Broken up with partner
I broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago that moved to Nottingham for University, we are both autistic, but she is undiagnosed, and she suffered severely with depression, alcohol and drug problems and learning difficulties. She was and will again be my best friend one day, but I finally had to cut her out for the…
Who also has one of the underlying cognitive causes of dyslexia
I have the temporal type of Auditory Processing Disorder which is the underlying cognitive cause of my dyslexia symptom. The Random Gap Detection Test, measures the size of gap between sounds an individual can process, when i did the test back in 2003, it did not include a gap large enough for me to process. This explains…
Does anyone feel their marriage / relationship has suffered due to child’s high needs?
When I met my husband we were really close and had such a loving relationship. He treated me like I was the best thing on this planet. Fast forward to my son arriving and everything is so different. We don’t even sit together in the evening, hold hands or have genuine hugs. There are no compliments or signs that I am…
Support for 20-year-old Autistic son
Hi I am donna I am a mum to 4 children 21 20 16 14.my 20yr old lad is autistic dyslexic poss pda adhd so rather challenging at times. Doesnt sleep or eat well to. I looking for some support and help with siblings that dont cope well as we was late diagnosed after 12.5yr battle. To which we been left to get on with it no…
My autistic/ADHD son is out of control & we don't know what to do.
Our son is 11 years old but will not do the most basic of things. You can ask him to wash/brush teeth/do hair/get dressed etc but every one of these requests usually ends in everyone losing their temper and I can't cope anymore. We have given him TOO much support over the years so now its bordering on the ridiculous. In…
Asperger’s Hangout Centre in Worcester
In case anyone doesn’t know there’s an Asperger’s hangout centre in Worcester and from it I’ve made lots of new friends so I hope this helps other Aspies in similar positions Saturdays are a lot quieter so it’s better for a first time visit compared to Wednesday’s which are usually busier https://www.aspie.org.uk They also…
What Autism is like for me
I could never have understood it like this ,until i got diagnosed this year... And why i would become so agitated(cbt) does not change Autism..not in my case anyway... This is the way i can explain it....and it doesnt mean i dont consistently try... NOW! i put you infront of a piano...Now try to play like Beethoven... Keep…
New Aspie Dating Site
Found a free Aspie dating site if anyone’s interested aspiehearts.com
ADULT PDA AUTISM How to access assessment and support
Hello. I need a ask a long question. I am really at the end of coping. The question centres around PDA autism. I have spoken to a lot of people, including the autism helpline and assessment centres, but if I don't access some pathway of support soon I don't think I can be responsible for what I do next. My son is 24. He…
Child's behaviour
The last few months have been utter hell, my daughter, asd, adhd, epilepsy, 7 years old, her behaviour is dreadful and getting worse in ferocity with each passing day. She is very defiant, has severe mood swings resulting in destruction, hurling abuse foul language, screaming and shouting which can last for hours. There's…
Breach of personal data
Couldnt see my other post so started again.. Adult autism service sent my full report to wrong address...The person at this address fully opened the report and read it....i'll explain later how i know she read it all.. She called the Multidisciplinary team and said she had someones report at her address..And whoever was on…
New and in need of help - Autistic son awarded nothing
Hello. I am new to the forum, although I have been grateful of the help on the site. I have an autistic son aged 23. Today I have received the letter saying he has been awarded nothing -- no points, so I am upset and angry as they have not listened to us. I will bew glad of your support as I fight this. Thankyou. Ishbel
Medication for my son with autism and learning disabilities,
Hi My son is 23 with autism and learning disabilities, his behaviour over the last year is getting much worse, he goes to college 3 days a week and does a project another day of the week. He is great at college, however he is shouting and is getting very frustrated. It used to be on the odd occasion but now it’s every day.…
autistic teen
I am a single dad of a 14 year autistic son. He doesn't want to go no where unless he feels fit. Doesn't socialize. He would rather play on the PC and use his IPad to talk to friends on the discord app. He sleeps late in day and stays up all night. Eats when he wants. I have a social worker and CPS involved with him. He…
Support to manage my sons meltdowns and his demanding behaviour
Hi I've joined scope looking for some support with my 8 yr old boy he was diagnosed with Asd the 31 May this year. He can be very demanding also is very self centred everything is black and white there are no grey areas. We need support in how to manage his melt downs and his demanding behaviour.
Pathological demand avoidance
Hi my son is 11...and after researching PDA I'm 90% sure my son has that profile... does anyone have any advice on how to manage it?
Advice and help
I have a 20yr old son who doesn’t leave the house..he won’t shower or have a shave etc, and hardly talks to me...he does however talk with friends on computer when playing online games etc...I know this is very unhealthy for him not showering etc or leaving the house . He doesn’t even go outside into the garden. he is on…
Autism Diagnosis
I went for an ADOS assessment and passed. What does it mean to pass the assessment?
My autistic son will not leave the house/go outside - can anyone help?
Can anyone help. I have an autistic 20 year old son. He has always been very anxious and we have strategies and medication in place to help him. He hasn't been to school since he was 13 years old. He will not leave the house, he would be happy to never leave and just use his computer etc. I feel this is unhealthy. He likes…
General Disccussion about your connection to autism!