Hi, my name is becki_1! I've been offered a job
Hello all Im still on tax credits but claim ESA and I’m in the support group, i also get pip, I have been offered a job in a office at 27 hours a week I’m so confused as I have seen people have kept getting there lwcra but not sure if that apples to me due to being on old tax credit system. Thank you
Hello can any one help me to understand what i can expect from my claim please ,i have updated my first fit note on UN journal on 20.May 2022 and my last fit note i updated on my UN on 18.october because I received letter from dwp stating this |Following your Work cabability assessment we decided that you have limited…
ESA income-support 6k savings limit
Hello please advise me I'm so scared, I'm on PIP and ESA income-support. I thought that the person claiming ESA income-support benefit cannot have savings over 6,000 and I didn't until I got back pay from PIP (about £2000) two day ago, so I looked online because I knew that my balance went slightly over £6000 by £600 so i…
Esa report
Hi all, a question about my neighbours son's esa report, he has a few MH problems and a number of physical problems too, his recent Esa report (he's in support group) stated at the bottom 'Restricted medical ' Anyone know why this might be and what exactly does it mean. Is it that there are some aspects of the report that…
Severe disability premium
After a change of circumstances I have moved from DLA to PIP. Now entitled to SDP with my ESA. I spoke to a lady at ESA last week and went through the form over the phone. She said as my PIP entitlement date starts today, I needed to call back today to make sure the claim had started, and she left notes on my file. Just…
ESA assessment but have already been refused?
I applied for ESA at the same time as PIP. Someone rang from ESA to say I couldn’t claim it as I didn’t have enough NI contributions in the qualifying period, which I understand. PIP application was successful though. A few weeks ago I got a letter telling me I have a phone assessment for ESA this Friday and I’m just…
Esa said no to sdp
Hi Please can anyone advise? I rang esa today to tell them I have been awarded pip (standard rate) and they said I don't qualify for sdp because I'm in wrag. Is this true? Awarded pip from may 22. been on esa for over 6 years. I have an 18 year old daughter living here still at college. I receive carers allowance as caring…
Mandatory reconsideration times
Hi, six weeks ago I sent back a mandatory reconsideration form by '1st class signed for' as I was not happy about being kept in the wrag after my wca at the beginning of May. I have read on here it can take on average 2-12 weeks so about halfway through the waiting. My MR was a simple one requesting an appeal, short…
ESA enquiry
Hello I've claimed income related ESA since around 2014 and currently I have been in the support group. I've had two paperbased assessment since then, and one was done in June 2021, and still remain in the support group which is good. I had a change of circumstances for my PIP as my conditions like autism and mental health…
New Style ESA - Joint WTC Award
Need definitive clarification. If I make a claim for New style ESA what impact will it have on my Joint WTC Award ? Can I claim ESA for 28 weeks without our current Tax Credits being reduced ? I get both the disability and severe disability elements in the Tax Credit Award (as I am on the higher rate for PIP daily living)…
Hi can you tell me why they are going to make pip means tested please as its a disability benefit
National insurance number
Hi can anyone one give me some advice please my son has a national insurance number but DWP are saying its not registered what do i have to do then to get it registered please
ESA--Accrued Holidays
Hi, I am currently claiming contribution based ESA and after 8 months I have been placed into the support group. I am still employed and accruing holidays, my employer has give me the option of taking some of my accrual ,would this cause problems with my ESA payments? I Cant find a definite answer anywhere, even when I…
Hi, my name is scopeeve! DWP/self employment/ permitted work?
Hi new here. Q r.e DWP/self employment/ permitted work. The community was recommended to me by scope helpline, who have been helping me with understanding permitted work. The short version is, I have mental health and neurological conditions that have left me unable to work. The symptoms and side effects of those…
Will I receive Esa
Hello, not sure if anyone can help or if posted In right place, I today received a letter for a compliance telephone interview on the 9th of November, just wondering if I will receive my esa on Monday or do they hold it untill after the interview, thanks
Could I claim ESA after full wrist fusion surgery
Good afternoon everyone I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone as claimed ESA with a full wrist fusion operation, I was told I can not work for at least 3 months after surgery I work part-time but only 7.5 hrs so can not get sick pay . I go for surgery 1st December any help I can get would be appreciated. Little…
Asap if esa. Do you think I will get it backdated?
I recently made a claim for sdp of esa because my daughter moved out. I made the claim in July and was told over the phone they I qualified. My daughter moved out in February so I asked if it could be backdated as I was unaware I could claim it. I did a benefit check online which said I may be able to claim . I was told to…
ESA support pension withdrawal
Hi my husband is on esa support and pip we have withdrawn money from his private pension does this affect it we have received a compliance letter and are worried
Going from UC to new style ESA
Hey all, hopefully this will be a fairly easy question to answer If I was to move from UC LWCRA to new style ESA, would I automatically get put in the support group, or would I need another work capacity assessment? I’m considering moving for a few reasons - supported permitted work, different NI credits. I’m aware that…
Is ESA based on a diagnosis?
Is ESA based on a diagnosis? It probably isn’t. But does it help to have a diagnosis? One of my friends has a set of symptoms not yet diagnosed and they’re wondering if they can claim ESA.