A long overdue apology, and a reason to take everything you hear with a pinch of salt
Back in school, I was probably 15 or 16? I get called away from class by the physio department because they need help with something. I was essentially the outlier of my school. The one with CP who could walk talk, and question. So, I get to the department, and I walk in to find a couple who had just been told their baby…
Behavioral problems
We can not figure out why our daughter started having more difficult behavior problems. It started 3 yrs ago. We can not seem to get the meds. Right and she is very difficult. We have tried most everything. Now trying to keep the new counselor to except us for help. Most people would much rather have a child with a drug…
my 3 year old may have mild cerebral pasy
Hi everyone wondering if you can help my daughter may have mild cerebral pasy how long does it take for them to give you a diagnosis.. my daughter can not talk can't hear properly she is vision impaired she is 3 years old thank you xx
Sleep issues with my 6 yr old
I have come to have a nose around as I have a 6yr old son with sleep issues amongst other issue. Desperate to be able to help him get some good quality sleep amongst other things xx
EDS help?
I have 3 children tho they are between 32 and 22. 2 of which have eds. My 22yr old girl is having extreme pain issues with eds. I have no idea how to help. Hope to find some ideas and advice on work etc.. nice to meet you all.
Hi, my name is ana1212!
o have my disabled child and I need some help
carer respite breaks?
Given my ever growing list of 'problems', is there such a thing as a scheme where carers cant get a break for a few days to a breathing space? Dealing with my meds, appointments and care needs, must take some toll on my wife, But Im thinking that coping with my depression exacts a much higher cost to her own health! Im…
Hi, my name is torgan381!
hi i am a full time multi carer i have a semi disabled husband daughter with pmg syndrome and mental health and sister with learning disabilities ,yep a hand full i know but hey thats life i always work on the theory there is someone worse off than me . at the moment i am struggling as i feel i have failed due to my care…
Hi, my name is rockmadmum!
I'm a carer to my son..my other son is in a care home and has his own carers 24/7..my question is..the care provider has given 28 days notice and another provider is being bought in (who have now informed me they can't start on the start date 23.11.17 due to the tupe and competencie process)..the present provider finishes…
Parenting with CP
Hello! my name's Laura and I have spastic diplegia. Here's the thing, I am currently pregnant with my first child, and I'm wondering how I'll be able to do things other parents take for granted, such as picking up and carrying their child, when my balance can be so poor. I've tried looking for resources online that might…
Hello I’m new on here as of tonight !
hi everyone , I’m a single parent of 3 children and my eldest , my son , was diagnosed this summer with ASD and has battled adhd since he was 7 . He’s now 19 and we’re both struggling tremendously with this all. My eldest daughter has adhd , very low grades after two years in secondary school plus I have a 6 year old…
Teenager and CP
My son is 13 years old over the past couple of mo the he is struggling with fatigue and increased pain on his thighs. I am not sure if it is just growing pains but he is really struggling. Has anyone got any suggestions
Trust will for my 15Yr son
I appreciate it if you could please help me with finding a trust charity other than Mencap to use for our trust will for my 15Yr son with SN and younger brother with no need, with thanks.
Calling all parents of children with Cerebral Palsy
Hi If your child has CP, then it goes without saying that you'll want them to get the best treatment and support for them so that they can achieve their potential in life. Sadly, as things stand, you'll find that once your child reaches 18, the medical support they receive now will just disappear. You may well have been…
Autisum specturme
hi his 22 years old moved back home, i am still struggling to find right support he just doesn't like to do anything, he does not like all the food I really don't know what to feed him everday for lunch and dinner. i want to go back to work at least 2 to 3 hours please please help
Do you struggle with bedtime? (Potential product)
I am a product designer developing a product that creates a protective, comforting and calming environment for children (3yrs +) who struggle falling asleep. I'm looking for some feedback from anyone who has experience or knowledge with sleeping problems and happy to get involved. Many thanks!
Erratic Sleep Behaviour
Hi I am the primary carer for my brother who has a learning disability since birth. He is 64 and has a very erratic sleep pattern. His mind seems to go into overdrive when he gets into bed and constantly talks to himself and it would appear others most of the night. He is completely exhausted throughout the day and can…
Disabled Concessions not on in half term?
Hi, I hope this is ok to post. I am a PA for an adult with Downs Syndrome. I am having an argument with a well-known company as we were not offered any concessions when using their facilities because it was the October half term. When asked about this, they said they don't give any special offers during school holidays. My…
Adopting a little one with Quad CP - support?
Hello, we are in the process of adopting a little one with Quad CP. What help is available to us therapeutically/financially to help raise this beautiful little one?
i have prem twins who are now 9yrs old
Hi everyone, i have prem twins who are now 9yrs old, one twin has quad cp and is a full time wheelchair user. I was wondering if anyone lived local and wanted to meet for coffee and a chat???