Had a missed phone call from DWP? Not sure it’s scam or Genuine
This afternoon (22/04/2024) I heard my phone ring, I couldn’t get there on time. I looked my recent contacts then I googled telling me it was from DWP I spent the last couple of hours if the phone call was a scam or genuine it was hard to tell which one? One of the posts said about Universal Credit as I’m not on Universal…
ESA payments for support group short?
Hi everyone, hoping someone can clear this up for me. According to the government website, ESA payments for the support group are "Up to" £138.20 per week. I got a payment of £481.10. Minus the severe disability premium I get for PIP that's £99.90 per week. Is that correct? I've been in the support group since I started…
Hi, my name is Christine725! Can I request to be in the support group for ESA?
My new style ESA is due to end on 24/7/24 could I request to be in the support group? As my condition has worsened
ESA payment
I had ESA assement about 6 weeks ago and haven’t heard anything back. my payment went in as normal last week. Today I received a payment from the dwp out of the blue for £40 odd quid and can’t quite figure out why. If you’ve failed do you normally get a random payment or do they just stop it ? Will try to give them a call,…
Help! My PIP has been reduced
I received my PIP payment this morning - £420.60 In a letter from the DWP, it quite clearly states that I will get £108.55 a week from the 8th April.. I get my PIP monthly, so that is £434.00. I have only received £420.60 this month, why is this?
Can I receive a UC50 form and an ESA50 form?
I made a claim at the same time for Employment and Support
Allowance (ESA) and a claim for Universal Credit (UC) in which I say that I have
health problems. I have received a UC50 form concerning my UC claim that
I have filed and sent to the UC department and then I have attended a work capacity
assessment, a report has…
Esa review
I sent my esa review form back in January with load of evidence. They received it as sent it special delivery. Haven't heard anything yet.
Claiming ESA for the first time
Hi guys, Bit of a complicated one. My wife has been out of work since 2023 as a fulltime carer looking after our 10 year old daughter who has a load of complex mental health needs. Social Worker involved, fam support worker, loads of professionals, recent Child protection conference so there are lots going to be happening…
Carers Allowance not been paid?!
So I applied for New Style ESA a few weeks back. Rang the helpline and was told I’d be paid £8 every two weeks…. I spoke to an advisor who told me because I get CA my ESA would be reduced by that much. I cancelled my ESA claim because of this. It seemed pointless. Got a letter saying they can’t pay ESA now… thought it was…
ESA Claim After LCWRA on UC
Hi, My LCWRA was from 17 Aug 23 so in payment on UC from Jan 2024. I claimed ESA from 2/2/24. They have mirrored the decision so put me in Support Group on ESA but will not give me the extra money from ESA until after 93 days on the claim. Is this right, as a Benefit Adviser told me that there is no waiting for 93 days on…
Legacy IR ESA (Support Group) with Housing Benefit (MANAGED MIGRATION)
Hello everyone and good evening. I am currently in receipt of Income related ESA (Support Group) together with Housing Benefit and until today I wasn't expecting to be asked to migrate to Universal Credit until 2028/29. However, I've just learned that this is now being brought forward to "by the end of December 2025". I…
Support group
How often are you reviewed when you're in the support group? Does it just happen without warning? Is it paperbased, face to face? I'm in the support group and I've had no follow up or contact with anyone since my award started last may
Hi, my name is T28! why have they rung me and done an assessment?
Hi, I stopped claiming esa a year ago as moved in with partner. But today I’ve just had to do an esa health assessment on phone. I asked at the beginning why am I getting this call as I no longer claim, the doctor doing the assessment said we do this on an individual basis. I’m so confused I haven’t had any money or…
Missing payment
My esa hasn’t been put in today. I waited 50 mins to ask them and was told it would be in today it’s a glitch but still don’t have it. Will it be Monday do you think?
Question about SDP and being homeless
I'm currently staying in temporary accommodation by the council and it's a b&b just wondering if I'm still able to have my SDP while living here
New style ESA
Hi I want to claim the new style esa but having confusion with my employer (I’m on SSP at the moment) about the last day I’ll get SSP. The first week it was paid from was start Monday 4th December. But I get paid in a way where I get paid each month for what my contract is ie 40 hours a week and then the following month…
Medical forms
Realised after reading other peoples comments & CAB hubby has filled his medical forms for ESA in incorrectly. Think he should of written upto A 50m instead of varies. Basically answered/ticked wrong box. What do we do.? ? He doesn't walk far . Selected various and wrote "some days I do nothing, I Can walk up to 20m with…
ESA,large increase.
Hi all,hope you can shed some light on this one! My wife received a letter regarding an increase in her esa. From 4th October(day b4 I retire) her esa rises from £122.55 to £235.80. Not much explanation given except a chang in Social Security Rates. Is my retirement the next day of this increase connected? Thank you for…
Haven't received any assessment rate esa
Received a letter Jan 6th '24 dated Dec 24'23 saying ESA were going to back payments while I wait my medical forms. But today is the 21st January and I still haven't received anything. How long do I wait to receive Assessment Rate payments?
Carers Allowance & ESA
Hi, We have just applied for carers allowance and are currently in receipt of Income Related ESA I’m also not in the workgroup. My wife is my carer and she works 2hrs a day Mon/Fri at our local school. We had some financial advice online that said we were missing out and should claim carers allowance since my wife has…