Ways to use my son's Direct Payments
My son's Direct payments have so far been used for after school clubs and Carer support days out over the school holidays. After a recent re-assessment I'm trying to understand if I can use these Direct Payments for a cleaner to manage my son's washing/bedding/bathroom/games-physio room or for us to go on an accessible…
Carers allowance
My husband is disabled and receive DLA . I receive carers allowance, but the whole amount is deducted from my U credit. They give me a carer portion but that's half of what my carers allowance is. Why is my wage for being a carer so low? Why do they deduct all of it? It doesn't feel fair when they say it has increased but…
Hi, my name is jimbomak! My carers allowance payment did not go in tonight
My carers allowance payment did not go in tonight I'm wondering why.
Universal credit and working??
I got a job interview I’m currently on esa worked a job for 7.5 hours but was only a hour a day for 6 days I quit it and found a better job which I have passed the assessment and been invited for interview - working as a host on the train although it’s 17.5 hours two days on the weekends and 14£ a hour. I tried using…
Carers Allowance & private pension
Just want to double check something. My Mum gets Carer's Allowance for me. She is due to turn 60 soon and will receive a small private NHS pension from when she was a nurse for 8 years. The NHS pension is approx. £300 a month. As I understand it £300 a month is less than £139 a week which is the earnings cut-off point for…
ESA stopped - postgraduate studies (please help!!)
I just recieved a letter from ESA saying that my ESA has been stopped as of 2 days ago - I called them last week to say that I *will* be getting a postgraduate loan (I haven't even got the first installment yet) to fund my studies - (all of the money is going straight to the uni, I'm not keeping a penny of it, not that…
Hi, my name is narcos! Why did I get a text from the DWP?
Hi is there anyone who can tell me why DWP have text me today saying they still haven’t made a decision on my claim
Benefit confusion
Hi I used to work part time and receive universal credit however I becam ill around 18 months ago and have just been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. I’m still receiving universal credit on th lcwra but do I need to claim different benefits now or just speak to universal credit?
Hi, my name is Texus36! I have just won my tribunal
Hi,I have just won My tribunal. It’s going to be backdated for the last 12 months I’m just wondering does anyone know whether it be calculated in the new rate or the old rate. I mean before it went up 10% thanks guys.
Scc Debtors benefit
Hello. I have a payment due in my bank from scc debtor benefit. I understand the first bit may be my local council. However i have no idea what its for. I checked my tax account and there is no longer a bill there too. So i am really confused.
Benefits are like communism
Social security payments drag everyone down to the same financial level. Be it benefits or grants or anything related And if you have the audacity to work hard and gain more than the allowable savings - you get punished by having your basic income reduced to bring you back in line with everyone else.
Carers allowance
Hello sorry it’s me again, can the person you have applied for carers allowance for work?
I was awarded lcrwa on the 27th of April and I had my first payment in may. I thought the assessment period was 91 days so I left a note on my journal. I had a reply saying that I was not entitled to back pay because i was awarded my payment from the 23rd of march, I'm confused and I don't seem to be getting anywhere when…
PIP review, when they’ve received the form and evidence, do they notify?
A PIP review form and a care plan was back to the DWP earlier this week. When they’ve received it all will they send a text message to say they’ve got it fine? I think they should do that for people, just for piece of mind. I could swore a few years ago for a PIP application that a text message was sent when they got…
Hi, my name is lilmo7! DWP Email address
The email correspondence@dwp.gov.uk Is the address I got that actually works. Anyone trying to contact DWP use that one. Lilmo7
Cost of living update and blue badge news
Hello all this is a bit of a late one, I can see on my bank now that my cost of living payment is due to go through on Tuesday 2nd May which is really good news! Also I've just applied for a blue badge with my sister's house. Interesting to see that there's actually a difference between the rules in England and Wales. I…
Credit cards while unemployed
I saw a question about credit cards while unemployed on benefits, there are a few to apply for Vanquis and The Post office also Capital One. They offer credit-building cards and classic cards. I have had both before and I am disabled and unable to work so get benefits also. Hope this helps oh and there is another that just…
Hi I am on UC and LCWRA and this month (June ) is when I will receive the increased amounts of the benefits however how is the housing benefit increased since everyone’s rent is different ? I receive £720 a month to cover my flat so does this also get increased? And if so by how much ? And how is it calculated? Many thanks…
Council Tax confusion
Okay so I’m in a joint tenancy and claiming half the rent for my property because of my conditions and inability to work at present. But I haven’t been claiming council tax discount because it confuses me. We have one bill for the property. But how do you divide the payment? My friend helps with my bills and working out…
Will my esa get backdated
Will my esa get backdated from the date it was stopped if ir was suspended and started again