CVS and applying for PIP
Hi, My son who is now 17 has had cvs for around eight years now after our hospital constantly diagnosing him for two years previous with "rumbling appendix", so was then referred to a gastro specialist. Now years later and still having very frequent attacks but has developed ibd which is being investigated further, my…
new investigations
After 20 years of having serious mobility issues I am going into hospital for tests. I was told I had PPMS in 2003......in 2011 I was told it was HSP.......a few years after that HSP was found to be highly unlikely after genetic testing. I`m going into The Walton Centre in Liverpool. It is the only centre for neurosciences…
have behcets syndrome a rare connective tissue disease/ vasculitus
Hi my name is Jessica and I have behcets syndrome a rare connective tissue disease/ vasculitus which has effected my nervous system
Combination of extremely tight muscles, weak muscles, loose SI joins and bi-lateral hip replacements
HI all, first off I'm excited a community like this exists out there. I'm hoping it will help me find some answers. I'm 37 y/o male and have been battling this since I was 18. All my life every doctor, PT, chiro, LMT and everyone else I've seen has had different opinions and approaches and I've yet to find relief. I've had…
Please help
Has anyone heard of this set of symptoms? It's been 3 months, doctors have thrown their hands in the air. So it started with severe bloating and abdominal pain, it happened suddenly. I had a CRP of 300, everything else including WBC count normal. Bloating has gone down but something just feel off with my abdomen. I have…
Sharp pains
I have sharp shooting pains all over that are progressively getting worse. Sometimes the pains burn, sometimes it feels like water is running on me. I have light numbness and tingling and randomly have no bladder control. The pain is from head to toe. I’ve had MRIs of my stomach, back and brain but the doctors can’t find…
Spinal cord injury
Hi my husband has got a spinal cord injury which has left him tetrapligic . We live in suffolk and struggle with help as no one in this area seem to no much about his disability. We love for him to have some extra rehabilitation but there doesnt seem to be any in our area.
Foot drop
Hello all! I am desperate for some help and information about my foot drop. So I will give some background information. In February this year I experienced some mild back pain. The following morning I went downstairs and I was in so much pain I nearly passed out and felt sick. The pain was not coming directly from my back…
Nerve damage (diabetic)
Hi all i have had severe nerve damage in both legs since 31st March this year. I was off work for 3 months and had a very low mood which for me is unusual. Initially i had been prescribed a range of drugs to ease the pain. It was first thought it was diabetic neuropathy which my diabetic team don't think it is. As the pain…
recurrent pneumonia for years, doctors can't explain it
Hi, I'm posting here because I figure it can't hurt. B) I'm in my 30s, female, and pretty much healthy except for this recurring problem. When I was 7 I got pneumonia for the first time, and ever since then I get sick several times a year. As a kid and young adult we didn't have health insurance, so I rarely got an x-ray…
My name is Connie00 I live with my husband, my 35-year-old Son, and my Nephew who
is 47 years old and has severe Learning disabilities. I used to be his carer
and appointee. now my Son cares for him and Me, my life has changed so much in
the last year and half. I never thought I would need a carer or that I would have…
Can I fly with chiary malformation???
hi completely new here ... I've been diagnosed with a chiary malformation and a rather large cyst in my spinal canal . I have many many questions but the 1st I need to ask is am I able to fly with this condition? My consultation was abit of a blur as I wasn't expecting this... so I didn't think to ask ,, but I'm due to fly…
3 years undiagnosed.
This time 3 years ago, I was healthy as a person could be. And then I got bronchitis. Ok admittedly I'd always been a chesty child, but not particularly sickly. In my time at school I actually hated that, I was never off. I used to have to tell my parents I felt sick or deliberately get in the way of the ball in PE and…
Vascular dementia
I am devastated,Ive just been advised after an mri I have Vascular dementia,am only 60 and don't know what to do,any help out there for me
Teethered Chord
I joined this forum seeing that there were some posts in regards to their childs tethered chord. My daughter is now 5 years old and was diagnosed with a tethered chord about 1 year ago. She has a deep sacral dimple, which lead us to get an MRI and was then diagnosed with a tethered chord. we have been seeing a Specialist…
The Wolfson neurorehabilitation unit - FND
Hello, I recently came out of The wolfson unit, for neurorehabilitation at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton. @Adrian_Scope and @Ami2301 you said to let you know how I got on and I thought others might be interested whom it could help. There is a great programme for Functional neurological disorder (FND) patients, it may…
Doctor unhelpful
I have been to my doctors numerious times over the years with many issues I have suffer with for a long time infact since I was in my teens I'm now 26... Care since moving from pediatric to adult has been hell to say the least. Noone cares. I find it difficult to get my doctor to reffer me for things I and my family…
Loved one has had very low ferritin level for months
I'm typing this on behalf of my mother. She has been feeling sick and weak for at least months and has gone to several doctors with no diagnosis. The problem is that the doctors don't communicate or share medical records, or, they are myopic and can't make diagnoses that fall outside their specialty. To get to the point,…
Epilepsy support
Over the last 6 months, my seizures have become more regular. This has caused me to have increased stress levels. Does anyone have epilepsy who can relate to my issue?
new opinion
Hi, this could be a long story, but I`ll try to shorten it...after all it has been 20 years! When I was 45/46 I began falling..my left leg felt like wood..then I had foot drop and stiffness in my legs and spasms in my arms. My bladder and bowels were very unpredictable. I had supra pubic catheter fitted. I was diagnosed…