is it possible to start a business in 2020

SammyRich90 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected
edited November 2020 in Work
is it possible to start a business in 2020  as a man with Disabilities? I am 30


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,291 Championing

    We are coming towards then end of 2020, so 2021 maybe more realistic. The answer, yes of course you can if this is what you want to do. You can do anything if you put your mind to. If you're claiming benefits though, working may affect them but it will depend exactly what you're claiming.
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Of course you can @SammyRich90, with the right idea and dedication anybody can start a business and make it succeed. 

    I noticed you put this discussion in a benefits category, is there a particular reason for that? If it was accidental, I can move it to a more appropriate category.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Of course you can but it is all down to your ambition and determination and first of all finding a idea what would be successful
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 296 Empowering
    What kind of business did you want to do.
  • SammyRich90
    SammyRich90 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected

    Hi there I am going Answer and question one at a time 

    Thank you for replying 

    So yes 2021 is anymore Realistic goal but because there has been so much happening in 2020 working from home and working as a person with a disability starting up a company seems more likely for something to happen

     Question two I am aware that Christian Right category please move it to where you see fit thank you 

    Number three isn’t really a question but more of a personalGood luck with everythGood lucking . Thank you and I do appreciate it. 

    Number four is what kind of business is itThat question gets confusing it’s a written and video blog of person with a disability thought and  feeling it is also are some Fiction books and two types of T-shirt/print stores online.

  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 296 Empowering
    My friends dad had a learning disability. He was told from a young age that he would never amount to anything. He had the mental age of a 15 yr old and worked down the pit for 10 years saved up. he had a amazing ability with wood work  making wardobe cuboards ect . Very talented. he set up a business with A FRIEND. He amounted to a good business man  something he was told he would never be, So yes it is possible
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    It's a shame when disabled people are made to feel that way @charlie79, but it's always nice to prove the doubters wrong and prove that there is nothing to stop you from reaching your goals.
  • LuckeeBlackCat1
    LuckeeBlackCat1 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    SammyRich90, very good being creative and becoming self-employed. Selling T-shirts sound more profitable?  Good luck. Just start small and you continue to grow. 
    I am a designer but unemployed so I want to be self-employed. But with my PTSD, depression I receive ESA in Support Group. I am scared of sanction by asking Permitted Work. Is there any good agency in London?  
  • SammyRich90
    SammyRich90 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected
    edited January 2021


    Thank you for your comment the problem with most of these are that all the market are swamped because everyone is doing it

     But it’s a good way of becoming self employed self reliant very quickly if you want to put in the hard work

    It is just a way of  lower in the  playing field In this day of age there is no reason why you can’t do both actually actively encourage

    If you would like a piece of the pie rather than the whole pie then going self-employed and designing and stuff is a great thing to do

    Need an agency based in Windsor my head that will go anywhere around the south-east call Ways into Work if you want to try out