Disabled friend thinking of going to Israel
Hi all, My mate feels alienated from where he lives due to all he's faced, an is thinking of trying to sort a holiday to Israel, or just going there for time to think. He says it might be the tiredness talking, but its worth asking who on Scope has been to a foreign country in a wheelchair an how've they found it.
Recommended coach companies for people with disabilities
Looking to travel to Europe by Coach. Has anyone found a coach company that is good for people with disabilities (invisible disability), may need small amount of support when exiting and boarding coach when on boat crossing channel.
Hi, my name is EllenG! Husband is going for Motability car, can you bring forward a PIP assessment?
My partner went today for a Mobility car he is not due his review till October has anyone been able to bring there assessment forward or has any advice thanks
Missing car
Missing car
Wheelchair transport in London?
hello everyone! I hope someone can help. We need to arrange transport from Gatwick to liverpool street station next week. I just found out there will be strikes and the trains won’t run . So we are looking for a transport company. we need a big car with room for two wheelchairs, one electric and one manual. It seems…
to get motability car or not to
well, my 12 yr old focus has decided it wants a new clutch, have been and got quotes, decided to get it done (booked in next week) going to cost about three months pip money, in meantime as i need a car have had to hire one at more cost, so if we say five months pip money to keep me mobile and get car fixed, if i went to…
Blue badge - trafford council
Has anyone applied for a blue badge through trafford council? I have applied for pip, but I think I would probably get the lower mobility rate (if anything at all, after the horror stories I have read). Trafford council have quite restrictive criteria, so I have applied but I don't think I will get anywhere. They are a…
Folding electric wheelchair at airport
Has anyone traveled on a plane with a folding portable electric wheelchair. my wife has a Livewell instafold with removable lithium battery. we have been told that we need to check it in as hold luggage but I am worried about how it will be treated, I’ve seen how they throw suitcases around and how items travel on the…
DVLA car stuff
Why do I have to pay the full car tax amount of £180 which is a huge amount, to then ask for half of it back? Why can’t I just pay 50%?
Getting a different car how do I deal with the half price tax?
I have the half-price tax and had to do that via snail mail do I have to do all that again or now I have it can I do it at the PO or online? Thank you
Medical cards in other languages - where to access them, what to put on them
Looking for company that will make cards in other languagues re disabilities I have , medication I take, emergency contacts. Also what else to put on card? Company I currently use for main disability only does cards in English, that main helpline can be called and they have a department that can offer translation services.…
Hi, my name is tomobilityornot! Motability car or not?
Hi everyone, lets talk motability scheme, to have or not have motability car. mmm being on enhanced pip for a few months, and being a car owner (12 yr old car, serviced etc) do i need a motability car, well it would look nice on my drive, but honestly at nearly £300 a month over ten grand in three years, its a bit costly,…
Concerned about giving sensitive personal information when applying for blue badge
Ive lately applied for a blue badge but Im concerned about giving sensitive personal information to people working at the council.Are they healthcare professionals or just office clerks?And is there a data protection issue?
Vehicle tax and PIP certificate
I have enhanced mobility entitlement via PIP and have had free tax on my vehicle, but my vehicle broke down and I have just replaced it but discovered I don't have a certificate of entitlement as I've just had a review and my PIP was extended but they did not issue a certificate. I am currently house bound and will have my…
Cancelling motability agreement
Hello everyone I'm in need of advice
Hello thanks for response If I received lcwra I can get blue badge?
Do the dealerships lie??
Hi everyone, I’m new here and have a question regarding the Vauxhall Mokka on Motability. I went and ordered my car on March 2nd, the dealer had previously over the phone mentioned there were 8 on the way to the country, he would check colours, as I need no adaptions. So when I ordered they had one in black en route. He…
What a weird day
So today I rang my doctor when the nurse didn't ring and apparently, I have changed doctors which I haven't, so they were going to investigate. Last month I sent an email to cancel my car order and heard nothing back, so today I decided to register with Motability and see if my car had been cancelled, it was still on…
Motability payments
Hi 👋 I collected my new car last Friday and I received my PIP today. It still included the Motability payment which I thought was meant to go directly from DWP to the dealership. I’m a bit confused. Do I have to tell PIP. Will the dealer need to be paid from me??? Has this happened to anyone else??? Thanks 🙏
New car seat discomfort
Hi 👋 all, Got my new car, but have noticed the seats are slightly more concave than my old car. Has anyone used lumbar support car cushions? I’ve tried the D shape one, but found it useless. Been looking at slightly bigger options. Any advice much appreciated, thanks ☺️