Wy doesn't post office accept statement of entitlement?
why does the post office don’t accept your statement of entitlement? waited 5 days to get not only 1 letter but 2 the same! now i’ll have to wait til monday to ring DWP again! totally confused as i need to drive my new car on weds. coming . thank you
Green Power Mobility Scooter - Avoid at all costs! Terrible Experience
This is a message to fellow mobility scooter drivers. I am posting this message to hopefully save you some hassle. Please learn from my experience. I bought a Green Power ZT500 scooter online last year and had so many problems. I chose this mobility scooter because it seemed good value - it has all the specs of much more…
Mobility Scheme
I am wanting to join the mobility scheme. I will be the primary driver. So will have a second person added. My planned nominated driver (2nd driver) is already a primary nominated driver for another mobility car. Will they be allowed to be added as a nominated driver to my policy .
Does any body know if you can claim for a dla car for a 18 year old with meares irlen syndrome...
Does any body know if you can claim for a dla car for a 18 year old with meares irlen syndrome who struggles with distance and perception who is unable to drive their own car
Motability advance payment hikes for automatic vehicles
Hi all my name is lee, As a disabled person I am so grateful that there is this fantastic oportunity to be able to drive a reliable car every 3 years. However I have a real nasty taste in my mouth when it comes down to the advance payment. Why does the advance payment for an automatic Ford Focus cost nearly £2000 and the…
Stayed in an accessible room at Travel Lodge, here's my review!
I had to travel to Milton Keynes from home on the North West Coast near Blackpool. I can drive but generally don't go far, mainly just locally as the car is the best way to get my wheelchair safely with me to appointments or the supermarket. I have primary progressive MS and severe arthritis. My son is in a hospice in…
Cars with boots that take a folded manual chair
Hello Any recommendations for medium-sized cars that would take a folded manual chair standing up in the boot, and a bit of luggage as well? Models that have been around for say, ten years as I need a second-hand one under £6,000. I have a Vauxhall Meriva 2004 and an old-style hoist that's been in all my cars since the…
Multi Travel Insurance
Hi all, I am looking for some advice. My family and I have planned two trips this year and looking at insurance. We believe buying a multitrip insurance, however there is one aspect that we do not fully understand. Trip one: PP £690 Trip two: PP £2216 When selecting "cancellation cover" we selected up to £3000. Does this…
Mobility Events this year
I know there's been some discussion on people looking for wheelchair advice. Starting with Naidex in March https://www.naidex.co.uk Then following on in May Mobility Scheme Live I'm not quite sure why they keep changing the name, but its now MobilityScheme Live https://motabilityschemelive.co.uk At both events there's…
Hi, my name is timmy50! How long do I have to wait before can apply for mobility please?
hello, I’ve just finished an 18 month driving ban and it’s been nearly two years since it’s been lifted. How long do I have to wait before can apply for mobility please? Kind regards Tim
Hi, my name is alanevans69! How can I disconnect the speaker on my Unique 500 scooter?
hi my unique 500 is a great scooter , the only problem I’m having with it is the amount of noise it makes when I started up I’m talking about the alarm has anyone got any idea where I can disconnect the speaker please thanks very much. Hope you can help.
Bringing Pukekura Park to You
Hi everyone, I recently had the chance to explore Pukekura Park in New Plymouth, New Zealand and I thought I'd share the experience with you all. It's such a peaceful and beautiful spot, full of native bush, lakes, and serene walkways. I know not everyone can get out and about to enjoy places like this, so I captured the…
Hi, my name is annjohnson1961! Cant afford lightweight wheelchair without voucher.
hi I’m an amputee above knee I went to my wheelchair centre on Clifton moor York and they said they would give me one, I would not be able to lift this particular chair in the car on my own so I asked for a lighter chair that I could manage . Their reply was we don’t do lighter chairs for your size which took me back a…
Vehicle licence
I have a blue badge and also get attendance allowance can I receive free car tax
Hi, my name is alesha1! pentegon used cars instead of mobility scheme?
I am getting low rate on mobility for my son but I have seen on the web that you can get pentegon used cars instead of mobility scheme just want to understand what that mean
Motability WAV - Grant timeframe etc?
Hi, I've had a wheelchair-accessible van via Motability for 10 years this June - was told last year that I won't be able to extend its lease again, and that I should apply for a grant towards the advance payment / adaptations for a new WAV when there's 6 months left on my lease. I contacted the grants team last week to ask…
Confused about how to use railcard
so I’ve just activated my new disabled railcard. Thing is, my most common trip is a National rail (important to note it’s NOT the underground) train from one part of London to Clapham. I just scan my phone or bank card directly over the scanner at the station. I’m just wondering how I’m going to be able to use it in future…
Disabled parking obstruction
My neighbour has off-road parking with a dropped kerb , but deliberately parks a vehicle which has ladders on his roof which obstructs my ability to reverse park into the parking bay safely, is this allowed?
Need some advice - motability advanced payment!
hello I have applied for a grant for my Hand Controls and also for the help with the advanced payment, they decided that I only can have a Nil advanced payment on a 5 seater car and they covered the payment for the hand controls and the hoist for my powered wheelchair, I had a look on the website, the recommended vehicles…
Hi, my name is Bellasofia! Electric motability car and need a drop kerb and charging port.
we have electric motability car and need a drop kerb phoned up ask if they would accept a metal kerb ramp as has been suggested but they have refused to install electric charging point and the cost of drop kerb is out of our league yet you are advised these days To go electric cost so much more at public charges