Applying for carers allowance
Hi how do I go about applying for carers allowance. For me to get carers or des the proposed carer need to apply themselves ??
PIP telephone assessment
Hi, everyone. Yesterday morning, my mobile showed unfamiliar mobile number. I picked up anyway and it was from DWP. She said she wanted ask a couple of questions about my PIP application. I hadn’t received any advance notice or warning about assessment, so I thought she wanted me to ask permission to access to my GP or…
Will my benefits still carry on automatically?
I was on pip and it got transferred to adult disability payment from social security Scotland. My award is due to end on the 16th of October. However about two months ago I got sent out a change of circumstances form. No chances were made and i sent jt back and I'm still waiting for a review. Will my claim be closed or…
Budgeting Advance
Can you request a budgeting advance if you get LCWRA ? If so who do you speak to on your journal. Is it leave a message for my work coach? Sounds silly but doing that won’t trigger anything will it? I currently have a budgeting advance that is very nearly paid off but something has come up so would like to pay that off and…
Child Benefit
i am sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else. i did look but couldn't find the answer. i have twins girls, they are British, UK passports and have UK Birth Certs. i am currently unable to provide for them as i am claiming UC and LCWRA which isn't enough to survive. i was told i can claim Child Benefits portion. my…
ESA to state pension-question about council tax reduction
I get ESA and am in the support group, and I get full council tax reduction. Later this month I go onto the state pension-I have already applied for it and I don't get the full amount-I'm about £10 to £15 short of the full amount a week. I won't get a work pension or a private pension and I have less than £6,000 in…
Hi. The dwp awarded me LCWRA due to my mental health disability just this year at around June time. Both my husband and I were on Universal Credit at the time. My husband just recently started working again so the UC payments have stopped however I am baffled as to my my LCWRA paymen has stopped as well?! It wasn't a joint…
Discretionary Trust Tax?
Hi, I have been on disability benefits for a long time, initially incapacity benefit and now ESA legacy, at the higher/old rate. It is unlikely my situation will change as in the past 5 years my health as deteriorated even more. My father created a new will this year and set up a discretionary trust for me as the primary…
disabled living with me help
hi i hope someone can help my relative who is disabled has been living with me temporarily since her father died i am just wondering by law do they have to go back to their permanent address so many times a week so not to lose her benefits etc
What is SDP ?
Hello . I’m hoping someone can help me . I have had a very difficult time due too a change of circumstances I had too apply for UC , ( currently claim ESA income based although this will stop on the 9th of October) while I was sorting all the UC out , a gentleman from ESA asked me about SDP and said that I am owed some ?…
Freedom pass Newham Application
Hi. I have a freedom pass and was set to expire 2025. However it has stopped working. Newham council say it was only issued for 1 year and has been stopped. I now need to reapply. The problem is they say they want a pip award letter detailing my mobility points scored dated within three months. But my Pip was awarded long…
Does bank call the benefits
Hi does bank call benefits people because bank didn’t know my mob until now I want ask
Free of cheap prescription sunglasses
Hi everyone Unsure if I posted to the correct place so apologies if not. I have an astigmatism and extreme short sightedness so I have prescription glasses. I also have DMSO treatments which cause cataracts, ans im at risk of retinal detachment so I have 6 monthly eye checks at the eye hospital. I also have ocular…
Benefits advice
Hi there, I have sent both come to stone movement and buy it
Pending award carers allowance
Hi there , I called carers allowance today to chase up my claim as it’s been 10 weeks. . They said a decision maker has looked at it and they will send a letter out . Regarding my back pay , she said on the system it says pending award and no payments have been made yet . What does this mean as I’m very confused .
Child tax credits overpayment and UC claim and backdating advice needed please?
Hi everyone, Five years ago I took on the care of a young relative. I didn’t realise that social care called it a private fostering arrangement and shirked their responsibility to pay a Kinship payment. His birth mother kept his child tax credit for the first 11 weeks and refused to pay any towards his care. The social…
ESA descion taking 12 weeks?
Change of circumstances. Reported to ESA and ESA 3 form sent in. Was told today to alter your claim takes 12 weeks. Is this right? I've known in the past it to be done in a week or so. My indefinite sick note is already with them and I've been on esa for 9 years.
Carers allowance backdated money
Hi , I applied for careers allowance and my award letter was sent out today . How long do I have to wait to receive backdated money in my bank ?
Pip info on phone
Am I imagining it or did DWP have an automated feature on their phone line that would give you the amount and date of your next payment ?? Without having to speak to someone??
Universal credit - Appeal Tribunal and being off sick
Hello to everyone Does anyone know the answer to my question or have any advice, I would appreciate it. I work part-time and am currently off sick at the moment. I am the process of going through Appeal Tribunal for LWC with Universal Credit, waiting for a hearing date. I advised them that I was sick and I presented a sick…