Hi, I'm fraser2907! When will I get my P60?
Hi Everyone has anyone still waiting for there p60 2021 I'm on Esa and when i spoke to them and they told there system broke down and said it would arrive by May I have written 3 letters and requested this online and still heard nothing can someone please if there is an other way I can get this ??
Seeking work from home jobs!
I have joined Scope in the hope that it'll help me adapt back into work. I worked in a school for 7 years before several personal tragedies occurred leaving me with several mental illnesses, one of which being agoraphobia meaning I cannot leave the house. Despite over a year of lockdowns and companies all over the world…
Hi, my name is Naz_Shad! 20 years old and looking for work
Hey!! New here :smile: 20 years old, looking for work and finding it a real struggle.
Hi, my name is Peppermint76! I need advice on working with arthritis
Hi I'm new here. I suffer with gout and osteoarthritis. I do work. But I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with pain. I would love to keep working. As I value my independence and enjoy getting out their. I have been in my new job less than 1 year. But had time off due to gout and I'm working with gout that's move into…
Interview reasonable adjustments
Hi everyone. I am after some advice please. I work in the Civil Service and our interviews are difficult. Usually 4 competency style questions and 4 strengths based questions- in a timed environment. I have ME which causes cognitive issues, made worse under the stress of an interview. Although I prepare and have notes, I…
Refusal to make Access to work adjustments
Hi all I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and although i experience the pain etc my main symptom is cognitive (thinking, reading, writing). I have a meeting this week to discuss the ATW recommendations but it appears they are going to decline the recommendations, which are minor (software and voice recorder) and have no…
Employment Advisor
Please may someone assist me in finding an Employment advisor?
Employment tribunal for discrimination and unfair dismissal
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to work out or know what compensation to ask for. I was dismissed from my job due to high absence, but was mostly disability related. I also worked through the pandemic without my physical reasonable adjustments which caused a lot of mental and physical problems…
Finding a job with chronic pain - contacting companies
I suffer from chronic pain that is made worse by physical work and I am struggling to find a job. I have tried working in various part-time retail and cleaning jobs but had to leave them due to the pain they caused. I am going to apply for employment advice through Scope but was just wanting a bit of advice from members. I…
Hi, I'm AMMCN030958! I have an essential hand tremor + am worried how it'll impact my job.
Hi Ive got an essential tremor in my right hand and I'm a secretary. Looks like I'm going to have to give up work. I've tried propanalol and now i'm on primadone - neither help. Anyone any suggestions or does it look like i'm giving up work. Its so frustrating and I get really upset and the more I try the worse I get.
How much can I earn If my husband claims benefit for us?
Hi I was wondering if anyone can give me some info, my husband is disabled and claims ESA and PIP and I am on Carers allowance and I am wondering how much I am allowed to earn before it will affect our benefit. The income wouldn't be a flat rate as it is worked on commission basis. Any info would be of great help.
What to do employment wise after Osteoarthritis diagnosis?
After nearly 50 years in construction I have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis. For the past 30 years I have been a building manager, site manager and a project manager. All active roles and ones that I can no longer do. Hopefully, I can get some support from this group as to what to do next, before I lose everything I…
Ill-health retirement
Hi. I have worked in the NHS for 25 years and have paid into a pension throughout. I am quite a senior member of staff who also has a neuromuscular condition, and particularly over the lockdown, I have deteriorated to the point where I don't believe I can work any longer. How do I ascertain what I would receive if I was to…
Have you had issues with your employer or workplace during the pandemic?
Are you
worried about returning to a workplace because of a health condition /
disability? Have you been
denied furlough by your employer, but are worried about returning to work?
Could you afford to live on Statutory Sick Pay? (SSP) Have you been
working from home, on furlough or SSP, and face going back to work before…
Hi, I'm Padraig! Looking for flexible work due to chronic illness.
Hi, I really want to work but have several chronic illnesses that remind and flare up so I can’t guarantee to be say somewhere really every Tuesday at 9am. Looking for flexible ideas. Quie educated, qualified and experienced at 53 but willing to do anything within my reach. Charity work or helping others would be great.…
Good job news
Hi everyone, I already found a job I’m so excited and happy ? I’m waiting for the DBS soon I received they tell me wen can I start. I’m going to work as a care worker, I never thought that I would achieve a good and a secure job. My only concern is I’m on furlough until May the 17 and I don’t know wen the DBS arrives I…
Employment Tribunal Preliminary Hearing
I wonder if someone can
help! I'm currently in the Employment Tribunal process and have soon date
for Preliminary Hearing. I have completed the PH Agenda form with help
from the respondent I kid you not. This has now being sent. My worry is that the respondent's
solicitor is asking for a list of discriminatory matters,…
Hi, my name is Whatsthis
Hello everyone, I hope I can get some advice here because I'm lost
Hi, Why do employers try to skip away from employing the disabled?
Why do employers try to skip away from employing the disabled. Do we have two heads.
Autism Acceptance Month Redundancy
Hi, Not mentioning their name: I have been employed by a company for 15 years in total yet I have managed to be made redundant twice now by the same Organisation in less than 3 years, Lucky me! Long story the first redundancy was after 12 and a half years when the Respite Hospice I worked in closed due to lack of funding…