Permitted Work Form
Hi Everyone - I am new to the community and was wondering if someone could help me. I am in the ESA support group, but am looking to do some flexible work from home. Some months I may only do as little as 2 hours a month, some months nothing at all - this would be dependent on my health each month. My question is: I know I…
Confused about linked period due to not being able to manage the work within a 12 week period
Hi, my name is Julie. I had until recently been in the ESA income based support group for several years. I was offered a job 25-30 hours a week doing a job I had managed to do before I got sick. Stupidly I took the job and quickly realised it was having a negative impact on my help, I cut my hours down to see if that would…
ESA payment not gone in bank
Hi any advice would be fab as I’m stressing out a lot i am in receipt of esa and just been awarded pip, I received back payment of pip last week and my esa payment is due in today and it’s not gone into my bank as it normally does, any ideas as why as nothing else has changed
Can I get both income related and contribution based ESA?
I have used turn2us calculator and it says I am entitled to ESA income related and ESA contribution based. Does this mean I would get £114 a week for contribution based and £114 contribution based? Totalling £228 a week? I’m very confused!!!
reporting capital to ESA but results in me without home?
Start by saying hi hope you are well reading this im 28 and looking at my rights or chance that I can hold on to my views and protect myself and my inheritance. I want time to decide how to live with it before i have to pay up so they distribute it and decide themselves how to spend it. I would actually like to pass on the…
Worried - my disabled mum has been cut off by DWP for travelling , need your advice
Hello I have no idea if these forums work but I am so desperate I will try anything. My mother has physical and mental disabilities. I live and work in France. She had 2 nervous breakdowns during covid time and I was unable to see her regularly, she had no one to care for her, so we organised for her to come to stay with…
What happens at ESA F2f assessments? I'm thinking of cancelling my claim as I have severe anxiety.
Hi All I've been on this community for awhile but this is first post, looking at the pip forum I took all advise on board and was successful in claiming after having to do an MR. Now my ssp has run out I had to put a claim in for New style ESA, I've just had a missed call that I couldn't answer due to Anziety the lady left…
Hi, I've been placed in the support group for ESA. Will it be backdated? What else should I know?
Hi all I have been put in the support group for ESA I was wondering if it will be backdated and is there anything else I should know about the esa support group thanks
ESA not paid
Hi, my ESA was due on Thursday 8th July 21 but I’ve not received it, anyone else had similar problems? I’m in a constant state of panic at the moment and have no idea what to do.
Do you have to keep submitting ESA Sick notes until you get a decision?
Do you have to keep submitting sick notes for ESA until you get a decision back? Been receiving payments for a few weeks and sent back the ESA50 form last week but heard it can be up to 3 months wait… Having to call the doctors to get a sick note is making my anxiety awful & they wont issue a note without speaking to…
Hi, I get ESA support group. If my child is awarded DLA can I claim carers?
Hi can anyone help. I get esa for myself and my child has just been awarded dla can I claim carers and does it not effect my esa. Thanks
SDP -should have been in receipt for years.
i remember when PIP started we were all told of the inevitability that we would all be moved, i never was. I was registered as partially sighted and was on lower care which i had to fight for. However i was registered as blind in 2017 and subsequently claimed ESA, i expected that now that i was registered as blind it would…
Second Esa telephone assessment
Hello everyone hope you’re all keeping well! I had a telephone assessment back in December 2020 and heard nothing since. today I received a letter for a second telephone assessment stating they couldn’t make a decision and more information is needed. Has anyone had a similar experience will they ask the same question as…
Hi all I am so confused over the benifits system Here we go lol brian has been awarded ESA had a back payment of 3 weeks then yesterday had 2 weeks money then today I looked at my uc journal and I have no money this month I think because I got my last wages 30th June. So am I right in thinking that ESA cancels out brians…
Assessment Period?
Hi..My Partner has just applied and been awarded New Style ESA, I rang them over a query...and the guy on the phone was able to tell me there and then..that he will be put in the 'Support Group'.Was wondering why he would have to wait the 3 months 'assessment period'..before receiving the 'Support Group'…
Adjourned decision
Hi Good people, A decision hearing was conducted where all parties attended. The Judge adjourned his decision pending the claimant's response to a new issue raised by the DWP. Is this an indicator that the appeal will fail? Contribution from @Username_removed would be appreciated.
Hi, my name is flippyflop! HMRC haven't received anything from ESA yet
Hi I was laid off work last year through ill health I claim esa contribution based I have had my p60u but Hmrc haven’t received anything from Esa yet . I have phoned Esa several times and have been told they will pass my message on to whoever deals with this to send to Hmrc as I am due a small tax refund from tax I paid at…
Does PIP affect WCA outcome? Does work capability application always involve an assessment?
Regarding UC and tbe capacity for work assessments Does a pip award and its rate affect the decision or outcome of the capacity for work assessment? Does the capacity for work application always involve a face to face assessment or telephone assessment? While the lower rate of capacity for work relates to claims before…
If I apply for new style ESA, can I be paid that alongside UC or will I lose my UC?
Hi everyone, Ive been looking into the possibility of applying for new style ESA. I’m currently on UC and have just been awarded standard rate PIP for daily living. My question is if I apply for new style ESA can I be paid that alongside UC or will I lose my UC as it doesn’t seem to be clear from anything I’ve read about…
Had to ring the disability helpline and get my ESA paid manually because a glitch in the system it took about 30 minutes on the phone and two hours for the money to come through at last