Thinking of returning to work.....
I have medically retired 3 times from various jobs and am thinking of returning to work yet again.- not for financial reasons - more boredom I am not quite 60 years old I do receive 3 different ill health pensions that I don't believe will be affected by any new employment (as long as I stay away from the actual businesses…
Are there grants available for Work From Home based roles with disabilities?
Hello, I'm new to this site please go easy on me! I wanted some advice and wondered if anyone is or has been in a similar position to me, I'll try and explain the best way I can. I started a new job at the beginning of November, my first job in a while and I feel I am doing really well and making a good impression despite…
looking at job postings is so overwhelming, i don't know what to do
so basically i'm needing help looking for remote-based jobs. i find looking at listings so overwhelming that i can't do it for very long or else i'll end up having anxiety attacks that force me to disengage because it becomes a vicious cycle that then taps into my other anxieties regarding work. I literally cannot process…
Hi, my name is trash_can! Long covid, Non hodgkin's lymphoma, asthma, and returning to work
Hi I have been off work for 6 months with long covid, I am 8 years in remission with mantel Non hodgkin's lymphoma having radiotherapy to my right side of my lung i have asthma aswell since having covid in August my lungs have not been very good at all the drs are not interested I'm due to go back work next week I'm a…
Hi, my name is Martine_Simpson! Would anyone have reasonable Adjustment crib sheet?
HI, Would anyone have reasonable Adjustment crib sheet that they would be willing to share as part of scoping a resource pack for employers. Much Thanks Martine
Changes to shifts
Happy new year all I have been working for this firm for the last 2 years 10 months and on a fixed shift for the last 2 years 4 months. Since my diagnosis of Parkinson's in July 22 and full confirmation in September. The shift is 6am to 14:30 on a 3 week rotation this means I have recovery time of 48 hrs in 2 of 3 weeks.…
Hi, my name is balln! Am I better off appealing looking for tier 1 ill health retirement?
Hi I so hope you can offer me advice / signpost me I am employed as a band 7 team leader secondment / band 6 substantive post mental health nurse NHS . I had a car accident as passenger Aug 2021 Whiplash - suspected fracture wrist , neck pain , shoulder Long delays several misdiagnosis gained diagnosis of FND Feb 2022 . I…
Working in the support group ESA
Hi I’ve been on long term sick since January with mental health and bulging discs in my back I still have my job it’s bank at the hospital I get LCWRA and ESA (the LCWRA comes off due to esa of course) but I am in the support group and pip £61 a week daily living allowance, I was wondering if I could work maybe 1 night…
May need to consider ill health retirement any advice
Shorter version, I have become more unwell since January 2021 when contracting severe Covid-19. I was hospitalised but found this a bad experience due to pressure on NHS to discharge. I was meant to have follow up but this did not happen straight away and my GP had to access the Rapid Response team to put in care package.…
I am looking to start my own business
Good morning i am looking to start my own business but know i will not be able to commit myself to full time. I have bipolar, i've been on Support group ESA i am petrified of going back to work full time and damaging my health again, then being back to square one again - Homeless, and jobless and trying to claim all over…
getting a mortgage when on benefits
hi can anyone help me please, are you able to get a mortgage when on benefits please ,and if so, any brokers/companies i can approach please, can you get life cover, thanks
Trying to become self employed not getting any advice
Hello everyone, Ny current situation - on pip higher and lower esa support and uc . I have chronic pain amongst other condition which means I don’t leave the house much . a as couple of years ago my symptoms became a lot worse which is why I am on the benefits (I used to work full time). I am feeling quite hopeless at the…
Ill Health or medical retirement.
Hi there has anyone been forced to apply for Ill health or medical retirement. If so how did you find the process? What tier or type did you get and what was your condition. Any hints and tips my health has degenerated over the last 5 years and in August 21 I could no longer work so have been off. There is no expected fix…
Finished my workshops earlier this month and had a very busy week last week
Hiya everyone, I finally finished my workshops earlier this month and had a very busy week last week. My favourite day was last Thursday as I got to go to and visit my middle niece's special school as they had their first Christmas fair since covid. I bought my mum a glass bottle with little fairy lights in it as I'd asked…
Disclosing autism to employers or disabilities
I start a new job on Monday the 12th December 2022 and haven't told them I have autism in case it affects my job what would other people do
Esa/holiday leaving pay
Hi I've been on the sick since September 2021 with my back. Had surgery in February but unfortunately I can't return to work. I resigned today and my manager told me they have to pay my outstanding holidays. I'm wondering this will affect my esa as I'm in a support group. Can anyone help me please?
Mother told she’ll be made to go back into the workforce in spite of several degenerative illnesses.
Hi, As above my mother has been contacted by the DWP and has been told that she will be made to go back into the workforce in spite of having numerous degenerative illnesses. She can barely walk, cannot use her hands due to Raynaud’s disease, suffers from frequent TIA’s, has had tow heart attacks over the last 18 months, I…
Ideas for self employed for son who has ds
Hi my son who is 27 has been volunteering in charity shops since leaving college. Shops close, colleagues leaves and I'm worried he not moving on with skills and also no social life at all. So I want to start a business that obviously makes money but more about having my son and others in his position some training and…
Benefits self employment
Hey, I posted recently about self employment on ESA and what I would need to do. I'm not sure which category I'm in, I think it's income based as opposed to contribution. I wonder if anyone can advise, assuming I fall within the hours/income levels stipulated by the dwp, will I still remain on income based or will I switch…
Going back to work - with health conditions and disability
Hello all, In a bit of a dilemma, I have been out of work since 2012 when I left a good position at the NHS due to my health. Struggled like many to get ESA & DLA then PIP. Been through hell with the DWP with fake assessments etc like many others. I get ESA IR and Enhanced PIP (Both), small pension NHS 238.00 a month ...…