Enquiry about LCWRA in UC in regards to my mental health...

justanobody00 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

I (23F) left my job on 30th August due to an extremely toxic work environment that was impacting my mental health as well as the constant travelling back and forth and having to socially interact with bullies. I'm very sorry in advance for the rambling you're about to read.

Long story short, ever since I was young I always felt anxious of being outdoors/interacting with other people and hated going to schools, events etc as this made me feel claustrophobic and my fight or flight mode comes on. Unfortunately, my abusive narcissistic parents told me to suck it up thinking I was talking make-believe and refused to let me see the doctor. This has started to get bad recently.

Fast forward to now, I'm currently jobless and my savings are depleting fast. I've booked a telephone appointment with the GP (after speaking to a mental health organisation) and I asked my fiancé to be in the call with me to which he has accepted (we don't live together). Also I was kicked out of parents' home and I live as a lodger in a family home paying £130/week all bills included in South East England. Honestly, living with this family is not helping my anxiety at all but I only live here because the rent is cheap and I cannot afford private rent. Social housing is an option I'm considering right now but I'm worried about how long this will take.

I am very depressed to the point where I don't cook meals (honestly, I don't even know how to cook) or get weekly food shop (I let the fridge go empty for weeks often), I cannot be bothered to clean up after myself or shower often due to overwhelming invasive thoughts. I always eat take away food and have necessities delivered to my door. I never answer the phone unless I have agreed for someone I know to call me at a certain time and I won’t answer the door unless I know who it is and I am expecting them. I oversleep a lot and struggle to leave bed. I just REFUSE to step outside my room without feeling so anxious to the point where I just feel physically sick because I feel like an alien/disconnected from reality and am intimidated by outdoor environments. I just can't do it but I feel like no-one will take me seriously or believe me and I'll be turned away.

I'm considering applying for UC with housing benefit and LCWRA included. But my question about LCWRA is - does third party like Capita actually send someone over to your home to assess you? Or is this for PIP/Physical mobility issues (which I do not have)? I'm not allowed to have people over this property as per landlord's rules so I won't be able to let them inside. What can I do to prove that I'm not a burden to the NHS/DWP and another typical case and that I am actually someone who genuinely needs help? Am I able to have like a phone call assessment instead? Because I generally feel repulsed by socially interacting with people, especially people I have never met before: as I previously stated, unless it's a phone call or a text message/live webchat exchange, I will feel extremely repulsed by a face to face exchange and even more repulsed if I'm needing to head outdoors to fulfil the obligations.



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    When you apply for UC you will need to report your health condition and provide a fit note within 7 days of that and continue to provide them without any gaps until a decision is made on your work capability assessment.

    Most assessments are done by telephone, some are video and face to face at an assessment centre. If it's anything other than telephone, you can change it to telephone.

    There's some information here about the process.


    For PIP, it's not just for those with physical conditions. Many people with mental health also claim this. There's several or more descriptors that can potentially apply to someone with mental health conditions. Are you currently claiming PIP or thinking about claim it?

  • justanobody00
    justanobody00 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    hey poppy. thanks for ur comment. im not claiming anything at the moment, but im wanting to claim benefits im entitled to - UC, housing element, LCWRA and maybe PIP if they allow me. but all of this is overwhelming and confusing. i dont know where to start….

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,691 Championing

    A start would be applying for UC, as this would cover Housing Element & LCWRA, plus Standard Allowance.

    Citizens Advice offer a help to claim service


    Once you've applied follow Poppy's advice to start the LCWRA process.

    You could then tackle PIP.

    I'd recommend for that & UC LCWRA you get help to fill in the forms. Telephone support should be available


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    As UC is a means tested benefit of you have capital of more than £16,000 you’re excluded from claiming.

    The LCWRA element will not be paid until a decision is made on the work capability assessment. (WCA) There’s also a full 3 months assessment period waiting time for that extra money and it’s then paid from the 4th month after providing your first fit note, with first payment being the end of that month.

    For housing element as you’re under 35 then you’ll be entitled to the shared rate of local Housing Allowance. You can check the rates here. If there’s a shortfall of rent you will need to pay that yourself. https://lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/
    If you do decide to claim PIP and you’re awarded daily living part then you’ll be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate of LHA.

    You will also need to provide proof of liability to pay rent such as lodgers agreement.

    If you’ve worked in the previous 2 tax years and have the correct NI contributions you should look at claiming New style ESA. It can also be backdated for a maximum of 3 months providing you weren’t claiming SSP from your employer that that time. You will need a fit note to claim this.

    If you claim both benefits together the ESA will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

    See link for ESA details. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-style-employment-and-support-allowance