Is this your life?
What show, movie, book, song or other event has affected you so deeply that has made you: * Want to change aspects of your life? * Why? * In what way? * Have you done it? I've been hit by a series of all the above. I'm going to mention 2 as they are pretty plain without the context of my question: * Musical Theatre shows…
Problems turned into positives
This is the opposite of the "wishes gone bad" thread. Someone has to post a problem (it can be a real problem or a made up one) and the next person has to post something positive about that problem, then post their own problem. I will start with: My laptop is running out of battery power.
more jokes.
based on my birthday just gone..... Well I really think I am getting old and did I get a simpathy vote? I got this?
What 'old fashioned' things do you still do?
I heard this on the Sara Cox radio show the other day, and it got me thinking what you lot might still do that's considered retro? Do you use one of those big atlas' instead of a sat nav? Do you have loose tea instead of teabags? Got any doilies? Do you dry your washing with a mangle? Okay, so that last one might be a bit…
need help
Hello scope online community Can anyone I am been trying reset password for outlook email address account but much lucky with resetting my password for outlook account
August has rolled in, Have you got any plans?
*Starts singing August by Taylor Swift* I love that we are getting closer to Autumn. I've started to see autumnal and Halloween bits everywhere! But, it is still the summer, and I hope we get nice weather! How are you thinking to spend it? I'm hoping to get some more afternoons and evenings reading in my hammock 😊
New friends
Hi hall hope u all having a good day I would like to make new friends as home alone from 7am till 7 pm
Name three things that make you happy...
You have to pick: * Something to do. * A favourite meal. * Somewhere to be. I'll go first! * Something to do - Buy books! :D * A favourite meal - Beef stew. * Somewhere to be - In my hammock. Over to you...
Choices College
Hi there just to let you know that I have finished Choices College and thank you for being one of my placements at Choices College. I can't wait to be working with you again in the future.
I'm back
Sorry i have been so busy lately that i haven't made enough time for this forum but I'm finishing education tomorrow so I won't be in any education or training.
What made you happy today?
I saw a 60s Ford Mustang today. It was a white fastback model with blue stripes, the exact colour configuration I would go for myself. Never seen one in that format before. Basically identical to this.
List of admins?
I have lost track of who is still here admin-wise with all the people leaving and the newly joining admins. Can we get a list of all the admins and what they do, especially the ones who post on the forum? Thanks. Sorry if this is asking too much or being nosey, not my intention!
Guess the name
We're welcoming this little labrador pup to our household in a couple of weeks and her name has been lovingly picked by my children. Any guesses what it is? I'll give one clue today and add to them throughout the week if no one guesses correctly. Clue one: it's food related Clue two: it's typically eaten as a dessert Also…
I'll hold my hands up!
I've already started Christmas shopping! I have a big family, and I like to be as organised as possible with my paychecks each month. I also had to start picking up items that are out now. Like PJs with shorts, as they are harder to get in the winter. Have you started Christmas shopping yet? or Have you started planning…
Sorry something different.
Bet you all wanted to know that??????? Let me be the first to say my post box for prezzies is now open. What 's on your must have Santa list?
Should the UK host the Commonwealth Games?
Everything was thrown up in the air earlier this week, when Victoria, Australia cancelled plans to host the 2026 Games. It has started a lot of discussions online as Birmingham did such a great job hosting the 2022 Games. According to Express; "West Midlands Mayor Andy Street says Birmingham’s successful hosting of the…
10k posts
Just got a notification that I got a badge as I made 10,000 posts It seems I have made a bit more like 10,300, I am guessing private messages are not counted towards the badge That's gone by fast, never made that many posts on a forum before, I think my record is 6,000 I know I mostly post drivel but just wanna say I have…
Who else is watching "The Ashes" (England vs Australia) - LETS TALK SPORT!
After an entertaining first day yesterday, Australia resume this morning trailing England by 380 runs! - for those that don't know i'm a massive sports enthusiast and represent Hampshire within our Super 9s disability cricket team (we have a scheduled game tomorrow away to Middlesex) Who else here enjoys sport? What do you…
Scope's got AI, want's to become 'HUMAN'
If you leave the message box blank and press enter, it says 'Body is Required' in Red. It needs a body. :)
Explaining your limitations to ‘normal’ healthy people.
Hi to anyone who reads this. How do you explain to ‘normal’ healthy people the physical and mental limitations your condition/s have on you in a way they can understand? I’m asking this because I’m fed up with people I know saying "you should try and get out more, then you’ll meet new people and start to enjoy life", no…