Ideas for self employed for son who has ds

mich22 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor
Hi my son who is 27 has been volunteering in charity shops since leaving college. Shops close, colleagues leaves and I'm worried he not moving on with skills and also no social life at all.
So I want to start a business that obviously makes money but more about having my son and others in his position some training and social skills and meeting others. 
I don't know where to start or what to do. A lot of cafes etc are closing down due to rising costs etc but is there any help from gov to help start or sustain a business for LD? 
I'm so worried that there is nothing about for him so wanting to start something but how? Any ideas ? I'm in North wales area. Has anyone done something similar with starting a business for their adult child. He needs lots of encouragement and motivation so actually being employed by another business is out of the question so  looking for ideas
