Hard work seeing a doctor
Am very happy with the new email system my local surgery have introduced,as stated it does have a limit for characters but on the whole they have replied far quickly that sitting on the phone ,should get better ,hope most of you feel the same
Exemplary Organisation does me wrong!🫢
Please leave your comments on my experience and whether you think I should be given a chance? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0NiRtLtCVdc39cDtCKZ3uxXmwJb5uufBtsaCamW2qYsHxBVsgZx1Rah9tDcErZ34vl&id=100009754069377&sfnsn=scwspmo
Tired of being let down
Hi, I've been thinking about joning and saying hi for a while now, but typically, I finally do it on a bit of a downer I'm afraid! I 've just spent 9 days in hospital, which would be fine if it was all medically needed. Unfortunately.that wasn't the case. When I started to recover and it became clear I was medically fit…
Getting you ready for winter
We know that life can be more expensive for disabled people, and when money is tight, it can be hard to lower your energy use without feeling the impact elsewhere. Right now you might feel like you've done everything you can to save money, but we want to make sure everyone knows what help is out there and can access the…
My brother's nightmare at a flat in Falmouth
Hello again. My brother Aiden, who is 39 has a major mental health issues into physical health issues, from Epilepsy to suicidal depression, he seeks solace in alcohol and yes he mixes the drink with his prescriptive drugs mainly to get to sleep because of the amount of noise in the flat, screaming, shouting day in and day…
Pip's under review again
I don't normally add posts but this post affects everyone. It is not the full post sent to me but anyone that would like to see the full review that is about to happen in parliament and contact their MP in support of the review and to get PIP's to overhaul the system should read this: PIP: dogged by controversy PIP is…
Contacting GP
My GP has started to use Accurx as a way of contacting them.Despite it being a form of email (where you leave messages for them) it only operates during surgery times.....So messages cannot be left "out of hours".This is not very helpful.Also - it is limited in the number of characters that the patient is allowed to type.
Travel support/travel buddy
I am currently supporting someone who would like to learn to travel from their home (Newham) to their place of work (Central London). We have the funding from Access to Work to fund the support but are struggling to find someone who would be able to provide the travel training. Does anyone know of any…
Do you agree with Robin Millar, chair of Scope, that it doesn't matter if people die of pollution?
I heard him on the BBC and I found this bit, mostly, incredibly selfish... just supporting people selling stuff, not even any mention of anyone actually dying, which actually happened (no one else did either, and everyone was pro-pollution, but then BBC and bias are an iconic duo). What do you think about this? I guess…
FTT Decision Notice - No Signature
I have posted previously advising that I have received SRA from HMCTS and it has brought to light some procedural concerns based on the notes posted to my account. Looks based on the timestamp like my PIP decision was confirmed and posted prior to completion of virtual hearing However, as an aside could anyone advise…
DWP vulnerability register
Quite a simple question I think. How does one get onto the DWP vulnerability register? I understand that the DWP are required to deal with claimants in a more humane way if they are classed as being vulnerable. This in my case would relate to my PIP claim/award and any reviews that come about.
Work assessment
Back in 2018 following a face to face assessment was awarded ESA. Then in 2020 I had to move to universal credit again I had a face to face assessment and was awarded lcwra. In July this year I had a telephone assessment and they decided I was fit to work even though I get pip and have a fit note stating not fit to work. I…
Info and advice about Developmental Dyspraxia?
Just joined hi there, hope to find lots of info & practical advise, with anyone with knowledge on Developmental Dyspraxia(Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Also Recovering phsychosis. Son aged 28 lives Independantly. I will pop back on site off & on to Chat as i'm Working part time.
Council staff laughing because im trying to save the day centre staff from leaving us
Good evening, this is my first post. Ive been quite before for along time as I get scared posting. I am now struggling and looking for support or ways to see im not alone. My local council want to cut costs by opening a bidding for a voluntary sector to take over the day services and the council to move the staff. Of…
How to Claim Housing Benefit while on ESA
Can anyone tell me how to claim Housing Benefit while on ESA without having to switch to Universal Credit? Thanks in advance and all the best
Needing Personal Care is Ruining My Life, you too?
Hi All, I've been wondering whether to post or whether it's too negative but I figure if nobody actually talks about it then there could be loads of people in the same boat as me but not speaking out. Looking at it more positively maybe this community could help me see my need for personal care in a positive way or give me…
Legal Signposting
Hi, I'll keep this as brief as I can - I need signposting on where to go. My husband is my carer, and before he became it full time, he was in a job that wasn't very good for lots of reasons stemming from one individual manager. Basically he said he'd go to tribunal with ACAS if the matter wasn't cleared up, and since then…
Treatment for injustice
Hello there I have a clinical diagnosis for CPTSD and autism high functioning all I have received so far as way of treatment is pills I am waiting for the court to set a trail date which should be between April and July this year legally I am on my own so been drowning with paperwork and technology for the last two years…
Not entitled to covid jab
My wife / carer is entitled to a Covid booster jab on account of her being my carer But I apparently am not..... How can this be right ? I do not fit in to any of the "at risk" categories Residents in care homes for older adults - I live in my own home All adults aged 65 years and over - I am 60 People aged six months to…
Hi, my name is jeffmans!
I have a history of backpain but this recent spasm has left me in a bad way. I am very disappointed with my GP's attitudes and had to pay to discover that I have a problem with two disks. I am currently waiting for a date for a lumbar injection.What do others feel about GPs attitudes and approach to back pain?