Hi, my name is Lilavatie! How can we help my 36 year old autistic son?
My son is 36 years old, autistic and non verbal. Also an epileptic since 5 years old and on medication ever since. Was always a "happy chappie" - no odd behavioral problems and not aggressive at all. Had an epileptic fit after 17 years and became very destructive - breaking cell phones, smart TV, pulling out water pipes…
Enduring existential anxiety
I'm a returning user. 36 y.o., yet I feel like a guy who never grew up properly and I'm facing middle age with regret, anger and deep sadness. I feel slightly more disconnected with my family every day. I currently have no job or social life so I'm often stuck at home, and my thoughts, always in my head torturing me. My…
Can I ask for a re assessment
hi all I recently had my asd assessment and I’m not happy, can I ask to be re referred before getting the outcome? I know the long wait so don’t want to delay anymore than 8 have to by waiting
House of lords
Is it a good thing that starmer elected 30 new people for house of lords ??? Will it give him more power
Does anyone get times of energy or decided to change something decided I'd paint my bathroom black and gold !! My daughter said your regret it also I'm not good at painting half way through hate it and can't be bothered
I'm so scared of the unknown been 14 months of fight or flight mode desperately trying to look for plan B there is none I am unable to fit into society obviously if I knew I could work well would be prefect it's the fact that I know I would go few days then literally I wouldn't be able to go back it's hard to explain I'm…
Ellen clifford
Trying to look for any information on judicial hearing? Any outcomes
Online support letters that educate & advocate for autism
Does anyone know of any websites, charity or advocacy, that have recources for autistic people to use to advocate for their needs? Like ADHDUK has a downloadable support letter for ADHD and debt- I'm looking for anything from a reliabke source that describes some of the dofficulties adults with autism face in every-day…
Is anyone aware of any support for the cost of going private? I'm supporting a family who's adult son needs an asd assessment so he can receive funding for a personal assistant but they cannot cover the costs. Mum is experiencing mental health difficulties and finds it challenging to be a full time carer, she is receiving…
Personal Health Budget: Is there anyone with autism without intellectual impairment who has a PHB.
Hi Is there anyone out there with autism who is neurotypical passing (or somewhat so) who has succeeded in getting a PHB and would be willing to share their experience? I have autism, dyspraxia, bipolar 2, and am currently seeking assessments for ADHD, Non Verbal Learning Disorder (where the person has average to above…
Disability rights
Morning, does anyone know who I could speak to about my daughter’s school and disability rights? Is there a charity or organisation? my daughters school keep trying to give her detentions and she is autistic and they are really affecting her as she needs to come home straight from school.
Autistic/ADHD teen son not leaving his room
Hi, I’m struggling with how to support my son. He wasn’t diagnosed until he was 16 when he gradually stopped attending school in S5. He’s cut himself off from all his friends and doesn’t leave his room. He’s recently just turned 17. He says he’s wants to do things/go places but when the time comes he looks for excuses as…
Ahhhhh stressed
hi all I have my second asd assessment in a few weeks, the first was done via video link with psychologist, the second is face to face with a slt My worry is I am able to communicate one on one it’s only over the phone or in social situations I struggle If anyone has had an slt assessment can you tell me the procedure…
Neurodiversity.. the good stuff...
I recently saw something about there being a cure for Autism (not sure I believe it btw), but it got me thinking... I know we tend to talk on here about our many troubles and struggles with being neurodivergent and subsequent problems but I thought it might be nice to maybe say what we like about it, I for one wouldn't…
Getting a diagnosis
my daughters original health visiter told me not to be surprised if she is diagnosed with a form of autism, but that she can not officially diagnose. speech and language told me not to be surprised if she is diagnosed with a form of autism, but that they can not officially diagnose. the GP told me that they do not do…
Neuodivergent child waiting on an IDP, Need advice about schooling & neglecful school
Hello, i need some advice if anyone can help please. my son has suspecteed autism/ADHD he is 13, he has been refered to St Davids for a diagnosis. We have been let down by the school firstly a missed referal to St davids in year 5 after waiting 3 years and chasing this up we realised he was never referred. He was on a PSP,…
SUSPECTED ADHD very nervous about meeting with psychiatrist
Hi everyone. I’m 35 and decided to go to the doctors about the chaotic life I’ve been living. Told him the truth about my struggle with keeping jobs (been sacked from every job I’ve ever had) and trouble with relationships, keeping friends, finances, day to day life etc etc etc. Enough is enough basically. Told him about…
Accept difference not indifference.
ACCEPT is the operative word in the NAS slogan - accept difference not indifference. Having struggled in an NT world for fifty odd years, identifying a condition I knew nothing about was deeply shocking. Then I discovered the Scope forum and people like me. There is nowhere else like it. Thank you Scope 💜
Is 'Normal' Just a Myth? How Could Embracing Neurodiversity Could Change the World
Hope you're doing well! I'm excited to share that my TEDx talk is now live on YouTube. In it, I discuss why "normal" is a myth and how embracing neurodiversity can help us build a more inclusive world. 🎥 Watch here: https://youtu.be/Fx2-VHDLJT0 I'm really passionate about spreading this message and would love for it to…
Hi, my name is sarahs182008! Help with son interacting with others
Hi iam struggling to get my son who is 14 years old to access the outside world he was diagnosed with adhd/ASD a few months ago. He has medication which he takes but it’s early days as to how effective it is. He completely shuts the world out and is very happy to stay in the house he won’t attend any schooling at home or…