ESA Migration, denied extensions for serious MH crisis, where are the safeguards
Hello, I am sorry for the long post, In am terribly at expressing my thoughts into words. Background I'm reaching out for urgent assistance regarding my complex situation. I have several long-standing mental health conditions, including: - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - Social…
Hi, my name is danielmcguinness! iv been awarded lwcra from 8th October when will I get my first pay
iv been awarded lwcra from 8th October when will I get my first payment pleased
Awarded LCWRA
Hi I have been approved LCWRA as of today 4/2/25 . It has been awarded from 10/5/24 this is how long it has taken (no Surprise) and My entitlement starts from 28/8/24 that is the 3 month waiting period i know . Do i get back payment to the 28/8/24? and if yes is that on a separate payment please ? My UC dates are from 28…
My migration from ESA to UC, the story.
Hi everyone. This is my experience of migrating from NI based ESA that has income related top up's, so it is a NI and IR based claim. I got my migration letter early November, and my first decision was to wait until near the end of the 3 month period or get it out of the way, I looked at what I think would be most…
Carers allowance and UC
i have been sent a "migration notice" to claim universal credit i receive ESA and enhanced PIP on daily and mobility and my husband claims carers allowance for me will he be expected to look for work if he is my full time carer? Im really worried because i have PTSD and depressive disorder and dont know how i will cope if…
Universal Credit and Housing Costs
I am on UC after becoming homeless and I have limited capacity for work related activity. I have just found somewhere to live that is only available Monday to Friday. Given my current situation this is definitely a step up although a full time rental would be preferable. My question is can you get help with housing costs…
Hello I received this letter in my journal on the 22th Jan, had a phonecall assessment on the 15th Jan was meant to be on the 9th December but they rescheduled.. I first made it known to the jobcentre that I would like to apply back in September last year, on the 12th of September I handed in my fitnote which was for…
got a mirgation letter(help)
im a part time student (online not brick uni) got a migration letter from UC. (I'm on IR ESA support group.) im just wondering the process of it/what we will have to do. Also, will being a part-time student effect it? thanks
Been reading when moving from esa to uc you will need to show proof of illness and if your due a assessment they will send form out for you to reaply
Is lwcra classed as an income on UC
hi, i’ve been told i have LCWRA and my first fit note was on the 24th of October 2024 and i get paid every 10th i just need someone to explain very simply when i will start being paid as every thing i’ve read has been hard to understand i’ve just got my statement and it’s not coming up there, it’s probably normal but i’m…
What can you spend your benefit money on?
Hi, Just been awarded LCWRA. Most of my life I've had a very low income. I've adapted by living very frugally and pretty much a reclusive lifestyle. With this extra income coming in what am I allowed to spend it on? Can I upgrade my lifestyle so its a bit more like a normal healthy person's lifestyle? Can I put money…
LWCA when in UC
hi just wanted advice. I have been off work since October. I work 32 hours a week. Have medal problems that are keeping me longer off work for further 2 months. I will be under hospital for a while now. I claim a bit universal credit live on my own. Have sent my sick notes into my employer but did inform universal credit.…
Carers responsibility’s for carers element
does anyone know what the dwp set as requirements for the definition of caring for someone as it’s very vague on the dwp website and doesn’t really explain exactly what they want you to be doing ?
universal credit
i have three children get universal credit for 2 children one of them has desided not to go to collage any more what happens i know his money stops but can i then clame for the other child ie child three
Can you overturn a Tribunal appeal because because not all evidence was provided at that time
Long winded (apologies)
My grandmother who is 90 has dementia, she gets attendance allowance. Due to nans dementia she may have to move in with my mum. My mum owns her own home (out right) but claim’s ESA (my brother has special needs and my father is in ill health so mum takes care of them both) which will soon move over to UC. If nan does have…
Declaring Savings/U.C Reviews
I have just had to declare my savings are above the 6k limit allowed in my U.C journal. Does this mean they will instantly message me to have a review like being flagged or something? Is it just totally random like DWP reckon, or will they now think i'm hiding something and want to see my bank details etc?
Job center
I have done everything online including commitments but i have to go just purely to show identity i want to know of after i done that can i than apply for advance bugeting load straight away or have to wait as not getting money till 6th march
UC and on online platform advice.
I was wondering if you can help me. I’ve been reading a lot online about online platforms im abit confused about it all as I’ve sold over 30 items on there over the pass 5 months like clothes, toys , dvds , books , kids clothes and unwanted gifts and I’ve sold them for a lot less then what I paid them for so I’m not making…