Help with letter
I cant stop shopping online and think o got scammed should read reviews before purchased since sunak said that speech sunak said sicknote Britain been all over place my emotions to much to handle physically body reacting really thought was having a stroke panic attacks this and the last government alot to answer for I read…
Is there a best time to claim UC (migration) to get more final ESA payment?
I have the UC Migration letter. Currently on Income-Related ESA. It says I will get ESA for 2 more weeks after the day I submit my UC claim. I am trying to work it out, and to be honest, I am just not sure how it would work. Figured someone here might be able to help. Am I right in saying that if I make my uc claim on the…
awaiting uc migration decision
can anyone say what is the maximum I could get per month higher rate pip on both plus housing costs
ESA self employed and late payed invoice
Hello, I am wanting to claim ESA as I am currently signed off sick. I am a self employed artist. I am not currently working, but am due an invoice that will be paid in a month for last month's work. If this gets paid into my account it will take me over the weekly threshold. Can I ask for an allowance to be made as it's…
Questions about ESA to UC please help!
Hi all, I hope everyone is well today? I have to migrate from ESA to UC with a deadline of 26th March and I have a couple of questions. A bit of background, I am in the support group for MH: EUPD, eating disorder (chronic anorexia), social anxiety, agoraphobia, anxiety (gad), and depression. I receive £318.10 every two…
Lcwra assesment
I’m looking at the assesment questions; I don’t leave the house unless absolutely necessary. Would this qualify as social engagement is always precluded due to distress from the claimant. I am diagnosed PTSD bipolar disorder mixed anxiety and depression disorder. Regarding voiding of the bladder; I’m undergoing tests…
Hi, my name is JG64! have to apply for unvisell credit I get ESA and adult disability benefits.
Hi I was in when I will receive my migtion notice or have to apply for unvisell credit I get ESA and adult disability benefits I am worried .
Migration to UC sick and depressed with worry
Hi I am currently on old style income related ESA in the support group for several years with severe disability premium and on enhanced PIP for both parts. I've had a letter telling me legacy benefits are ending and asking me to migrate over to UC. As, we'll as many physical disabilities and chronic pain co editions I am…
hi my circumstances may change as my husband might be made redundant I am on new style esa and in the support group, if he gets a redundancy payment will it affect my Ess?
Have not got letter yet waiting
have anyone got there letters dwp my Royal Mail not sending me any letters in post I’m waiting on if ask go on UC or esa rates go up. I’m stressed because I need get repaid so someone can help me move over. I hate new ownership of Royal Mail
Before I submit my uc migration claim...
I just want to check, to be absolutely certain, there's no way I can just stay on esa? To keep things as they are. No exceptional circumstances? Any loop hole? I am esa support group £318.10 every 2 weeks. Only recently realised I'd been getting both IB and CB ESA.
Morning, I have questions regarding New Style ESA. I have just made a claim due to refused work via PAYE employment due to multiple disabilities and surgeries. I have become self employed as this is the only way forward I can see myself working long term. There isn’t alot online about self employment whilst on ESA. I will…
Will I be better off after uc migration?
I'm aware that because of transitional protection I'll be at least on the same amount after uc migration as I'm currently on with ir esa. But I read a post on here which seems to suggest I could actually get more money on uc after migration than I'm currently on. I was wondering if anyone could confirm. I'm on income…
I think I've been receiving both IB and CB ESA. Help!
I am in the process of migrating to universal credit. I always absolutely assumed I have been receiving income based esa and contribution based just never applied to me. I get £318.10 every 2 weeks. I am in the support group. Just now I stumbled upon a post on Reddit which now makes me believe I have been getting both ib…
Should I be truthful about my savings?
I am starting the uc migration claim from ir esa. I have £4000 in my bank. Should I mention this on my claim or downplay it. Will this amount affect how much I get in uc?
Capability for work
Hello, I need your help. I received a response on 20 01 2025 that I don't have to prepare for work and that I will receive an extra amount of money, but I didn't receive anything. I really need the money to buy a wheelchair. I just had some surgeries and can't walk. please answer me
Ib/cb ESA to UC migration - questions
Hello. I am in the process of doing the online claim form for migration. I have a few questions. Will an expired passport suffice for id? In my case, when is the earliest they are doing reviews where one has to send statements. What are you hearing? I seen somewhere 10 months. Don't they have a massive covid backlog or…
Permitted Work / Accrued Holiday
Hello, This will be very very long winded as I'm writing everything that happened but any help is greatly appreciated. I currently claim ESA / PIP and do permitted work which was previously allowed, and have been doing this since April 2022. I have never gone over my 16 hours per week / 64 hours per month and earn the…
Universal credit migration but received New style ESA response
I've been on ESA with support for over 20 years and was asked to apply for UC migration. I did and a few weeks later received a reply in the post saying about applying for new style ESA and have to answer questions with the job centre. I have just filled out a renewal for PIP and find all this getting too much to cope I…