ESA stopped without any notice
Hi, i have recently had a pip form and telephone assessment which i passed and was awarded the same rate as i was previously on, i also claim ESA, i have checked my bank account and i havent recieved my ESA payment. i am extremely anxious about this. Could my PIP outcome effect my ESA? how can the DWP do this to people,…
Will it make any difference to my new style esa payments if you resign due to health issues?
hi if you are on new style esa in a support group but still officially employed but been off sick for nearly a year ,will it make any difference to my new style esa payments if you resign due to health issues and they would no longer be able to ever do that job again as advised by consultants
Esa change of address and doctor
Hi I’ve just a few days ago moved in to my partners flat and had to change doctors. I’m going to call Esa up tomorrow to tell them this. I recently received my decision letter to say I’m in the support group category, will this change or affect my claim? Also I’m really quite sick with my health and I’ve not been able to…
Next weeks payments esa
I’m confused about coming Payments our payment in Scotland would be the 5th of jan but 1,2,3,4 are bank holidays. Does anyone know what day I will get it or if it will just be normal ? Thanks x
Disability premium on contribution based ESA?
Ive just been awarded standard daily living on pip i claim esa and I’ve been in the support group for over a year now… I have heard about disability premium but when I spoke to some bloke today from esa he said I can’t get it as I’m contribution based. he said I can claim uc but I’m so confused
Query Permitted work, esa support group
Hi I was initially on esa contribution based in June 2020. In December 2020 I was placed in esa support group. In October 2020 I started a part time job for 7 hours a week. I sent In a pw1 form. I lost this job after 6 weeks but never informed dwp. Yesterday i received a voicemail saying they needed to speak to me about my…
ESA - Paper Based
I wonder if someone can help me please. I've been having ongoing problems with the ESA assessment centre for the last 3 months which I won't bore people with, they allowed me to do an up to date ESA50 because they were trying to assess me based off an old one that wasn't even well written (it wasn't done by me, it was done…
Claiming Contribution based ESA when already claiming UC
Hi I’m currently in the lcwra group for universal credit but I think I’m eligible for the contribution based ESA. What I would like to know is, if I apply for ESA would I automatically be placed in the support group since I already did the assessment for UC or would that be a separate assessment? Thank you.
Hi! I'm Kurt. ESA Phone Appointment Support Group
Hi everyone, nice to join the forum! I too recieved the letter about "New Style ESA" phone appointment today, even though I'm in support group. Scheduled for next week. I left a message on my U/C journal asking for more info because my anxiety has shot throuh the roof with it. Mind somewhat at ease with previous posts, so…
Will I get SDP backdated if I wasn’t made aware of it
Hi I am wondering if anyone can help me, I was first awarded pip in March 2017 I was on an still am on ESA. I was living with my ex partner at the time of my claim but 3 weeks later after my pip was awarded we split up. I made ESA aware of this as I had to go from a joint claim to a single claim. Last week I was talking to…
Continue ESA after leaving my Job
Hi all - Im currently in receipt of ESA and am in the support group Im currently on LTA from my company and unfortunately taken my company to an employment tribunal of which the case is not until next year - im still getting sick pay but its due to end next April - I was bullied by some managers and the company partially…
Esa support group
Hi everyone, I’m looking for a bit of advice and support, I have been on esa for a long time along (contribution based-support group) As far as I can remember I have never be reassessed which surprises me. I am anticipating that it will come at some point. I recently spoke to pip and asked them to reassess me as some of my…
Should I make claim for esa?
Hi everyone, shortly after Christmas I will be dismissed from work on health grounds. I have already filled out UC50, waiting for an assessment. I’m wondering if I should make a claim for esa too? I know if I got it, it would be taken out of my uc, so I’m not sure if there’s any point in claiming? TIA.
CB ESA wants partners payslips
Hi all. First post here and I’m slightly worried. I migrated from IB to Contribution based ESA some years ago. The DWP have asked me to supply my partners pay slips for the past 6 months, they have never done this before as I thought your partners earnings weren’t relevant with CB ESA. Her earnings have increased quite a…
Any help please re ESA
Hi all I am in receipt of PIP and ESA since 2005 due to Type 1 diabetes, registered blind and carpal tunnel in both hands and living alone. I started off on CB ESA but in 2019 I was given a back dated payment and told I was entitled to ESA IR and now in receipt of a higher amount. A recent letter I obtained with info about…
Hi, my name is Millie22! My ESA hasn't come in today. What can I do?
Hi my esa was ment to go in today & it hasn't i dont know what to do as this is all the money I get & I no elec gas or food! I am struggling. What can I do.? Im on the phone. Just now trying to find out what's going on? I'm. Worried sick. My mum just died too & I'm. Not coping aswell. ?
Would my ESA be affected if my 20 year old son started working full time?
Hi All, I receive esa,I would like to ask,if my 20 years old son start working in full time,that's will be affect my esa? Thank you
Can my partner claim ESA for his own conditions as he's receiving it on my claim? Or would it be UC?
Hi all hope you are well. I am on ESA support group and my partner is on my claim as a partner. He has severe osteoarthritis in both shoulders with no cartilage and is in pain daily. He had to give up work earlier in the year. He has been to see his consultant today and has been scheduled in for a full replacement shoulder…
How do I do mandatory reconsideration - via phone or post? How to be successful?
hi everybody I hope you are all well! i'll try to keep it short as possible. been on ESA for nearly 5 years in the support group income based. with the same evidence I have always been avoided. after my first telephone assessment recently... shockingly trying to move me to the work based group. my question is how do I do…
Is there a table or chart to show how point system and criteria works? What are they looking for?
Point system and criteria, is there a table or chart to show how this works. what are they exactly looking for.