA payment without contact ESA
hi my bank card was block but was unblock same day but I’m getting paid my ESA this Tuesday will I need contact ESA or will payment will go into my bank without doing anything
Pension credit
Hi my grandad is pension age he was currently getting pension credit for some know reson hes pension credit had been stopped we called pension credit to find out why this is a lady on phone said that they are not sure why this is but there trying to deal with it so i ask what hes he spouse to do with out no money is there…
ESA suddenly stopped without warning.
Hi I get ESA (support group) and my payment’s have always gone in at midnight. My child tax was early, but my ESA payment was due in to my bank between 12-2am and it’s not there. The money I did have has been taken to pay bills and I don’t have a penny. I don’t know what to do as I have read people whose are stopped…
How does this all work?
I've been in employment since late 1980s but off sick for 7 months due to a head injury which is also aggravating my upper spine/neck osteoarthritis. My employer is not paying SSP now, so employer gave me my SSP1 form. I made a claim for contribution ESA but think it comes under the general banner of New Style ESA. How…
ESA Contribution based help please
Hi, ive just found this site and registered for help. I am diagnosed bipolar, agoraphobia, panic disorder. I was claiming local housing allowance, esa both contribution based and income related and also the high rates of pip. My mother died almost 2 years ago and i initially inherited around £100k which was declared to…
Hi, my name is A1204661! I need expensive dental work. How do I save for it if I'm on ESA?
I wonder if you can help. I need extensive dental work, which is quite expensive; more than £20K. How do I save for it if I am on ESA, which means I cannot have more than £16K in savings if I want to keep the benefit, and no more than £6K without deductions.
Hi, my name is KerriH! I haven't received my esa is there a.delay because of bank holiday?
I haven't received my esa is there a.delay because of bank holiday
Severe disability premium?
Hi I’m really confused. I receive income based ESA support group and was just awarded enhanced PIP. I had to call ESA to continue my payments as they wanted info about my living arrangements. I informed them I live with 2 adults one works and one claims PIP. No one receives carers allowance for me. As expected they said I…
Hi, my name is Nick83! my ESA has not been paid into my Bank
my ESA has not been paid into my Bank I don’t know why my bills will not be paid like gas water and TV licence.