Hi, I'm Gemz24! My son's SENco plan not reviewed & lost out on maths funding.
My son has done 4 yrs at college and was supposed to have had a senco review when he enrolled. I presumed this was taken care of as he has been working very closely with mentor, which I presumed was part of the senco provision which college provide. On enrollment in September I was informed the college have no record of my…
Exams & Tests
Hi, Here’s an interesting one. Who is/was a fan of test/exams in your school or college days? I certainly wasn’t.
Open uni on disability?
Hi guys, im currently on the old esa system on income based esa and high rate mobility and high rate care PIP. I’ve been really looking into doing an open uni degree/course lately but there’s no way I can afford the fees. Does anyone know if they do any grants etc for people on benefits/disability? If so how do they help…
How to apply for DSA? (Disabled Students Allowance)
I'm hoping to do a part time PGCert which is not eligible for Student Finance (it's around £3000 for the years tuition). I haven't done a DSA assessment yet, I can't work out how to even apply!! Is there any organisation that can walk me through the process? I'm so confused about what forms to fill out as it's not…
URGENT EHCP Advice needed
Hello, This is for my little boy who is 6 years old and is in year 1. He’s had an EHCP since preschool, but has never been able to access mainstream education. He did his own thing in Reception, and at the start of this school years, the situation escalated sharply. He’s been excluded multiple times for hurting adults…
Ehcp (Education health care plan )
Morning does anyone know about Ehcp amendments
MSc and ESA
I am looking forward to admission for MSc. I am on contribution based ESA for over a decade now. I know 30% of student finance is treated as income if on income based ESA. Is it same for contribution based ESA. And what about any extra help I may receive from university like scholarship and bursary etc. etc.
Hi, my name is Slimison!
With regard to dyslexia (whatever that is) what if it is a teaching rather than a learning disability? Check out JoRSEN 09/22 Dimetrellou et al "Online OVIP. There is an answer that has been shown n 4 previous peer reviewed papers to be highly effective. Schools do not want t, why, it is 1 to 1. It is available FOC from…
Hi, my name is Sadie, looking for some info on school support for my undiagnosed child.
Hi, I have just stumbled across this page looking for some info on school support for my undiagnosed child. Look forward to chatting and getting any advice and support possible x
Cease to maintain an EHCPlan
Hi l wanted advised my son is 20 and has lifelong learning disabilty for the past 4 years the LA has given him a tutor to come and teach him at home as he has severe anxiety and is unable to leave the family home and would not let anyone come in the house except for the tutor. So now the LA have decided to cease his…
Student Loan - Special Support Loan
Hi there! I’m in the process of applying for my student loan for September of this year and have found out that I should be entitled to the “Special Support Loan”, due to being declared unfit to work for a period of 28 weeks or more. I’ve searched everywhere but I can’t actually find how out much this loan is. Does anyone…
14 year old self harm and school
Hi My 14 year old has been self harming at school. She is under Camhs and is getting lots of support. School will not let her attend as they say she is too high risk and they are unable to supervise her. She has been doing work at home for 5 weeks now but work is not always sent and it is very isolating for her (she would…
Hi, I'm mummytwo5! Teacher not supporting son with SEN
Hi all, so I just Need to vent. So I checked my sons school report and his teacher has put that my son "BLAGS" making out to count on his fingers to avoid doing his work ect. He would rather stand with teachers or adults at lunch then interact with his peers ( I will ad he has social anxiety and children in is year group…
Thinking of restarting my OU degree
Hi Fawn88 here, I started an OU degree 9 years ago now and due to health reasons I had to stop. I just about scraped through the course back then and that was with help from my ex and father. Since then I have been diagnosed with ASD so the prospect of returning to education I find daunting. I have just been found unfit to…
EHCP implementation
My son was awarded his EHCP in 2021 and was awarded 22.5 hrs 1:1 or small group work dependent on need and 2.5 hrs lunch cover. He has had a 1:1 for 3 years and has been working really well, he’s developed a great relationship and was achieving well. Until recently, I receive a phone call from school stating that ofsted…
Hi all, I was wondering if someone is able to advise me on an EHCP plan. My son is due to go to secondary school in September, he is diagnosed with ADHD and on medication. The school does not think he needs an EHCP, however, i do. He gets into a lot of trouble at school, with peers, teachers, his concentration isn't great…
LSA support for child with ASC Asperger's and ADHD
Hi, not sure if anyone can help. My son has high functioning autism Asperger's presentation and ADHD. He has an EHCP already. We have just moved counties. It has taken quite some time for his EHCP to be switched over from our original county to where we live now and the school who have offered him a place took a long time…
Advice over EHC assessment process needed please
Hello I am hoping for some advice please. My daughters school initially requested an EHCNA with the LA 2 years ago due to her not not progressing as expected at school. I paid for a private Ed Psychologist report which concluded a diagnosis of severe Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and the school provided lots of IEP’s and…
Looking into residential schools
This discussion was created from comments split from: Residential care home for young adults.
EHC Assessment
Hello I am hoping for some advice please. My daughters school initially requested an EHCNA with the LA 2 years ago due to her not not progressing as expected at school. I paid for a private Ed Psychologist report which concluded a diagnosis of severe Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and the school provided lots of IEP’s and…