It is an unreasonable request?
Apologies for the lengthy post. I've made a request at work to reduce my hours due to stress/anxiety and also safety concerns. I have a 90minute - 2 hour commute to work to do a 12 hour shift and the times I finish (early hours of the morning) mean public transport is not available so my only option is to drive. On a few…
How can Civil Service Pensions treat staff so badly
I am totally stressed from the day I had yesterday. I completed all paperwork asked of me to get my pension into payment at the end of November. I did this in mid October and even had a letter telling me they had all the info they needed. On 17/11 out of the blue came an e-mail telling me I had not completed an options…
Hi, my name is nebulrwas! at work i am being accused of being lazy and a shirker
hi, are there any others out there who have been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis.
Hi, my name is Tiggs007! Looking for info around ill health retirement.
hello hello, I have just joined and came across this site for information about I’ll health retirement
Leaving work due to ill health
Please could I get some advise on where to start.
Leaving work due to health. How much notice must I give? Will it be classed as early retirement?
Hello, I am a 27 year old primary school teacher. I have suffered with my lung health for the last couple of years. I think teaching is adding to the stress upon my lungs and am thinking I need to leave the profession. I realise I would have to give a whole terms notice according to my contract. Would this be the same case…
Hi, my name is Cubbs! I've been told my SSP has ended, but have never received it. Any advice?
I went absent with covid on the 12th Feb 2022. I was paid my full wage by the govt. In Sept 22 I reverted back to my own company sick pay provisions which is 6 months full pay until 23/3/2023. I will then go on half pay for a further 6 months. I have received a SSP1 form from my employers today which states my 28 week SSP…
anyone else struggle with anxiety looking at careers advice and job listings?
so in short, i find the information on careers advice to be extremely overwhelming and triggering for me and i'm not sure how to deal with it. it just reminds me how careers advice and the world of work is not aimed at disabled people, that the world of work is a battlefield for disabled people to navigate (especially when…
Hi all. I would like to try volunteering as I'm not well at the moment and would have trouble with certain jobs and sustaining employment. I am worried due to previous discrimination direct and indirect in my past this might effect my benefit process. I'm on basic uc and applied for lcwra. I'm not looking for anything…
What do I do now?
Long story short, I've been unemployed for a while now. I struggle to communicate with others when it comes to being face to face or over the phone. It's now getting to the point that I'm starting to fear interactions entirely. If the door knocks, I go into a panic attack and find myself frozen and can't seem to focus or…
Work Coaches access to personal details
Hi does anyone know for sure please Do Jobcentre Work Coaches have access to read people's WCA reports and/or Our Medical Evidence please x
Hi, my name is Arthie and i need help.
My employer didn't pay me today as I was expecting. It appears that my SSP run out 4 weeks ago but I didn't get any notification from my employer about this. Looking online it says they should have let me know 7 days after the last payment and sent me a SSP1 form which they haven't done. Its now been 4 weeks since my last…
Long term ESA seeking DEA help without pressure (informal)
Hello there I have been on ESA for many years and have been in the work related group for a few years also, although I have only ever had the one meeting with them which was never followed up for some reason. Many years ago, prior to a long period of employment which predates my current situation I received significant…
very confused about how to deal with work
Hi I'm 53 I have had 2 x spinal decompressions but left with residual nerve pain and now have Osteoarthritis in my knees, hips, all fingers, and thumbs and wrists. I applied for a health assesment from universal credit back in april when i was off sick due to not being able to do the job i was in at that time. Dwp said i…
Reasonable Adjustments in the workplace
Hi, My name is Sharon and I have been appointed as Disability Advisor in a Hospital trust. can I ask, what are your experiences with reasonable adjustments in the workplace, good or bad. This will help me develop management guides and policies to assist our disabled staff to be able to do their jobs and thrive at work.…
Recieved a job offer when do I ask for a phase into work?
I've been off work for a while but got a part-time job offer (which I hope I can cope with). I feel like the best chance of making this work would be to phase in work - building up the hours... I don't know if it's best to sign the contract and hope for the best is there a chance they can't accommodate this? But then I…
Changes in the workplace
Hi all, I'm in quite a turmoil at the moment with work. I have worked for 20 years for the same company and during that time I have developed several health conditions that affect me physically. I am also on the autistic spectrum which I was diagnosed with over 2 years ago. I had been on sick leave for a number of months…
Back To Work.
Had a TKR in September and am currently on sick leave, I've worked at the firm for 31 yrs and had no contact for ten months of them,not even wage slips,my other knee is not good im 63 and will not be able to return to my old job as its manual lifting and will be too much,there is no light duties so could anyone help with…
Reasonable adjustments in the workplace- Stammer
I have been refused a reasonable adjustment to work in a private room to help with my stammer/stutter during ad hoc telephone tasks. My employer was told about my disability during the early stages of employment, after starting job. My stammer did not require adjustments during the interview as it was face to face. The…
2 years without work, still waiting for meeting, don't know what to do...
Hello all, It's been nearly two years to the date I had to stop working to undergo investigations for seizures. Those seizures turned out to be 'dissociative' or 'non-epileptic'. Apparently they can be caused by trauma, so was given a diagnosis of PTSD following an assessment of my life. I had a really bad childhood.…