Migration to UC sick and depressed with worry

PennyLane78 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

Hi I am currently on old style income related ESA in the support group for several years with severe disability premium and on enhanced PIP for both parts.

I've had a letter telling me legacy benefits are ending and asking me to migrate over to UC.

As, we'll as many physical disabilities and chronic pain co editions I am bipolar with severe anxiety, ptsd and agoraphobia I am already losing sleep over whether they'll try and make me attend in person with I CANNOT. I cannot go into any public place. Recently for a court issue my GP wrote extensively why I could not attend in person.

I also need to ask if it's true that I'll be automatically moved into the LCWRA group and will I be worse off for money and if so how much worse off. I'm in under 55s sheltered housing but am over 35.

Thank you



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing
    edited February 18

    Citizens Advice offer a Help to Claim service if you feel you would benefit from their help and support


    If verifying your ID can't be done online, you should be able to do a biographical id check instead, which is a phone call asking you questions only you know the answers to about your personal details.

    Yes you will be entitled to LCWRA from the start of your claim. This can take a few weeks for ESA to confirm your status with UC or the automation recently introduced works (hit and miss from the people I advise) and it's confirmed quickly.

    If under UC you are entitled to less than your legacy benefits, Transitional Protection will be added to your claim so at the time of transfer you aren't worse off. This does erode over time as other elements go up or new elements are added to your claim.

    As you live in sheltered housing, your rent will continue to be paid by Housing Benefit.

  • PennyLane78
    PennyLane78 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Hi thanks for the response do you know what ID I need? Is drivers license okay? I've been reading horror stories of people in support group being asked to attend assessments! Or the support group part being ignored and asked for fit notes? It takes ages to her hold of my GP.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    Any request for a Fit Note can be ignored, all that would mean is the system has picked up on your health condition but doesn't yet have confirmation of your ESA status.

    I can't advise on ID as I claimed several years ago, check out the UC section of the forum where you can see more recent experiences.


  • PennyLane78
    PennyLane78 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Thanks. For your help. I did look but only found a load of posts about having no ID since I have a valid driving license and bank card I'm going to assume I'll be fine for that

  • cookie80
    cookie80 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Empowering

    @Pennylane78 I also was stressed about maybe having to be called in. Fortunately I passed the online id check and clicked the claimant commitment online. I used a passport for id and also chose the credit report option. I had to answer a few questions like if I had any catalogue or hire purchases or when did I last take out a phone contract or renew one. Please try not to stress it. I think they have improved the process in claiming now for those in support group. I haven’t been asked to send any fit notes in. There was a section on the form asking if I was claiming esa. Also you can ask for a telephone call if they do ask you to come in.

  • PennyLane78
    PennyLane78 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Gosh I have terrible memory so wouldn't know answers on my own credit report! Lol! But I am less stressed now. As I had been losing sleep over this. I have 2 months to fill it out and did see other posts about timing it well because you get another 2 weeks ESA after and making sure it's done before the time frame.

    Also worried, about bank statements as I don't get physical statements.

  • cookie80
    cookie80 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Empowering

    I applied for my credit report as I have a bad memory too. You can see everything there so you will know the answers. Try Experian it’s free as well they will send you a key passcode online and you can login online and see your credit report

  • cookie80
    cookie80 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Empowering

    Hi @PennyLane78 , I believe it was the last thing you purchased then it gave you options of time frames to pick from , eg

    The last year

    1-2 years

    3 years or

    Never purchased

    Hope that helps