Poem twinkle my eye
My eye has a twinkle in it Since I saw you You’re radiant beauty You smelled so beautiful You look are not everything to me You have shown me that you have kind heart and nature to yourself and it’s what makes you special to me and you make my heart so happy and I know that make you heart so happy to.
OLD Labour manifesto - Under 5 years ago
04-12-2019 (Isn't it incredible just how short a memory they have ?) Labour has launched a manifesto for disabled people, Breaking Down Barriers, setting out how the next Labour government will enforce the right of disabled people to live independent lives. The number of families where someone is disabled living in poverty…
Samaritans Awareness Day 2024!
Hello, my wonderful Scope community! Ever wondered who's always there for you, come rain or shine? It's the Samaritans, an exceptional group of people known for their extraordinary work in mental health. They’re that dependable friend who’s always there, even at the most ungodly hours! Yesterday was Samaritans day, a day…
Positivity Thread
Hi everyone! I just wanted to properly introduce myself as I’m new to the community. I’m Jen and I’ve been at Scope for four years now, in a few fundraising roles and now working on Scope’s social media and this lovely online community. We wanted to start a Positivity Thread for you to add to as and when you like. We'd…
Thank you everyone!
This is the first time that I have been brave enough to use my voice on here. Thank you everyone for your amazing work of supporting each other, and I wish everyone a goodnight 🩷
How I have a full diagnosis
Now I have a full diagnosis, more family members are avoiding to talk to me. Just be nice to speak to them and have a normal chat and ask how I am doing.
Mental health bill
So is this true in 2022 goverment published a draft Mental health bill which claims proposals To reform The mental health Act ?? What does this actually mean
Otter magic
The poem called Got to Be True to My Heart to My Heart
The poem called Got to Be True to My Heart to My Heart A beautiful woman who makes my heart feel so warm when she is in my arms. My heart beats so fast that this lasts for most of my day. As I have got true to my heart. From the beginning, you caught my eye. As a very shy guy. Who was even able to say hi never mind say…
Liz kendell comment
What do people think of liz kendells comment DWP should focus on work not welfare?
I just want to say
I am loving the new website. It has become really user friendly and easier to find new posts. Thank you scope team for not being stagnate
A Random Act of Kindness Today ❤️
A young man asked if I was alright then asked if I would like a hug when he noticed me starting to cry today. It was a brief and very light hug, a token of his generosity and nurtured self - very unexpected but so welcomed at that moment! He and his mate wore matching blazers and I immediately thought ah he'll have a Bible…
Cycle Club in association with scope
thoughts please . Just an idea that I thought I'd band about .
Finally got a full diagnosis
Finally got a full diagnosis from my neurologist, I feel relieved but still got a long way to go and still get use to my adapted life. The doctors last year wasn't listening putting it down to mental health, it's been so frustrating to get them to listen. But now I can get the right help. Hemiplegic migraines Function…
poem called A Dragon in Fight
poem called A Dragon in Fight The sky looked as beautiful as the sun falling on another day on the horizon where the dragon was. The dragon was always in full flight as his wings were flapping to ensure that he stayed in the air and it was a gorgeous sight because the dragon was at peace with himself. He was the eye in the…
CT Scan Results
I had a CT scan on 10th June as my respiratory doctor suspected that I may have emphysema,i received this letter yesterday and was shocked to find out there is so much going on with my lungs and kidneys.
66Mustang, saw this & thought you'd get a buzz...
In the John Lewis sale… https://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-bees-cotton-duvet-cover-set/p5091646 😉😊 ETA - shame the hyperlink doesn't work! 🤔
Never give up poem
the inner strength I have will never let me give up on my dreams again because I have change of mindset which will fight for the life and make it better than ever through my own hard work and dedication and discipline will always allow me to win and making my dreams a reality instead of those pipe dreams that are high in…
Poem called razing eyes brows
Rising eyes brows lift and twitch Our thoughts switch All because of twitching eye brows which sometimes aroused suspicion Surrounding the sometimes sensitive eye brows might keep things secret Our beautiful lovely eye brows
poem called letting the light go down
poem called letting the light go down The sun light went down on another glorious summer day turning the night sun goes down for a sleep The sun rises up early morning glory Ahead of another gorgeous summer’s day