Hi, my name is Joy1962! Can I email ESA?
Hi I'm new does anyone know can I email esa I struggle on the phone?
Correct amount?
I just read online that if I receive PIP or DLA (I do) that the amount of ESA I receive increases. Is this the case? The amount I get went down some years ago when I was moved to the working group or something like that. Has anyone else been in this position?
Hi, my name is smc! I was never informed by the government about the LCWRA
I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 on my left tonsil in my throat and has 35 radiotherapys and 5 chemos . due to the 35 radiotherapys , this ruined my life as eventually althe scar tissues hardened through the years .To cut a long story short , I have been through hell and back , and today 2022 I have no voice box , I am…
Hi, my name is Zoella! Been ill since December 2020, made claim for UC and ESA
Been ill since Dec 2020 made claim UC & esa had 2 assessments March 21 and Sept 21.still not had reply. Since applyed PIP awarded standard both. Job centre keep have me go in each month for nothing. Sometimes to show fit note. How long does take from assessment been almost year since my 2nd assessment. 1st one unable to…
Re: post by Junket
I have been trying to get PIP for my condition for six years, made three attempts and been rejected. My appeal this time has been heard and ruled in my favour. I applied for this as I am only able to work minimal hours due to chronic illness so the pip money will help support me. I was appalled by Junkets comment that he…
Working on esa lcwra
I've recently been awarded lcwra for depression and anxiety which has regularly relapsed over the past 2 years but I do have some good periods. I am confused over whether or not I'm allowed to work. I'm an Early Years Practitioner and still on supply lists for 2 local authorities which means I could pick up a few days here…
ESA Income base & contribution based
My husband is disabled after an RTA and he claims ESA, legacy benefit, its both Income related & contribution based and have not received the cost of living payment. Why is this as he does get Income related on the claim. I work P/T and am his carer. DWP are aware of this. are you NOT entitled if in receipt of both…
ESA and getting married
Me and my partner are getting married in October. She receives income related ESA; we don’t live together and aren’t planning to just yet. Will she lose her entitlement when she declares changes?
Completing two personal actions
Hello, I finally got my decision letter after ages of waiting for it and it says I scored 15 points for completing two personal actions and it wasn’t based on the suicidal thoughts (unless the letter can’t mention that) what exactly does completing two personal actions mean?
I've been underpaid in my benefits. Would they take more money off of me for my care?
Hi, I am an adult with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. I have just found out I have been underpaid in my benefits by a considerable amount per month, I have been told by social service not to claim or they would take more money off me for my care. I have worked out that if I had received this I could pay them and my bills…
Self Employed Earnings
Hello, I am trying to find out how self employed earnings are calculated. I am in receipt of contribution based ESA and in the support group. I have been doing permitted work for the past two years on a self employed basis. Usually once a year I am asked to send in my accounts to DWP. Due to the nature of the work I do I…
How do you get adult careers advice
My daughter is in a dead end job and wants to leave. It is long hours for minimum pay. She is 30 and would love to see a careers advisor for some advice. Is there a way she can get careers advice. Sadly she dropped out of university to look after me but has now decided she does not want to go back and do her final year.…
Is this a change of circumstances?
Hi My moms on Income related ESA and my sister who lives with her has recently got a job and she can now pay full rent and has now closed her housing benefit claim does this class as a change in circumstances would she need to tell ESA shes no longer getting Housing benefit? i wasnt sure as their not related since housing…
ESA & inherited part share in a property
HiMy brother and I have inherited from my mum's will, her half share of her house (Tennant's in common) and our step farther still lives in the house. Unfortunately our step dad doesn't have the means to buy us out so until he passes away or decides he can no longer manage and has to sell the house, we are unable get our…
Need to move for sanity - but scared of losing benefits (ESA/PIP)
Hello, I currently recieve the enchanced rates for both PIP components, Im in the support group for ESA and was recently awarded the SDP. Without going into the specifics of my problems, I am severely ill both mentally and physically. I believe for my life to get better I need to move away from where I am living. I…
ESA and Mobility
Hi I was awarded contribution based ESA after my SSP ran out. I was automatically put into the support group as I was going through cancer treatment and receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I was recently awarded PIP I scored 9 points for daily living and 10 points for mobility as I have been left with nerve damage in…
Employed still but LCWRA
This question also applies to my Universal Credit claim. Despite me telling my employer my health issues and I haven’t been in receipt of any wages from them since May 2021. I am claiming ESA and UC (including housing element) and still employed? Is this perfectly acceptable? As I am in receipt of zero wages from my…
ESA & UC I just don't know what is happening
My job came to an end in February this year on the grounds of medical capability due to my anxiety and depression. I also have fibromyalgia. When I originally claimed I was living in a non-UC area and so had ESA (contribution based) and Housing Benefit. I then applied for, got offered and moved into a flat in the same…
Hello all, I have been receiving PIP (basic rates) for the
last 6 years. The current PIP will expire in Feb 2023. Last year I was
diagnosed with cancer. In January, I have called PIP and informed them of the
"change". I was not really in the mood to collect the paperwork for
the PIP reassessment. In July 2022 I have…
Hi, benefit help with upcoming changes
Good afternoon. I need a bit of help, I have done a benefit calculation with turn 2 us and entitled to and both have different advice on what I am entitled to. My daughter will be moving into her new home soon, I know I will have to paid bedroom tax. I claim at present ESA Contribution based, PIP Enhanced/Enhanced and I…