
I cant stop shopping online and think o got scammed should read reviews before purchased since sunak said that speech sunak said sicknote Britain been all over place my emotions to much to handle physically body reacting really thought was having a stroke panic attacks this and the last government alot to answer for I read peoples posts makes me so sad we made it this far hanging on by a thread I really thought of people who have physical disabilities yesterday was an eye opener for my physically health I want the 26th March to come but I also don't want to deal with all that comes with it but then I promised myself I have to be easy on myself like many on here we are dealing with so much on a normal basis cannot put self under so so much stress it's debilitating and scary people must have thought I was weird sitting there with sunglasses and scarf wrapped around my face when doctor asked if I could take scarf and glasses off was the hardest thing to do as don't want to be seen feel like I'm so repulsive and I'm being exposed all these things makes me relize the struggles I have and going back to work I wouldn't go in god I'm so scared just want to disappear