Bed guard
Hi I’ve asked our occupational therapist for a bed guard for my husband he keeps falling out of bed with his restless leg syndrome but she has told me the money has run out so I have to find 1 myself for him but our mattress is 31 inches high
Anyone else having difficulty finding cover for PA's when off sick?
Hi All, I wondered if any people on this forum is experiencing the same problem at some time, with finding cover when your PA is suddenly taken sick. She works for me four days week and isn’t from an agency so when she’s off I can’t get a replacement. Any advice would be greatly welcome. Thank you,
Housing Help for my little girl!
Hi, I am currently trying so hard to get suitable housing for my little girl, Ava, she has quad CP, severe epileptic and is gtube fed. I’ve been challenged by a housing association for 18 months, arguing with me about what we need that’s suitable. We are now at a point where they are forcing me to take a property with…
Offer your input on appealing decisions on home adaptations
Hi all, If you have disagreed with your Local authority's decision about your home adaptations we would love to hear from you. We are writing a new webpage about "Appealing decisions on Home adaptations." Please get in touch with me at Grace.brown@scope.org.uk or reply to this post if you would be willing to help us with…
Advice needed on getting a council house swap ASAP for disabled mum.
I have been trying to sort out a homeswap for my mother and I for 2 years. Since covid things have ground to a halt, and the places we wanted to go to are places people now do not want to move from, We have already looked at the Countryside scheme, and the homes on offer are not adequate for someone in my mother's…
Hi, my name is 22GreDa58Q! Having trouble with a scooter
I had a Scootercase scooter from CareCo in May 2021 and because due to lock down and being 85 I didn’t try the scooter in the 14 days so I forfeited the returns option the scooter is not what I want .1 the controls are not suitable for my arthritic hands. 2 the steering locking is difficult to tighten 3 the scooter should…
Council housing help please.
Hi there, I applied to my local council to join their housing waiting list over two years ago. I need to move on medical grounds due to me finding using my stairs and shower impossible. After applying, it took them 6 months to inform me that I needed a housing needs assessment from social services and a letter from my GP.…
Does anyone know of any? I'm looking to move me and my mother out of London to Cornwall, as it's far too hectic and noisy for someone in her condition. We have people there who can help out, practically and morally. Thanks Kyle
In need of some advice on moving out
Hey, I am looking to move out but i suffer with pretty bad agoraphobia and a very large amount of anxiety. I am 23, Currently living with my parents, the situation is and has been toxic for many years. Living with them is only making my mental health worst and its starting to get very unstable with almost constant suicidal…
Looking for a small fabric footrest for my 3 year old son- any ideas?
Hello all, I'm trying to find a fabric footrest that I can use to support my 3 year old when I'm out and about. I want something that will pack quite small so I can carry around in my bag and that could be added to a range of chairs. Is this a bit wishful thinking or does anyone know where I might be able to find one?…
Degenerative disc disease
Hi does any body else suffer with this and if so how do you manage it? I've had for 15 years and suffered a relapse recently which was worst one I've had, couldnt stand or walk straight for 5 weeks and needed a wheelchair, not sure if it's deteriated as Drs not sending me for referrals or another MRI, he said it's going to…
Hi, my name is kev09! Company said they will not insure the house for buildings and contents
lv insurance have just informed my landlord who i share the house with will not insure the property for buildings and contents insurance because i am on benefits and that i am disabled, can they do this? urgent help needed, please
Tools for mouse clicks on Windows computers
Do you use, and if so what, any software or hardware to make mouseclicks easier? Like a special Joystick? Are there any software for Windows PC that can you can control with voice or??The reason I'm asking is because I'm unfamiliar with such tools. I also have a game that is completely sound controlled but you need to…
Help needed to fund patio build for disabled man.
I have a garden customer who would like a small(2×8m) patio but hasn't the funds available. The patio would be the entirety of his garden and I'm enquiring if any one could point us in the right direction of charities or organisations that may be able to assist. The client is a man in his 30's paralyzed from the waste down…
Hi, my name is k33! Looking for a head support for for my elderly friend
Hi i have a lovely elderly neighbour who is 94 years of age and lives with her son who is 65 with cerebral palsy they are both wheelchair bound daily. I often go round and help do things as much as possible but i have noticed my elderly friend is falling to sleep alot and her head leans forward so uncomfortably that she…
Question to mobility scooter users. How many miles can you get out of your mobility scooter?
Hi, how many miles can you get out of your mobility scooter? I went down to the beach with a friend and only managed 3.6miles before it started to beep.
Arthritis Pain
Help with housing. I have a mortgaged I'm on UC and PIP. I know about SMI, is there anything else?
Hi was just wondering if anyone new of any other help I could get with housing I have a 1 bedroom flat that is mortgaged I have been on universal credit I am in the LCWRA support group and receive the standard care rate of pip I know about SMI but was just wondering if there is anything else Thanks in advance Big Al
Hi, my name is Bridget64! Will my inheritance count as income?
I could really use some advice please. I am on ESA (support group) and PIP. My grandad died in January and I've just found out that I'm going to receive a considerable inheritance £100k+! I currently rent a 3 bed house from a private landlord but I'm struggling with stairs and bath and so my plan is to buy a bungalow. If…
Hi, my name is drew45! I need help tidying up my house due to mobility and mental health problems
i need help with tyding up my house as i have mobility problems ans severe mental health problems