Hi, my name is sam260196! When would my PIP payment go through?
Hi, I took procession of my first motorised wheelchair this week,when do you think the first payment go from pip 18/12/24 or 14/01/25. Thankyou
Pip text
Hi I filled in my pip review 2 months ago then this morning i got a text from them saying they still had my review application, i might still need a medical assessment and i don't need to contact them unless my condition changes and my payments would continue untill they jave made a discission. I haven't tried to contact…
Hi, my name is coffeetable! 0 points awarded on my PA4 form
Hi, I had a video interview on the 4th of November 2022 and it went about 45 min. I answered all the questions and explained my hearing impairment, Osteoarthritis and Stress. I also added that I cannot cook a simple meal, cannot carry shopping bags, cannot use the bath or toilet by myself and need my wife's support. Cannot…
wrong information in hospital letter and got to send to pip
Hi iam waiting for my outcome on my pip renewal. I have recently attended a hospital appointment with the vascular team and was going to send letter as addition proof, But today it has arrived and they have put my walking distance in yards instead of feet which makes it look i can walk a lot further. What if anything can i…
Hi, my name is loz79! how long does it take for the decision maker for new pip claim?
Ive just received this from DWP how long does it take for the decision maker for new pip claim We've received the written report of your PIP assessment. We will write to you once we've made a decision on your PIP. As a guide you should hear from us within 8 weeks. You don't need to contact us unless any of the details you…
Pip review
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice? I was receiving enhanced mobility due to anxiety & OCD leaving me unable to leave the house on my own. I only went out with my partner & support services. Due to experiencing domestic violence I eventually left my partner & was moved to a different area. Because of…
Hi, my name is asad_khan! Am I eligible for any grants on PIP?
I don't know much about the grants but as being on pip I know there are some that I am eligible for but know how to get around it. If someone can help me I would appreciate it thanks
Hi, my name is anguish101! Does anyone have experience of applying for PIP for ADHD?
Hello everyone , I’m new to the Community but just thought it good to let you know a little bit about myself . I am the mother of a 20 year old son who has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and we are struggling with our GP practice who don’t have an onward referral pathway. He has other chronic lifelong health conditions…
Previous Pip evidence
I have registered a change of circumstances for pip, and am filling in the forms. I've gathered my new evidence to send with the form. However, will the assessor look at my previous evidence from my original claim a few years ago? I don't want to send them things they already have, but I also want to make sure they have as…
Hi, my name is samanthabarnard! How long is the wait for PIP?
I applied in August and just had my health assessment on the 3rd December I was talking to them for an hour, and she told me it will take 8 weeks to know if I have been accepted, do you still get paid while you am waiting this is my first time I've put in for pip
PIP, do I get 2 payments in one month?
Hi, I got awarded pip late last October and all got it backdated after waiting over a year for a decision. But I was told that you get 13 payments in 12 months as I get paid every 4th week on a Thursday and thought I would have been paid double this month (December) 2024 would there be reason why I haven't got double…
PIP claim 2nd time with new conditions
Hi I have a thread on here from a previous claim which went up to tribunal but I wasn't successful. I still suffer from my eye conditions, gout and other issues but at the time the DWP and tribunal said they were not enough for a PIP award. I still disagree but anyway the judge said she doesn't believe me. Recently i've…
PIP texts
Afternoon, I have received a message from the PIP department this morning saying we have not yet made a decision on your PIP claim. We will write to you when we have made a decision. Is this a bad sign?
Pip appeal advice
I had applied for pip back in may. I got a 0 award I didn't appeal it at the time. I have been told by my doctors to reapply as my circumstances have got worse. Is there any any advice anyone can give me?
Pip assesment report 😡
i have just received my report today. Going through all i just can’t handle of my stress. I has phone assesment last week. It lasted 1,5 hours. Looking at it the recommendation ‘0’. She recorded my call. I have it but don’t know if it would help. On her report even she states on most of the things i need promting, getting…
Hi I have just applied for pip as my condition has worsened recently, I just wondered if there are any other sufferers of sponsylolithesis in the lower back and how you are coping, if you get pip etc? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Angela
PIP assessment
Hi not about myself but my mum, she just had her PIP assessment and she said it went very quickly, he did not let her go in much detail and was on the phone for about 20 mins. And it was just very quick. She already on Universal credit sick so unfit for work has she had very bad arthritis in her hand, shoulder and legs and…
Won PIP tribunal, how long until I hear from DWP about payment and backdate?
hi all , I won my tribunal for PIP the other day and I was wondering how long it will be before I hear from the DWP about payments , and back paymemt
PIP REVIEW - How long did you wait? How were you told?
Hi all, I recently had my first pip review forms sent and they’ve been completed and sent back, I received a text to say they’d received it a few weeks ago. As it’s my first review, I’m not sure how the procedure goes. If they plan to continue it, do they always let you know, or is it possible they don’t say anything at…
Received text from PIP
Hi everyone I'm new to this platform