Read me: What is ESA and how do I claim it?
ESA, or Employment Support Allowance, is a benefit which
you can receive if your ability to work is limited by disability or poor health. You can find out more
on our Employment Support Allowance page. If you’d like to determine your
eligibility for ESA and other benefits, use our
online benefits calculator. How
do I claim…
UC migration from esa
hi iv just done my migration claim such a worry im reading on here about support group on esa how do I know if im in that and also what does lcwra mean
Means tested rules
my wife has become my carer also works £150pw I’m on legacy esa support group esa payments of £83 pw already been told I’ll forfeit £81.90 pw but will recieve a premium of £45pw will I lose anymore cause of my wife’s earning as it’s under what your allowance is?
Managed Migration from ESA SG to UC
Hi all I’m new here and just seeking some advice. I’ve been on ESA since 2016 was on it before but due to other circumstances I stopped it. I had an assessment in I think 2017 and hadn’t heard from ESA at all after the decision was made to place me in the support group. I got the letter last night saying I need to switch…
From legacy benefits to Universal Credit
Is this universal credit affect everyone that's being changed over to UC. I'm on ESA Support group n pip it's just worrying at the moment and thinking the worse
I’m now in the process of migration from esa support group and he has put me I. The lcw group. Can someone tell me why I haven’t been put in the lcwra and how I should proceed please?
Playing waiting game
hi I’m waiting on a letter from dwp on esa letter to see when my turn to put me and my partner on universal credit . I’m playing wait game since not come in post yet . I’m getting dressed over changes all the time in my life
Universal Migration notice
I got a letter saying I need to claim Universal Credit by May 5, 2025. I receive ESA support group, and a top-up for severely disabled . I was just wondering how the process all works and is it easy to do? I would also like to know if I need to do an assessment before I move over to UC.?
Doing permitted work on contributions based ESA and taking sick leave.
Hello. I have a chronic illness and have been on cb ESA for a few years after having to cut my working hours due to my condition. I have been working and earning well within the hours and wage limits. The problem is, I had to go on sick leave for several months but having returned and being able to access my payslips I saw…
Esa migration
So I made the claim for UC after I recieved the migration notice. As my Income related Esa and HousingBenefit was stopping. I phoned ESA straight after I had made the claim for UC- to find out my payments due. However he rhymed off 4 or 5 payments at that point I stopped him and queried why as I should only have a 2week…
Trips away in uk is it ok
Hi everyone ,I'm an appointee for my daughter who has ASD ,and scitophrena,she is well medicated And as good days and bad ,she has her own bank account and gets ESA support group and pip hb The only thing she likes is Trains and train rides she also an avid train spotter and keeps a log . Once a month with weather…
How will this change my ESA?
This discussion was created from comments split from: Carers Allowance & ESA.
Sdp problem!!
Hi hope all are ok. Something has been bothering me for past few days and I got a pen and paper and a calculator out to do some figures and the results were shocking. Most of us on esa and sdp were being paid £240.55 a week which is £481.10 for the fortnight which it pays in. that is a difference of £81.50 per week and…
Carers Allowance & ESA
Hello, my child has just been entitled to DLA middle rate so I was told I can claim carers allowance as I care for her over 35 hours a week. But I get ESA (support group) old style contributions based. Being it is me getting this and I am in the support group, do I still qualify for carers allowance for my 12yr old child ?…
I'm being moved from income related ESA to contributions based New Style ESA?
Hello. I'm currently getting income related ESA (support group). I've been ill my whole life so I've never worked. I recently received a migration letter saying I had to apply for universal credit, which I did. However I've been informed (by UC journal and a letter) that I will now be receiving contributions based New…
Contribution based esa
Hi I have a small nhs pension which I'm told will have a £14.00 per month pay rise I've been claiming contribution based esa I don't have to sign on or anything like that or look for work because of my health condition and when I applied for this benifit it didn't matter what my husband was earning or what we had in the…
Hi, my name is bernie801! I am being asked to move over to uc from esa .. am worried ...
Hi am being asked to move over to uc from esa .. am worried I won't get the same amount can anyone help as universal is lot less
new style contribution style esa
Please could somebody help. I currently claim new syle esa (contribution based) and have an assesment soon. My question is…. if i am put into the support group do i stay on esa more than the usual 1 year (i would not migrate over to universal credit as i have some savings). Would i continue to recieve my £81.00 every week…
Contribution based esa
hi everyone. I’m on contribution based ESA,in the support group. Just wondering if anyone knows if you can get free nhs prescriptions and eye tests. I’ve looked an online and I’m a bit confused.
Found out i been missing ton money
Long story short. Got my dreaded UC migration letter so.used entitledto calculator. I get esa support group and comes to £318.50 ebery 2 weeks. But entitled to says i should be gettimg £204 a week!! Took me AGES to.work out its to do with carers allowance? Nobody gets carer allowance from me since my mum passed away in…
ESA support group
Hi I have been off sick for 12 months, recently been placed into the support group in ESA assessment, should I let me employer know that I am unable to return