Becoming an apprentice at 57! Andy's experience with Scope's Support to Work programme
Andy discovered Scope’s Support to Work programme after losing his job. With his adviser's support, he found employment again. Read Andy's full story on the Scope website. I was initially positive about the redundancy, believing I could find something new. However, I soon discovered that applying for jobs had become more…
Welcome SupportToWork_Scope!
has many different services available, and we have noticed in our Online
Community that many users are asking about getting back into work. Our
Support To Work programme is a free, online and telephone support for disabled
people in England and Wales. I
wanted to introduce you to Jennie today, who works as an…
Applying for ill health - what do I include on the form?
hi there, I’m new here but can’t find any information about this. I’m currently applying for ill health retirement from my nhs job. I’ve spent the last 5 years trying reasonable adjustments, working different hours, working from home to etc and have been really well supported but I just can’t continue any more. I’m not…
I think I may be being managed out of work. Am I, and… Do I leave?
Hi, I’m new :) Posted this elsewhere but want the views of other disabled people I have multiple disabilities but I found a job. I’ve been working for 8months. It’s been good - I have made mistakes but nothing really bad and I’ve never been scolded or anything. I’ve felt like the job isn’t a great fit for me but I haven’t…
Hi Folks I don't know of any disabled persons who have managed to achieve management level jobs in any organizations. Are you aware of any? Do you feel there is still discrimination again disabled people being promoted? Thank You
Requested reasonable adjustment - got discharged.
Hi all, Two questions for you. One - Has anyone ever been discharged from an NHS service, simply for asking for a reasonable adjustment? If so, what was your experience and did you manage to sort it out/get the treatment you needed. Two - Can anyone who's had to challenge the failure to provide a reasonable adjustment tell…
Can you keep your job if ill health retirement is rejected?
I would like to know more about ill health retirement, please. Is it possible to still keep the job if the application for ill health retirement is rejected?
Return to work but not fit for work ?
Hi Scope Happy New Year. This was sent to my union rep for advice so hope i can get help from scope too . Just an update on my health issues. I went into CSTM to have my second hip operation on the 5th of December. Whilst in surgery, I had an allergic reaction to antibiotics and suffered anaphylaxis. I was taken to ICU…
Hi, my name is lkenny10! What's next after applying for ill health retirement?
hello So I work for the ambulance service and have for 5 years and 4 months. Unfortunately I had a horse accident and I have a neurological disorder. I have been off work for over two years now. I’ve been dismissed for ill health retirement and I’ve had all oh reports done and sent to NHS pension. I am not able to work…
Work in UK as EU national
Hello, I have friend she is Belgian and she thinks to move to UK and continue working as UBER driver, but as an EU citizenship I read she need to apply for a visa... but there was many and many information.. can you please with a short cut advise how can she starts? TThanks
Flexible working, Disability Discrimination
Hi All, In April 2023 I had a heart attack which resulted in in 3 stents being fitted I was off work roughly 6 weeks , June 2023 diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. I submitted a flexible working request only to be told I was not allowed to it before case being put forward , this seen a decline in my mental…
Jobs for people with knee osteoarthritis
Hello everyone, I have a family member (48F) who has a Masters in Biochemistry (from 1997 in India) and is working as a Science Technician in a secondary school over the last decade. She is a valued member of the team and she is very proactive and hardworking. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with moderate to severe…
Hi, my name is Roseyjo34! Looking for some support. Newly disabled by RA and Arthritis. New mobility
Hi, my name is Jo. I am new to disabled life. Looking for some support. Newly disabled by RA and Arthritis. New mobility issues. Work have been trying to manage me out for some time. I got Reasonable adjustments after a 2 year fight. My work have now moved offices into a new office. The rooms for my job are upstairs. There…
Hi, my name is PIJ9911! Does anyone have any success stories about employment discrimination?
hello does anyone have any success stories about employment discrimination for neurodiversity and mental health? I have ADHD, anxiety and depression and complex PTSD
Access to work grant - self employed
Hi Does anyone have any experience or knowledge as to the process for accessing this grant if you are self employed there seems to be plenty of information relating to employed and employers and how to access if you have ADHD but not much if you have a physical disability and are self employed I am wondering what types of…
Individual Placement and Support
Does anyone know much about this? I would love to get back into work but I have several barriers to entry and have just learnt about the Individual Placement and Support service. But can't actually find out much about it, who runs it, whether its one organisation or several or much of anything really. I would only be able…
Feeling really rubbish about my job.
I work in a profession known for high stress and unfairness. I am minimum wage though and was lucky enough to wfh and flexible hours. However today out the blue I was given a formal notice for not being up to standard. I suffer from severe chronic migranes and brain fog and focus so I understand but also get vauge…
Work not being helpful, diverticulitis
Hello all.… im knew here got told in October 24 I had diverticulitis and got diagnosed in 2023 but not told loads of hospital stays with flare ups ....my work as not been helpfull at all and I feel I'm not getting no help worked for nhs for 23 years
Help completing LGPS ill health retirement forms
Good morning, I'm wondering if anyone can help with completing the forms for the final stage of LGPS ill health retirement forms, I have 3 deferred and one active and finding them very confusing. Thanks in advance.
Ill health retired - Civil service pension
I retired from civil service on Low rate pension. TBH I think I was ripped off and I couldn't get anyone to help me not even the union. Felt like they just wanted shot of me. My MH couldnt take anymore. I was in a spiral. Anyway, the Mccloud remedy. It seems I'm effected. Anyone know how this works? I've researched an I've…
Scared of starting work but feel I have no choice
hi there, I’ve been diagnosed with autism, adhd and hidradenitis suppurativa (painful, smelly skin condition), anxiety and depression to name a few. I’ve been thinking about starting employment for some time now but I don’t know what I could even do. I’ve been out of employment for 10 years but I was previously a kitchen…
work - Disability
Hi all, i'm struggling to find an answer to my question, so I just thought I would try asking you kind people. So basically, I have recently become disabled. Briefly explaining, this is ataxia - a neurological condition characterized by loss of fine motor control - and as such I struggle with walking (day to day, i use a…