Video Magnifiers
Hi There, I have the Bierley MPD-12 video desktop magnifier which I notice has started to malfunction.I understand the company do a USB version of the same thing for either Windows or Mac and I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a similar and cheaper product available on the market,to purchase?This is an example of…
Advice on ways to get power to my council garage?
Good afternoon everyone. I'm looking for advice on ways to get power to my council garage. I have a ground floor flat and I am disabled. I currently lease a mobility scooter through Motability and I am finding it extremely difficult to charge it effectively. My flat is cold during autumn, winter and I've found at the…
iPhone or Android
Hi everyone, I am currently an iPhone user and I am considering a new phone, hence having my model since 2019. I have benefited from having iPhone over the years, although I would say and I’m sure people would agree, that attimes, they can be a little nuisances. when you buy a fast charger, you don’t only the charging…
Motability Scheme Live, Birmingham, 2025
I am considering attending 'Motability Scheme Live' in May 2025. I am particularly interested in learning more about vehicles and adaptions available to disabled drivers. I am hoping to find out more about drive from WAV's. Has anyone been to these events in the past - they were known as 'The Big Event' and 'One Big Day' -…
Hi, my name is CPYogi! I'm 66 with mild CP but increasingly debilitating osteoarthritis ...
Hi - I'm 66 with mild CP but increasingly debilitating osteoarthritis that's severely cut down mobility last 5 yrs. Interested in CP and ageing resources.
Query about Cookies
Hello, could anyone advise me please? I have recently joined SCOPE and now realise that I have a problem in rejecting cookies. I run Linux Mint 20 Ulyana and do not accept cookies in general, though sometimes "strictly necessary only". Having read all I can find about the matter on this site, I still have not accepted and…
Hello Everyone! I am looking to connect and make new friends.
Hi Everyone, I'm Andy, and I'm navigating life with neurodiversity. I received a late assessment confirming autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), pathological demand avoidance (PDA), sensory processing disorders (SPD), and specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) like dyslexia and…
Dear All, I have several co-morbidities, but one of the most debilitating conditions I face is Sensory Motor Polyradiculoneuropathy. My leg(Both legs) symptoms began around August/September 2023, initially as intermittent numbness in both great toes, but they progressed rapidly. By September 2023, I developed permanent…
Astigmatism and Exophoria(muscle control issues)-Reporting to DVLA
Hi Scope MODS and experts, I have been holding back on posting about this for a while, but I feel compelled to ask after seeing a few things in the news. I have been unable to find any specific advice or policies on the DVLA website. I drive, albeit now for very short distances, mainly due to my fatigue. I have had some…
Finding the right car for a disabled driver.
Hello, I am exploring the option of purchasing my own car however, the more I look the more confused I become. And the prices! I cannot afford to get a Motability car. Does anyone know of any support available that can help identify the type of vehicle and adaptions one might require, and how to source it? - Google does…
Hi, my name is LittleGreyCat! Ive just been given my first set of NHS hearing aids
Ive just been given my first set of NHS hearing aids
Utilising AI to respond to complex government requests.
I recently used DeepSeek R32 an AI application in order to respond to a dispute regarding UC and pensions. I found it very useful so I asked members here if it would be helpful in their own responses to what can be very complex and daunting requests from UC and probably most departments of government. To be clear, if this…
Home Essentials and Grants
Hia, Is there anywhere to get help with white goods floor coverings and a new orthopaedics mattress or some kind of Grant if you are not part of a charity group or some be kind of organisation?? I’ve been trying my best to find something myself with no luck at all and I’m already struggling with my mental and physical…
Augmented Assistance Technology. Question and Answer session with Michael Cash from Voiceitt.
Michael Cash-Voiceitt. Question one: Hi Michael, Welcome to Scope’s online community. We’re here today discussing Augmented Assistive Communication (AAC), particularly your company Voiceitt. Before we get into the details, tell me about yourself and your background. Answer: From a young age my parents noticed I wasn’t…
Hi, my name is DaveDee933! Mobility Scooter speed
Came across this forum by chance when researching about Mobility scooters why theyare restricted to 8 mph in the UK, as usual government red tape dictating what we can and can't do. On long straight footpaths 4mph is boring.
ESA + UC - Change ESA to monthly instead of bi-weekly payments
Hi, I once had phoned DWP to find out how to change the payment periods, and the person on the phone had told me to write a handwritten letter with the sentence to please change the payment period of my ESA to monthly payments instead of bi-weekly. However I can't remember the postal address he gave me, and I thought I had…
Does anyone know what equipment or apps I can use for listening and conversing on the phone when I have a hearing impairment? I know there is something called Captioned telephone has anyone used it
We want to hear from YOU!
Your insights are crucial for a meaningful study on cervical screening. If you’ve ever had experience with it, we want to know what it's really like from your perspective. It’s quick, easy, and makes a real difference! To get involved - please see the attached poster below *** The above post has been moderated and checked…
Working with indentations while creating multi-level lists in MS Word: some basic principles/rules
Looking for research participants for my PhD project
Hello there, My name is Leon and I’m a doctoral researcher at the university of West London, I am doing my PhD on enhancing automatic speech recognition for dysarthric speakers (i also have dysarthria). I am currently looking for volunteers to support my project with the data collection requirement. This would involve…
Mutual exchange discrimination
Hi, My first post here! It’s quite a long complex story but I’ll try keep it brief. I’m currently trying to do a Mutual exchange to a larger housing association property. I require a stair lift for my own needs and was also recommended a wet room in my current property by OT as I struggle due to mobility to always get onto…
Hi, my name is BarneysMum! so interested in others with a long history of PEG use.
Hello everyone, I've been a Mum for 48 years now, supporting my son and being involved in the disabled community both in work and setting up support such as his care home garden update with volunteers, Contact a Family group, and currently Dancing on Wheels - a wheelchair dancing class. My son has been a nil by mouth PEG…
Need some advice
hello to the scope online community Does anyone use an alternative to dragon dictate has now been discontinued for Mac Pro that anyone use or is any free speech to text for Mac Pro that anyone can recommend and any paid speech to text software any is also greatly appreciated many thanks Globster
Hi, my name is jolly28! I wrote to my MP to highlight the costs of disability and neurodiversity
Hi I wrote to my MP to highlight the costs of disability and neurodiversity.My MP acknowledged my letter and commented on some of my points. Thank you all. The current debate revolves around personal qualities and service to our communities. We help each other and also do formal work with training. We're valuable HR…
Student survey on Walking and Mobility Aids
hey all, I’m doing some research on walking and mobility aids, and how people choose and interact with them, so I’ve gotten permission to share a survey and I’m hoping some of you might be interested, bare in mind you must be over 18 to be involved Just follow this google forms link https://forms.gle/nBu4rBJHQ6sAhMGN7
Sat Nav
Are there any suitable apps for people who use mobility scooters? There are plenty of apps for cars, motorbikes, buses, taxies even walking routes, but not found anything for mobility scooters
Hi, my name is rotaryengine!
Hi, I am 81 years old and have been wearing Sketchers Slip-Ins but although they fit right they are tripping me. I think it is because the outside of the shoe is a lot larger and the sole thicker. The back of the shoe is extremely thick and stiff (I think that is what gives them the slip-in feature). Like a lot of seniors,…
Automated front door for disabled access
Hi everyone, I’m currently renovating my Mum’s house for her so that she can continue living there with her limited mobility. She can move around inside with the aid of a rollator but needs her mobility scooter for venturing outside and to the shops. I’m currently looking for a way to automate the opening, closing and…