My daughter was born with a club foot. Can I get help with shoes, transport etc.? Could I claim DLA?

dbs0267 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2022 in Benefits and income
Hello my 13 year old granddaughter was born with a club foot which was correct by surgery then she was about one due to it not being corrected early she has been left with her club foot being a size 4 and her other foot a size 8 she can't walk or run long distances without constant pain. we have to buy 2 pair of shoes at at time to get the wright size she has major muscle wastage on her small foot leg. She has had insoles made for her feet but this has caused her more pain wearing them we are now waiting to see a orthopaedic foot specialist to see if anything can be done. My question is can I get help with shoes transport ect could I claim dla or anything similar many thanks dave 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    Clarks do a scheme for odd sized feet where you o ly pay half price for the 2nd pair 

    There is also a fb group called Jo's odd shoes where you can get odd sized shoes it is a charity all shoes are new and donated you only pay for postage 

    As for dla etc I'm no expert so will leave that question to someone else 
  • dbs0267
    dbs0267 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you the way she goes through shoes lol looked at clarks but bit expensive even if we do get second pair half price thank you for the web site will take a look 
  • Sue_Alumni
    Sue_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 484 Empowering

    Hi and good afternoon @dbs0627

    @Biblioklept. Have a look at How to claim DLA for your child - Citizens Advice. This gives a lot of very helpful information. You say your daughter has difficulty in walking due to her club foot. Does she require support and guidance when she is out and about which a 13 year old child without her disabilities not require.  If the answer is yes then she may be entitled to lower rate mobility component DLA. Similarly, if due to her disability she requires care and supervision to carry out “bodily functions” eg walking she might be entitled to lower rate or possibly middle rate care component DLA.  Obviously with your knowledge of your granddaughter’s conditions and having read the guidance you may feel that she may be eligible for higher rates – or she may not be eligible at all, but you lose nothing in applying. It is sometimes worth compiling a diary over a period of time  to illustrate your granddaughter's care and mobility needs  and how they exceed those of other children of the same age.

  • Sue_Alumni
    Sue_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 484 Empowering
    @Biblioklept I tagged you as I was agreeing with your comments !
  • Harryeatz
    Harryeatz Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I have just put a claim in for dla my son has muscle disorder due to his clubfoot 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    We would encourage you to focus on how clubfoot affects your son @Harryeatz, rather than clubfoot in and of itself (as a label). Please let us know if you have any questions or if there's anything we can do to help  :)
  • alisha65
    alisha65 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    @dbs0267 I’m just wondering how did u get on with the dla claim?

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,932 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @alisha65, welcome to the community. This is a post from 2022, so please don't feel offended if you don't get a reply as some members may have moved on. You'd be more than welcome to make your own discussion if you've got any questions about DLA. Our members are all very helpful, so I'm sure you'd get some advice 😊