Hi, my name is suziebear! can I get help with carpets?
Hi I'm on benefits and I'm disabled can I get help with carpets plus my grandaughter who lives with me and has health problems
Creating a disabled person's trust after death
As executor of a will, can I set up a disabled person's trust for a beneficiary after the death of the donor, if the donor has expressed the wish to have the trust set up in a Letter of Wish (and not in the Will itself)?
Relocating. is there any Financial help Available for Removals etc for a Disabled person?
Hi is there any Financial help Available for Removals etc for a Disabled person 77 with Health Problems and been Diagnosed with Cancer and given 6 to 12 months to live who wants to Relocate with his wife to be nearer to there family for help and support from the family.Much Appreciated.
Housing benefit and Council tax
If a person is living in a council house on state pension and PIP high on both rates. And a non dependent moves in who has capital will this affect the person? Is the non dependents capital and income taken into consideration when working out the person's housing and council tax?
can I get reduced rate at the dentist if I receive pip?
can I get reduced rate at the dentist if I receive pip
Will me getting an inheritance harm mum's housing benefit?
Hello all. I live with my mum who is disabled and gets PIP (not full, but a portion of both parts, daily living and mobility - it was a long time ago when it started), housing benefit, council tax reduction and pension credit. I do things around the house for her, help her get dressed, cook, etc. I work full time and am…
Hi, my name is Suzi9381! DWP is reducing my brother's benefits, any advice?
I hope someone can help me tackle to DWP on behalf of my brother. Years ago he was assessed and he was awarded ESA and PIP. His council are quite helpful and said set up a bank account and money will be paid in. All has worked fine for the past 20 plus years but DWP has said things are not good and they are reducing his…
Filling in form for migration
Hi everyone hope enjoying the sunshine ,I too will have to move from esa enhanced sdp, c/t and housing b could anyone tell me will citizen advice help me fill forms had encephalitis before transplant and haven't a clue what to do when letter comes through post ,new style esa ,uc ,housing and ct do u apply for all ,I'm not…
Pension question again
I am perplexed, doesn’t take much 🤣 How come every site I have visited even Age UK say I can apply for my SP 4 months prior to my Birthday but when I try on the Gov website it informs me it’s too early ? Is it 3 months on the Gov site but 4 months if I ring the pension line ? I can’t figure it out. Thanks for any info 😀
Partner reaching state pension age help plz
My partner has suffered Chronic Schizophrenia all his life. He has never been fit to work and spent most of his life sectioned in hospitals since he was 25yrs. I live with him and i am his fulltime carer. The last 2 years he has been diagnosed with young onset Alzhiemiers. He is very unwell and the situation is challenging…
Attendance allowance claim
Hi all Asking on behalf of a friend who is not up to tech… He currently receives ‘Adult Disability Payment under special rule’s’ consisting of higher rate DLA and higher rate mobility. In receipt of state pension (90%) and receives pension credits. Age 66. Would he be entitled to make a claim for attendance allowance?
Where to access help with white goods
Good evening, I moved into a place of my own in March, after being homeless for over a year. I was granted help through the daf fund, however I'm in desperate need of a freezer as most of the time I'm unable to get out and I'm spending any spare money I have on trying to get furniture. Is there anywhere I can turn to gey…
I would like some advise please. Gainfully self employed. will my housing benefit stop after 1 year?
Hi all, I am self employed and have been gainfully employed for a year, receiving UC and Housing benefit whilst I grow my business. My year of being gainfully employed will be coming to an end this month. I am a bit concerned that my monthly income is much lower than the national advantage wage. I just wanted to know will…
Been told you have an appointee when you don't?
I am currently going through Access To Work and had the strangest interaction. My Access To Work case was assigned to someone at the DWP (after 4 months) and they asked to contact my 'appointee'. I assumed they meant the person internally in Scope who helped me sign up to Access To Work, but after a few emails of much…
Can anyone explain pension credit
Hi, my sister has contacted me to tell me after getting turned down by attendance allowance twice, she has now been accepted. She has been told she can claim extra things, but she is cofused, and when I did some research for her, I was left with a headache. Her situation is, she lives in a council house, and pays council…
Hi, my name is cbatt! Housing benefit stopped after reassessment.
I receive attendance allowance and housing benefit. It was reassessed in March 2024 and all ok then 2nd May they suspended my housing benefit. Proof they required and questions were what benefits my son gets and how much plus his ID and my son’s father still lives with us but not a couple and just wanted to know has he…
Carers allowance advice after zero payments
I started my claim in November 2023. I am my husband's carer. I received a payment including back dated in January 2024. Then I received a letter asking for the next 3 months payslips. I haven't received a penny since January 2024. I sent the payslips off at 27th march 2024. I've called them twice and still nothing 😞 Any…
Budgeting advance UC
Hi. I paid off the remainder of my budgeting advance 3 days ago but it still hasn't cleared on uc. Was wondering how long it takes to clear? Thanks
Universal credit
Hi I was on universal credit wcrw group came off due to savings. If I reply within 6 months will my wcrw be carried on ? I was on this group since pandemic not been assessed due to covid and back log .
How to cancel LCWRA
I recently had some great advice on here regards starting work again after coming to the end of my mental health journey. I have been advised by my work coach to continue my UC claim as I may be entitled to some money despite working and they’ve said they will close the claim after 6 months of nil rewards. I’m happy with…