Thinking About the future.
:) Hi all. I've thinking about the future with regards to independent living. I dont how I would be possible for all those who need a P.A or similar. Perhaps one solution is.... Assistance dogs. They different ones. Thanks to the advice of several people on here. I checked out the Assistance dogs international for uk.…
Free Online Yoga for Carers
**Funded Yoga Session for Carers of all ages and abilities on Friday 12th June at 10:30am** In partnership with Cerebral Palsy Midlands, Noah’s Star have planned a funded virtual get together for unpaid carers. The session will start with a 30 minute beginners yoga session to encourage positive health and well being. This…
Life after Cancer treatment
Hello, I’m Caitlin and I’m 19. I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia back in 2018 and had a donor bone marrow transplant the same year. I had extremely intense treatment and I’m struggling to cope with the side effects and adjust to my new normal. I need the aid of a wheelchair, I’ve lost many friends since I don’t…
Are there any social groups that meet up over zoom for disabled people
Hi folks, I'm new here and I'm starting to feel a bit isolated because of the lockdown.I was just wondering if there are any social groups of people my age, 20s or 30s that meet up over zoom. I also have a disability, a visual impairment.
Something i have been thinking about with BLM
Hi all! I have recently joined this forum and would like to ask my fellow community members their thoughts on this: BLM is a truly important issue and is utterly heartbreaking and i am so glad things are being done. it breaks my heart and i just cry when i see how dreadful this world is. i don't physically understand how…
Broad Independent Treatment Plan?
Morning all, I don't know what to title this, or where to put it on the forum, which is quite fitting for the topic really! :D I feel like I have now been given some DWP lemons in the form of PIP...but still don't have the recipe for lemonade. I've been struggling financially for a while, especially over the last couple of…
Tips for volunteering as a disabled person
This week, 1st-7th June, is Volunteers' Week. To say thank you to all of our amazing community champions, we are hearing from @emmarenshaw who is sharing her experiences and top tips. The online community would be a very different place without a team of volunteers who work hard to support other disabled people. Hello,…
Degenerative back pain complicated by EDS and heart arrhythmias
Hi , I am looking for resources, people experiencing similar issues and support to improve my understanding and options in respect of degenerative back pain complicated by EDS and heart arrhythmias
My carers come from an agency funded by the government. An aide comes 2 -4 hours a day to help with for cleaning, shopping. My question is this: the agency sends whoever they want never consulting me was to when someone is coming. I get used to an aidd, a relationship is formed, then the carer never comes back. The agency…
Not trusting our support worker
Hi there my children and I have dyslexia and my daughter and I sometimes have anxiety we help each other a lot through what were going through and talk a lot we have people judging us and sometimes not being nice online and in the community we have a support worker that whispers to our newly met social worker about us and…
Worried about going out, especially to the shops, due to mobility
This is my first message here ? I've come here to find out if there are people struggling like I am at the moment. I am worried about going out, especially to the shops. I have mobility issues and a blue badge but I can't stand in long queues without getting tired. Is there anyone else struggling with this? I don't want to…
Hello it's Jujus back again after a while. I'm not used to writing and finding responses as yet..technology is not my best friend but I keep trying. Thank you to those that did welcome me here,it brought a smile and urged me to return. I've had to cut back on the Gabapentin I was taking as it caused terrible stomach pains.…
Well..I'm kinda the same...
Nothing in my life has really changed apart from family get togethers I suppose n choosing to go sumwere wen having a better day,,,I sleep the majority of the day ,,I'm trying So hard to get out this rut n JUST DO SOMETHING wen I'm asleep I'm at peace I'm sorry to sound depressing but it's the way it is with me..but if u…
Non Scary exercise incentive for Zimmer users
Shouty sport people are dismaying . Loud music is disconcerting. Nhs chair exercise sheets are dispiriting. Someone somewhere recommended a user friendly you tube or similar, but the link was lost. Any ideas please?
Your relationship with family
How do people find getting along with and being part of their wider family? I find it quite difficult due to ableism, which I know is not deliberate but it makes relationships hard. I can't keep pretending things don't upset me. It's sad because I feel a remove from my wider family. It makes life very small. How do others…
'I had an active life': How are shielders surviving lockdown?
How are you coping with lockdown? If you're shielding, do you feel confident about what to when the initial 12-week period ends, or are you confused? Do you feel included in the guidance being laid out by the government, do you have enough information?
How do I apply for an assistance dog?
Don's anyone know how apply for or be referred for assistant dog. Multiple disabilities a nd deaf. I seen the sites but confused as to whether in need to be referred or apply direct. I'd be grateful any help. I know they not pets. I still trying to navigate the many posts here. I keep ending up in the lounge.
Questions regarding care costs as a young person.
Hey there, I'm hoping to get some answers to a few questions I have regarding trying to save as a young person who requires continuing care. If anyone has been in the same position and can offer some clarification it'd be extremely helpful! The government seems to have a cap where if you have more than £23,250 in cash or…
have ceabalplasy and epilepsy and ceabalplasy asthma depression and anxiety
Im new here
Accessing the community
Hello there, I am a support worker looking to better myself
in terms of the support I provide to individuals in the community. I am wanting
to organize activities and was wondering what some of the common issues you, as
parents and carers come across on a day to day basis when out and about. I
would like it, if you could…