Ill health retirement
Hi I have been accepted for ill health retirement but I’m getting confused and conflicting advice I was advised not to resign and go to stage 3 panel and dismissal but the trust I work for are asking me to resign but I have been told if I resign I will not get any financial help for 12 weeks and the trust I work for say…
ill health retirement
Hi was just wondering if anyone could give me some information on ill health retirement within Royal mail
ESA. Permitted work and holiday hours
I’ve searched the internet but unable to find an answer! If you were returning to work after long term sickness and very unlikely to return to full time hours again (have been advised by Dr’s working 16 hours might be possible) would working 16 hours that is under the permitted work earnings limit and had lots of annual…
ESA Support group and getting a new job
Hi, I was wondering if anyone might know the answer to this: I am currently receiving ESA and I'm in the Support Group so I don't have to look for work because I'm not well enough at the moment. However, I have been thinking about returning to work, but I'm not sure if I'm ready. Would anyone know, if I return to work,…
Reasonable adjustments...how long should it take to receive a response?
Hi everyone! I started a new job 3 weeks ago. I have been diagnosed with General anxiety disorder as well as asperger's syndrome. In a previous job, work made me so stressed and sick that I had panic attacks in the night and had to call an ambulance as I was convinced I was having a heart attack, and was subsequently…
Hi, my name is Blainem! Any ideas about volunteering roles for deaf people?
I am looking for a job a deaf person can do volunteer
Working Questions
So, I have been accepted and are working with indiviual placement support to help me find a job that is suitable for me. However I have a question. So say I find a job and for arguments sake it is 40 hours a week. I know I need to inform UC that I am working and complete my hours each month or whatever it is but what…
Finding employment that will take into account chronic back pain
Im 63 and have just had an operation on my spine for stenosis. After having it done I was told my discs are degenerate and am still in pain ..have joined as I need help finding employment that can take into account chronic back pain. I was a carer for my mum who has mental health issues but has recently been taken into a…
Why would an employer not let me work from home?
I have been working with my employer since 2011 and I became disabled in 2021, I have been recently felt put at a disadvantage because of my disability. I keep having sick leave off due to my disability and under my reasonable adjustments from occupational health, I have been told my job does not permit me from working…
How do you find opportunities to upskil yourself for minimum wage jobs?
So in short, I'm looking to finally manage my workplace anxiety while upskilling myself so I can work a part-time customer service job (think along the lines of customer service in a cafe, shop, bar or similar). the long-term aim is so I have more options for what i can do while on a working holiday visa, so I can start…
Firms OOC Health contradicting my doctor
Hi, my Dr diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia, as well as stress, arthritis et Al. However the firms OCC Health, has basically said it's treatable with X Y AND Z. I feel like I'm getting pushed back into work, where I know I will struggle. I've asked for a 2nd opinion, and my union is doing a lot. Anybody know what the…
Access to Work Transport
Hi, I hope you can help and advise please? My son is a wheelchair user with CP and works 5 days a week. I take him to and from work in the car. I undeserved there’s an access to work transport grant from the DWP. He had this before on his College work placement 3years ago. Unfortunately, local taxi companies with…
Hi, my name is Aligee! Employer refuses to take me off light duties. Is this legal?
I had been of with an injury and had a note from my doctor saying I could return to work with light duties they agreed but i was not allowed to do overtime ...however I am better now so asked my doctor to give me a fit to return to work note with normal duties I gave this to my employer but they won't let me off light…
Upcoming Pip Review
Hi everyone, I hope someone can shed some light on my current situation. I have just been sent my pip review papers, I was awarded PIP from April 2022 to April 2025. I have suffered from Psoriatic arthritis/psoriasis and depression for the past 15 years. Before I won my pip claim in 2022 I had always worked but was forced…
Problems at work
HI, I was diagnosed with autism as an adult (35) around a year ago. I have spent some time unemployed mainly caused by Covid lockdown. However, I have a job in hospitality that I have been at now for about 8 months. I will preface this with some context: I got this job through the Autism at Work Programme and though I…
Transitioning from uc to full time work
Hello everyone! I'm here as I need advice, I have a schizophrenia and currently on uc and lwrca. I want to work full time, I got an interview on Tuesday for a full time job in a school. If I get the job, what all do I have infrom uc? How do I transition from uc and lwrca to work? Thank you
Post college
Hi all. I am a little worried when my sons current college course ends (July 24). He is autistic and has Cerebral Palsy and needs support throughout the day with everything really. He is 21 and may be offered a 12 month Supported Internship but this is not guaranteed. My worry is what is next for him if the course is not…
Employment post TBI
My partner suffered a traumatic brain injury a year ago. He currently has a senior role in the public sector. He has just left hospital Does anyone know what the next steps for him would be in terms of making a decision if he is (ever) capable of returning to work? Will this involve OT? Dr? How long does this process take…
I was diagnosed with ASD (Autism) at 37 during lockdown. It was a 7 year or so process of falling into destructive behavioral patterns, and a lifetime struggling at school and in work and social situations. I find myself so stuck and trapped at the moment. I am in a job which is just too much for me. Too much drama from…
Finding a job
hi I have learning difficulties I am struggling to find a job any help would be appreciated thank you