Hi, my name is Jeangenie!
I’ve just purchased a Monarch mobility scooter and being new to this, I am looking for tips and tricks to make my journeys less stressful. The scooter folds neatly and fits in our car boot but my husband has limited mobility in his right arm and is 83. I, 84 with arthritis and angina so although the scooter weighs 18.5 kgs…
Hi, my name is Michaelmx18! Disabled Tax Exemption / Transfer to another vehicle
I bought a new used vehicle and the dealership is having issues registering the vehicle tax as disabled, even though he has my annual certificate of disablement. Anyone know how to go about transferring my Disabled Tax entitlement to the new car? I've been on the phone for over 2 hours this morning with the DWP who then…
Please welcome our newest members!
Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you're all staying warm in this chill. We've had lots of new members join over the last day or so, so please wish a warm welcome to: @kriz, @TubThumper, @Mich29, @Teresa6, @mizzday, @Liz80, @elliot4364bvrevge, @shadows22, @Steeeeve, @Balmoral10, @lindaleanne, @Starman, @DivisionBelle89,…
Vehicle RFL reduction as nominated driver
Morning all, I'm sure this has been asked before, however here goes: My disabled partner and I live separately. She has a Blue Badge and is currently on Standard rate of PIP (Don't even get me started on that!), so eligible for reduced RFL. She doesn't drive and does not have a licence, relying completely on me for the…
Hi, my name is Sweety! Any ideas about helping my autistic adult son to live independently?
My autistic adult son (27) is still living at home and I am hoping to teach him to live independently. I would love to hear from any other parents who have any ideas on this! Thanks.
Hi, my name is needtoknowneedtoknow!
if I add sap to my esa will that trigger a change to uc? I’m migrating over next year but want to add this first. Can anyone help me with this please?
Not sure....
Not sure how this actually works, but here goes?! Around 22 years ago, i started with vertigo/balance problems, and having been told they would 'sort themselves out' over time, i'm now worse than ever with this disabling condition! Throw in various other symptoms, including, IBS, digestive problems, stiff, aching joints,…
Backdated money
Hey I was wondering if someone could help me, On the 19/11/24 I received a message in my UC journal with a letter to tell me I have been accepted for LCWRA and if I am owed any backdated money they would let me know. I started handing in sick notes in on the 9/08/2024 and have not missed a gap since, so I was just…
Introduction and background information
Hi everyone, I am completely new here! A brief summary of my last few years will follow. My longterm partner and I have one daughter who is 18. She was fit, happy, healthy, doing very well at school until puberty. At 13, everything changed. She experienced horrendous pain along with chronic migraines and nausea. She and I…
Hi, my name is fatfrank54!
Hi, my name is Steeeeve!
Hi All well i am filling this out like most of you have been asked to do in the past. i have been looking after my mother after a stroke 2 years ago, have been stumbling along on my own - stumbled across this site and thought i should join up!
Hi, my name is leftiegirl! Looking for other people with spinal stenosis
i am looking for other people with severe spinal stenosis. I feel so alone and isolated because i can’t get out of the house anymore.
Hi, my name is Shineyguy!
HI I am interested in making new friends and broadening my social circle.
Hello new people!
Brrrr, it's a bit chilly today isn't it? Break out the wolly hats and jumpers! Let's try and give a super warm welcome to all the new community members today, so a big hello to @Africanman1361 @suze79 @farah511 @sunshine2026 @ANDY1895 @candle @jjoollzz @Machin010651 @houseonfire @Cubra @Lorry10 @MarcelleTori @troublethomas…
Hi, my name is TubThumper!
Hello, I’m new here. I have Spinal Stenosis and have been looking for a support group for some time. I noticed something on here back from 2019 so I’m not sure if anything is still available.
Hi, my name is MarcelleTori!
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to join this forum. I am here with a great desire to learn and keep up to date on the topics of interest. I am very interested in learning about the experiences and views of other members, participating and receiving practical advice from the community. I strongly believe in the exchange of…
Hi, my name is Cubra!
Hi, my name is Snoopy2025!
I’m just turn 60yrs I have cancer and just recovering from brain surgery. I’m unable to drive for six months. Pip was taken off my until my doctor sent a Sri / rsi form. Apologies if I get things mixed up
Welcome to all the new members!
Looks like we have some lovely new folk joining us, so join me in giving them all a big, warm welcome! Hi to; @beckfine1975 @Emma_N @jcoley @Jasper86 @Sharondy2 @Autismmum123 @Sheryl88 @Johnw123 @fbegum02 @sarahdp @Jonno1974 @johnC and @worrierxx Our recent discussions section shows what we've been chatting about today if…
Hi, my name is Jonno1974!
I'm Jon, I'm 50 from Beverley and I have Spina Bifida. My mobility has deteriorated a little in the last year. I live with friends, but you can never have too many right.