Myasthenia gravis
Looking to talk and get information from people with Myasthenia gravis. Did you get told your a drama queen or back stabbed by what you thought were friends? Do you get pip?
hi all I have been recently diagnosed with cfs/me as I have all symptoms but o have been struggling to fine people with m.e that have the same perment vision issues as me. But I have now talked to some one who had Eds and has the same problems as me so just wanted to no if this is common with Eds. here is how I would…
Wills and probate
Hi everyone, is here perhaps somebody who knows law very well and could advise me personally via message on procedures regarding will and probate when relative from family passed away? I have 3 questions to ask to make sure I understand everything correctly. Please let me know and I will send my questions directly. Thanks…
Looking for new friends.
Hello I'm new to this site and so would be grateful of any help also anyone looking for a new friend. I'm looking to chat dewing this lockdown so if you feel the same why not say hello.
Irlens syndrome Autism
My Grandson has Irlens/Autism..He's moved in with us his Grandparents..It's a desperate situation to find him a stable job..He's now 20 years old.
Newbie who is anxious to tell anyone what I am experiencing
Hi, I'm Jade. I'm 26 and I am a full time uni student. I do not know how these online forums work, and I feel completely exposed and vulnerable by expressing how I feel. However, I can't hold it in anymore with the pain I am experiencing because I have mobility disabilities. I use a crutch for now, but I can no longer walk…
Is this normal part of recovering from back injury?
2 weeks ago i fell very badly and landed on the top of my back. I winded myself and was in instant agony. Gradually the pain has eased through the daytime hours when im walking about but every single night i was up at 2am in excruciating pain. It feels like someone is gripping one of my high up spine joints and twisting…
Working out in West Midlands?
A journalist is putting together a story for the BBC News website on the types of activities those with disabilities can do while in lockdown in order to keep active – as not everyone can follow Joe Wicks!The journalist is wondering whether we have any West Midlands-based members who may be interested in speaking to her…
Supermarket queues
Since thursday o have tried to go to get some essentials but everywhere near me has had ridiculous queues and after standing in one for over half an hour I couldnt manage anymore and went home. I'm now running dangerously low on supplies and aware that the supermarkets are closed 2mrw. My question is does anyone know any…
Hi! I'm Marina and I just wrote a book about ableism!
Hello everyone, I'm from France and spent the last 2 years working on an illustrated book regarding ableism, which is a topic not well know in my country. To make it even more accessible, I also did an English version. The launch was supposed to be mid-April but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is now postponed. But, as…
Can you help?
Hi everyone in the community I wondered if you could help with some research, my sister is currently at the university of Bedfordshire she is heading a project exploring the barriers and facilitators to physical activity/exercise for people with disabilities and the impact it may have on their health and wellbeing. It will…
Can I sue the NHS for failing to treat my mental health?
I have official diagnoses of OCD (obsessive-compulsive
disorder), anxiety, depression and autism. Since I left the child and adolescent mental health services
(an NHS service) in June 2017, things went downhill from there. CAMHS were good
to me, they referred me to the Adult Mental Health Team. The lady from
CAMHS said I…
Am really fed up. I can't get a slot at any of the local supermarkets,
I am 78 and disabled. I am really fed up. I can't get a slot at any of the local supermarkets, I keep looking with out getting much luck. I cant help feeling that family and friends of the work force are getting most of the slots.
What do you wish mutual aid groups were doing (that they are not already)?
Hi everyone, I hope you are staying safe and keeping well. A community group that I'm in has been doing lots of mutual aid work recently such as delivering shopping and picking up prescriptions, but are now thinking about what else we can do to be as helpful as possible at the moment. I know a lot of people feel they have…
Sign up for coronavirus support for the extremely vulnerable
Hi all! My friend sent me this, not sure what it will be. As I write this it isn’t open yet, but suggests that you can register for support if you’re extremely vulnerable. https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable
Has anybody got dropfoot through a trapped nerve caused by a damaged disc?
Has anybody got dropfoot through a trapped nerve caused by a damaged disc. I had an op a few weeks ago to release my nerve and although I am not in any pain now I still have dropfoot I have been told it can take months before it might get better or i could have it for the rest of my life has anybody been through the same…
Been given priority but still can't get a delivery
I've had an email from Asda stating I'm a priority for delivery, my wife a nurse has also had the letter telling her to isolate, trying to get a delivery is still impossible, We're lucky as the Scottish gov send us basic food but we still need to order meats ,chicken and a load of other every day foods. Deliveries from…
Hi my name is Shannon and I have quite a big problem so when I start college for health and social care I started to see these people I thought of it has nothing so I did not say anything to my mum it started to get worse and worse so I told mum also in January I got told I might have autism but for some reason no one will…
I've been diagnosed with cancer, I don't know what to do
Ive been diagnosed with cancer and i have a 9 year old daughter and my partner keeps going off l dont know what to do
Stop care-based essentials being taken away from the vulnerable
With care-based essentials being limited, reduced and recalled due to increased demand caused by the current pandemic, the pressure on our community is greater than ever. The basics we require for our everyday supplies are now also needing to be shared with the emergency hospitals being put in place around the country.…