Council tax support and switching to uc
Do I need to reapply for council tax support when change from esa to uc with migration notice how does it work ?
WCA timescales
I have been waiting for a decision after my WCA for 6 weeks now as my assessment was in December. Why have some people had decisions already when they seem to have had their assessment after mine?
Hi, my name is delboy1509! WCA over the phone but not filled out any forms, is this normal?
Hi iam wondering if anyone has had a wca over phone but not received the forms to fill out It's taken 18 months to get to this point and when j mentioned it to the assessor she said she didn't need anything else. Secondly she did say should would agree with what my mentor had said to me and I shouldn't be in any kind of…
Few questions switch from esa to uc
What will happen as esa and hb ends when apply so what happens when 2 week hb protection ends as its paid direct to landlord normally Will I need to inform council as get council tax support already or is that separate Not sure how much my housing benefit total is that gets paid to landlord so will they need that…
Expenses for family member education during UC claim.
Today received message from UC decision maker. They wrote: "… we were not able to disregard the £15,710.00 (University fees and expenses) as it does not fall under any of the prescribed circumstances which would allow this…" But no detailed information under which legislation they don't allows us pay for our daughter…
Universal Credit Review.
Hey people hope things are good. I have got yet another letter on my UC journal. It is quite a long message so be prepared. Thanks As follows… We are reviewing Your Universal Credit claim to make sure your payments are correct. As part of the review you need to send us some information to confirm your details. You will get…
ESA manditory migration payment questions
Hi Sorry to bother you all, I thought I'd got my head around my ESA/UC manditory migration but I'm getting puzzled about my payments, specifically the amount I'm getting. I'm still in the 'adjustment' phase (although on my account that was supposed to end on 5th Feb). So previously with ESA, I'd get it every two weeks and…
LCWRA transitional protection
My transitional payment has been stopped due to LCWRA, even though this was on my transitional application with a fit note for a whole year this was submitted date of application. I received this message when I questioned USC. 3 Jan 2025 at 3:47pm Hi Leanne, I have looked at the way your claim has been calculated and I am…
Been asked to send id and 4months of bank statements
I got asked to send bank statements for 4 months and also Id I got a back payment of £12,000 So I have £11,000 in my account how is this going to affect me im on lwrca I also have two small children
LMCRA clarity needed please
Hello, I was moved over to UC late last year and I'm still a little unsure of things. My assessment period is 16th to 15th and my payment date is the 22nd of the month. My first sick note is dated 27th September and there's no gaps. I was informed on 8th February that I have LCWRA. I was hoping someone could tell me if the…
Moving from temporary accommodation, will I lose my transition protection?
I might be moving from temporary accommodation to a forever howm with a housing association- I claim esa hb and pip at the moment - I work 12.5 hrs on permitted work - I get all the premiums in my esa for being In enhanced pip for both living and morbility my chance of circumstance will obviously trigger me to move to uc -…
Universal credit
hi I suffer with mental health and depression back in 2018 I was given a back payment from underpayment of £14,000 due to my illness I don’t go out much Friday I received a note on uc to say they want id and 4months of statements but I have £13,200 in my account I have never not said I have it they was the ones who gave it…
UC and critical illness payout
Hello, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in April last year and was given a critical illness payout in November. Does anyone have any experience on whether these types of payout come under disregarded for UC capital limits? Citizens Advice have given me this information: "Personal injury and illness compensation payments…
Chances of receiving LCW or LCWRA?
im 34 male had a heart attack in 2019 as a result now live with heart disease and take medication for life I have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and now take medication for life i have asthma on medication for life i aslo have PTSD, anxiety and depression from being orphaned as a child I know its not the diagnosis…
Compliance Interview
I have just got a journal notification of a compliance interview I’m currently in hodpitsl having had my leg amputatet Recently. iv just been paid my DWP next day after notification. Iv listed sll my incolm and expenses properly and included a recent EBay sale and the funds I received including selling full. Iv just been…
Hi, my name is TheWizard! I hope you are all well! I have come here looking for advice...
Hello, I hope you are all well! I have come here looking for advice, I am currently signed off work for Complex PTSD, dissociative disorder, anxiety and ASD. I would like to start trying to rebuild my life through education and learning but am unsure of how easy the government will make this for me. I am receiving LCWRA…
I’d and bankstaments
I’d and bank statements I was awarded lwrca but also had a car crash last year was paid out £13,000 for car so have £11,000 in bank I have not purchased a new car due to being so unwell but the 4 months statement will only show the balance of £11,000 how am I going to go about this
Hi, my name is Helpmelord1968! How will a PILON affect UC?
Hi, I need some help here for UC payments. I was dismissed from work at the end of January due to medical inefficiency. I am due to receive 7 weeks' PILON, approx £4000. I had read that UC will take this amount into account for more than one assessment period, meaning I could get nothing for months. But I notice on here…
Lcwra assesment
Hi I’ve just had my assesment call and I think it went really bad. They asked me so many questions and I really don’t thi k I’m going to get awarded. anyway, has anyone had one recently and I just wondered how long it took from the appointment call to receiving a decision Thank you
Can I work if I am in lcwra? Will it effect my lcwra?
HI Can anyone please tell me if i am in lcwra can i work if i can work how many hours i can work and will it effect my lcwra ?