Uc mitigation rent
Sorry if already been asked but I couldn't find anything on it. So I've done my mitigation today and it says It averages 5 weeks to first payment. It also says they pay for the next 2 weeks housing benefit. So does that mean I will have to find 3 weeks worth of rent? It's really stressing me out as that will be £600/£800…
Received letter to go over to UC from ESA
Hello I’ve received my letter to transfer over to uC from esa, I am in the support group and have tried to read as many threads as I can with regards to what I need to do and don’t do. I’m of the understanding because I am in the support group I don’t need to provide a fit note? Is this correct? And will I still need to…
Hi, my name is Sas24! Waiting since February for WCA decision, is this normal?
I had my 2nd WCA since coming off ESA in February,I know it's with decision makers but that's the only information I can get,should it take so long? Does it mean there's more likely to be a change to what group I am In please?
Uc career element
hi Any advise to get career element in uc I started caring partner 14 August Assassement period is 18 July 19 August am I able to claim career element in this months adamant period an payment date or do I have to wait a month for caring for my partner for them to give the element payment if I’m on lwrca an my partner can I…
Pleas advise,LCWRA
Hello I’m be here and was hoping please can anyone advise me with this? I have been submitting fit notes since last August and was told to complete a UC50 in January this year which I got support with from an advice centre as been too poorly to cope with it. Basically heard nothing from DWP and continued submitting fit…
Hello everyone, I’m looking into moving out from my parents house into a flat with my sister during this year. I’m really excited however I have a bad doubt. I get UC LCWRA and pip enhanced on daily living and standard on mobility. Now my question is, will I receive any extra money for paying rent etc? My sister works full…
Lcwra confusion again.
I asked about payments and back pay, they didn’t confirm whether I’d get back pay or not but this is the message I got. So do they pay you for the three months? It states I was awarded it back in April and I’m going to receive my my first lwrca this week, but they haven’t sent an automatic statement they said the case…
Experiences of managed migration
Hello, after receiving the migration notice from hmrc I have made the online application for universal credit. The whole thing has sent my anxiety levels through the roof. My husband moving from IR ESA support group, and me as his partner on IR ESA claim. I work a small amount of hours per week self employed to fit around…
Hi, my name is diane68! Universal migration, will I be down money?
Hi I’m just after some help regarding universal migration I’ve had the letter come through to say about migrating over but the 16th of September in regards to transitional protection I am currently on income support with sdp which is 348 every 2 weeks and I get carers weekly , will I still get the same amount as what I get…
LCWRA payment date
Hi I'm new here and really need some advice please. I have been awarded lwcra and was told I would receive ive my lwcra payment on top of my uc on the 24th of August 2024. However I have checked my statement and it's the normal payment I'm so confused. My first sick note was the 30th April, I was awarded the extra money…
Can they stop my money?
High hope everyone is feeling good today
LCWRA tribunal won, what happens next?
After months of trauma waiting for a tribunal I finally got a date and they agreed to a telephone hearing. The tribunal wasn't decided by the judge, the DWP conceded. So what happens now? Can they still appeal the decision even though they conceded? What happens next? How long will it take to receive backpay? I've read…
Will my universal credit be effected if my son moves in
hello I live in a 3 bed house with my husband and 18 year old son, we are on universal credit and pip, my 23 year old needs to move back, but I need to know how it will effect our benefits? He will need to look for a full time job as well Thank you
Working for partner when on limited capacity for work
Hi, can someone tell me if im on limited capacity for work as i had cancer, then had stenos fo the back so decided to work for my partner to prepare me to get a job and go back to work am i allowed to do this and receive no monies just to see how i would get on working or is this against the rules
Transition from lcw to lcwra
Hi I have been on lcw for a number of years I was due a review and 3 / 4 years ago but due to covid and there being a backlog I had to wait I have recently had my review and been given lcwra I have been trying to ask uc when first payment will be but they keep saying I have to wait 3 full months befor I get a payment but I…
LCWRA confusion.
Hi everyone, I know you must get this question a lot, but here goes my attempt. I've been receiving disability benefits in one form or another for the better part of ten years. My condition got worse a couple of years ago and u was reassessed to get me moved from the WRAG group to the LCWRA group. My assessment was last…
Been awarded LCWRA
Hi, I've finally been awarded LCWRA on the 15th May. I previously was awarded LCW without the WRA element a few years ago, I couldn't make ends meet so I ended up getting a job, within a year my health had deteriorated and ended up in hospital. I wad signed off work on the 3rd August 2023 after coming home from hospital so…
Hi, my name is wendz62! I just need to know when I will get my first LCWRA payment?
WCA Decision OutcomeLCWRA awarded from : 26/04/2024WCA Date : 13/08/2024Prognosis 16 months, (4 months from effective date 26/04/2024 to medical assessment plus 12 months prognosis, rounded in customers favour).So they gave you 4 months + 12 months = 16 months in total - but you will still need to wait for the cooling off…
LCWRA- Carer help?
Hello, My eldest daughter currently claims UC LCWRA. She cares for my younger daughter who receives PIP whilst I go to work and also allows her to stay overnight in her home 2-3 days a week to give me some respite. CAMHS & MASH acknowledge she is my younger daughter’s carer and have provided a letter confirming that, but…
Universal credit and carer eliment
hi every Im Shaz and I’m looking for advise please My mum is severely disabled and I’m on universal credit I spoke with an adviser and was told if I claim carers allowance my mum would lose her premium but won’t if I claim carers element Is this right because a friend has told me she will lose her severe disability premium…