Not being able to accept myself
Hello Everyone, I would not normally open up like this but I feel like at the moment I need to because I feel very alone in this issue. I found out that I could have Aspergers 3 years ago and I have been fighting ever since to get a diagnostic assessment through the NHS (I cannot afford private I'm afraid) which I have…
Children attending school after summer hols
hi everyone.. apologies if this topic is elsewhere if so maybe the moderators will place it in the proper forum. My grandson is autistic. He is 11. A lovely lad amd very smart. On august 25th he will begin what we call BIG SCHOOL here in Belfast. Its frifhtening enough for kids moving onto big schools but with covid around…
Hello New to the community - I contacted Scope today as I needed some support as I feel my son's Pediatrician is not following procedures (ASD questionnaires not being passed to ASD team after over a year) I spoke to a very helpful lady and was advised to follow NHS complaints procedure and to check out the community.…
Need advice about a neighbour
Hi everyone! I am sorry if this is not an appropriate place to come to with this but I just need some advice about my neighbour who I believe may have autism and seems to be non-verbal. The boy/man makes a lot of noise (not a complaint) but sometimes his screams are so loud and sound like he is in pain and I become…
Is It Worth It?
Hi. Does anyone have any advice for dealing with someone that will not accept that they were in the wrong by letting me get in trouble for their mistake? I go told off for supposedly leaving a window open after a shower, I was sure I had but doubted myself briefly because I sometimes do things on autopilot and did not want…
Marriage problem solutions
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Adult autism diagnosis
I have bipolar and have been told by many friends and therapists that I have traits like a person with autism I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about getting a diagnosis??
I did a bad bad thing...
I have done two things that are wrong because my autistic brain has told me to do and it will be fine, but it was not and I am very sorry for it. The first one that my sister needed colouring in paper because she did not have any and would need something to do to whilst being off the wi-fi (she was not allowed to be on…
A new CDC report shows 10% increase of autism in the last two years
The report originated from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The CDC states that there's been a 10% surge in cases of autism diagnosis over the last two years. What do you think? Source: https://www.mentaldaily.com/article/2020/03/prevalence-of-autism-spectrum-disorder-rose-10-percent-in-cdc-report…
Aspergers and the Lockdown.
I am feeling all kinds of things right now due to the lockdown. But perhaps the biggest thing I feel is frustrated with my Day to day life. I admit the things I did before lockdown, like go for meals spend time with family and friends I took for granted in the past. But i realise just how much i need routine in my life…
Possible Aspergers?
Hi all I am new to the site so hello ? I suspect I may have some level of aspergers or similar and wondered if anyone could advise? I am 43 years old, although I am successful in my career and do very well, I am very aware of things being different. I am unable to form bonds with people, I remain single as cannot develop…
Learning to drive
I am thinking about learning to drive again but I am not sure if I should
Aspergers and body dysmorphic disorder ( regarding face/hair )
Hello Everybody, I hope everybody is okay. I have searched high and low for articles where these two conditions are linked together but can't find anything :( So I thought id come and ask on here. I have suffered with body image issues from the age of 12, I remember we went on a camping trip with primary school and all the…
:( Scared im not capable of being a great girlfriend
Hey everyone. I am in a new relationship with somebody who I think the entire world of, I love him with every fiber of my being. We were friends for 3 years prior to the relationship and I can honestly say he's one of the closest/best friends I have made in years. The issue is, I have never really had many friends, I have…
Worries for the future
Hi. I am the Mum to a beautiful daughter who turns 26 today. She has Asperger's and still lives at home with me and her Dad. She is very dependent and struggles a lot with most things. I have multiple chronic health problems and am almost completely housebound. My husband works extremely long hours. (He is working from…
OCD and autism - how to deal with ripping of clothing?
Hello! My name is Amber, I work work with individuals with Autism in their homes (group homes) I have been having difficulty with one individual who is an Adult male that has OCD tendencies and is also on the spectrum. My question is what are some ways to deal with ripping of clothing.
I have autism spectrum condition
Hi everyone. I have an autism spectrum condition. It's invisible but it affects me every day.
dating & aspergers
hi all, new to this forum and wanting advice please on how to help my 23 year old aspie son. He’s desperate to find someone to share his life with in his own way but neuro typical girls have only led to drama and heartbreak so far. I think he wd benefit from finding another aspie - but I don’t know where to start helping…
Girls and ASD
my Daughter was diagnosed with ASD in November..she is 4 ..due to start reception in sept 2020. We have he EHCP in place... but is it me or Is the information regarding girls and autism limited.. most books or examples I read are based on boys...so anyone with a girl with ASD got any advice for this parent...
Don't understand thing like my health