Carer’s Allowance
Hi, My partner receives CA which stopped as he worked for a short period of time (last day of employment 8th March 2023). His last payment from employment was £210 on 17 March 2023 (paid weekly). The payment just before that was 10th March 2023 for £458.24. Our UC payment on 16th March 2023 deducted CA. We then expected…
Hi, my name is Bob1! incapacity benefit in support group
Hi back in 2005 was unable to work so got incapacity benefit in support group and DLA then in 2013 was transferred onto contribution esa support group and a later date was put on PIP I had never heard of the disability premiums that you could claim apparently if you are on contribution esa you are not entitled to the top…
Advice please
My sister (17 years old) gets PIP and her and her BF have recently moved in with her dad, sister, dads gf and her son. Dad & GF get UC and other benefits, my sister who is 17 is going to be added to their UC claim, her BF who is almost 18 will not be on their UC claim. I suggested carers allowance to him for caring for my…
I haven't been paid carers allowance and child benefit
I get paid my carers allowance and child benefit on a Saturday but I've not been paid today
Hello! Could anyone be of any assistance please :) LWCRA related.
Good afternoon. I had put in my FIT note December 6th 2023 and I had applied everything I needed too in regards to LWCRA, with the help of the JC. I went to the meeting (through the support of a friend) and I was awarded LWCRA March 6th 2023. I was told by UC, that I had 'just missed' the assessment period for the award to…
I was wondering if someone could help me...
Direct payment and carers allowance
Does the amount of direct payment I get effect carers allowance I get as in what you can earn .
Dont give up on PIP and do not get discouraged folks
I joined a year ago. I searched online and came across this wonderful place. I registered to scope to get inspiration and motivation. I joined scope after receiving 0 points again on the PIP mandatory reconsideration across all the descriptors in all components. I wanted to give up but the advice given to me by the…
I am hoping that somebody might be able to give me some advice
Hi, I am hoping that somebody might be able to give me some advice. My mum is 77 years old and has been looking after my 56 year old, older brother for 22 years after a car accident that has left him paralysed on the left side, brain damaged and needs 24/7 care. How my mum has done this I don't know, I am just in awe and…
Moved to the work related activity group
Hi all! I'm after some advice regarding my brother who is autistic and has anxiety issues. He has just turned 26 and has previously been claiming ESA, however he was deemed fit for work in his last meeting and moved into the work related activity group (previously in the support group). His anxiety levels have shot through…
Is PDF file bank statement sufficient?
Hello can somebody please tell me if PDF format of my bank statement is acceptable? I uploaded my new cost of rent along with PDF bank statement. I got reply 3x in a row at 11.45am 1146am 11 47 am links " housing costs feedback" . When clicked on it it says " your housing costs is verified regards UC team" But underneath…
Lcwra messed up
Hi I don't know if any of you guys can help me your always great just need some advice We filled in a uc50 form for my brother in November everything was going fine but I had to call to ask them a question and they told me it got rejected to to undelivered mail I didn't know what they meant so my brother who has…
DWP debt - £67.14
Had a letter a week ago from debt management saying that I owed the above and that it will be collected from my Pension Credit payment at the rate of £22. every 2 weeks with a final deduction of £1.14. Because of this I did not get my Pension Credit payment last Thursday. Apparently my normal award was only £11 a week. The…
Carers Allowance Misinformation ?
Hi all, I'm just looking for information on Carers Allowance. I was told a couple of years ago that there was no point claiming it as it would come off my other benefits ... fast forward to reading lots of posts here and I'm not so sure . My IB ESA is broken down like this: Living expenses me and partner £121.05 Disability…
hi all.ive not been on here in such a long time for various reasons.hope everyone is ok..i dont know if im asking in the correct place but,i received a letter saying from april my benefits will be so much but from august it will be without the sdp component? does this mean the decision has already been made even though i…
LCWRA award
Hi there :) I've recently been awarded LCWRA and I was wondering when I will receive the first payment? I received the LCWRA award on the 23rd of March. I submitted my Work Capability assessment sheets with all my relevant medical info on the 13th of January. From what I've gathered online there is a 3 month waiting…
Benefit Changes
Hello everyone - does anyone out there have the same worries as myself regarding the upcoming changes regarding disability benefits/capability to work? I am really concerned!! I am post pancreatic cancer, treatment(s) etc..... will this new assessment trying to place every claim either new or existing under one huge…
PIP claim
Feel really upset at PIP claim. I have a chronic mental health condition that means I’m in my mid-30’s and still living with my parents. I have trouble making and maintaining relationships and difficulty holding down jobs. DWP responded to my claim saying that ‘I do not suffer significant psychological distress’. Despite…
PIP award review
Hi my partner was currently getting PIP low care and had an award review back of december 2021 he had a telephone assessment 28th Feb this year then 2 weeks ago he got a large payment the day after his PIP payment does this mean he will continue to receive this ? And have they awarded him a higher award due to lump sum…
Carers allowance stopped due to State Pension
Hello my wife receives carers allowance for looking after myself full time carer received a letter from DWP saying allowance will be stopped as she receives her reduced state pension in July2023, the letter states she is still valid for carers allowance? Any other benefits we can claim? Thanks DCE1956