Hi, my name is Dennisben! Now I have been awarded how much back pay will I receive
Now I have been awarded how much back pay will I receive
How do I apply for medical retirement
Lwc help
I have lwc for sciatica back problems and MH but I've now had to have surgery on my spine for cauda equina syndrome which has left me with nerve damage more pain and reduced mobility...I'm unsure how to go about changing from LWC to LWCRA.PLEASE ADVISE. DO I MAKE A NEW APPLICATION FOR WCA or report change or something else…
Pension lump sum
Hi, I am due to take a small lump sum to help pay my mortgage off and I am a carer for my daughter. Do I have to declare this and would it affect my carers allowance at all. Thanks.
Adult disability payment scotland
Hi there! I am helping my 26 year old son to fill out an application for the new adult disability payment in scotland. He has a diagnosis of sensory processing disorder but hasn't seen anyone regarding this since he was 10. The issue I am having is that he doesn't fully accept everything that I actually do to help him. He…
Pension lump sum
Hi,I am hoping to take a small lump sum from a private pension to help pay my mortgage off,I am a carer for my daughter,do I have to declare this and does it affect my carers allowance at all please. Thanks regards Tom
My Son who works full-time wants to move in with me how will this affect my current benefits?
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me, my 26 year old son who works full-time has just recently spilt from his partner and wants to move in with me. I'm single/disabled and currently live in a 2 bedroom housing association apartment. I would be grateful if some could please tell me how this will affect my current…
Carers allowance and income support
Hi, i currently claim carers and income support i was wondering if i was to stop caring for them if i could claim for the other grandparent and still stay on income support ?
I have just had my pip award review decision.
They have decided that I should receive the standard rate for daily living which I believe is wrong, previously I have been getting the enhanced rate for several years, the assessor only asked me a few questions and kept interrupting me during the assessment which was annoying as I couldn't tell her about my condition…
2 child benefit cap.
Does anybody know if this is going to be changed? Any of the benefit caps? I think there has been voted on it before but can’t be sure. I just wondered if anybody had any inkling as to whether the government were going to scrap this and help choldrem in our country not go to bed Hungry.
Advice needed please
Hi my son (age 14) receives DLA high rate care, low rate mobility, he has a very rare chromosome deletion and I am his full time carer. I receive Legacy benefits, Income support, child tax credits, carers allowance and housing benefit. I work 5 hours one evening a week, I have done so for a number of years.. My wages are…
Hi, my name is Kathleent! Benefits and pregnancy
Hi my daughter has autism and she has just found out that she is pregnant . She lives at home with me and her dad she is on the esa and pip .would she be entitled to any more money when the child is born ?
Help with UC claim
Hello and thank you for adding me to your Scope community. I am claiming Contribution based JSA this ends on June 21st. I will be making a UC claim soon. I am married and 63 hubby is 68. I claim carers allowance. My hubby is on AA higher rate. We don't share a bedroom due to his health issues but I am his only carer. We…
Hi, my name is paml! Will DLA continue as I have now put in a claim for PIP
My son has been claiming DLA. On his behalf I have now put in a claim for PIP. They have said they will continue to pay DLA until a decision is made. If they then decide he no longer qualifies, will he have to pay back?
The scrapped wca, whats happening
I was waiting for a review Feb/March, I contacted my wc (Im lcw ) they say they were making enquiries(like they dont know?)I got told before the announcement there was an embargo. Then there was the scrapping. Ive heard nothing else, what is going on? Thanks.
Understanding benefits
Hi, I was on UC but due to illness was signed off unfit to work. Being in the house wasn’t helpful and I’ve taken a part time job it’s all I can manage. Whilst sending in sick notes I was asked to fill in a form for assessment and had a telephone interview on the 31/5 my sick notes were from February to May. I’ve been…
Vouchers for smart meters
I need help with topping up my meters I'm struggling and I'm disabled and suffer with mental health and depression and have autism
DWP-PIP - No understanding of new immunotherapy practices
I have recently had a new assessment by PIP and have now lost £200.00 per month!! this is very frustrating and now it has put me in a financial predicament -i have obviously appealed the decision. CART therapy saved my life as i was 6 weeks from death..but it does come with possible side effects..which has hit me pretty…
LCWRA Reassesment Anxiety
Hi All Just wanted to know if anyone has had their WCA Reassessment and how did it go? I have received a reassessment message for LCWRA and waiting for the forms in the post, this has given me extreme anxiety and sadness just thinking about it and even playing the waiting game. Not sure if this will just be a paper based…
Benefit calculator help please
hi please could someone kindly help me to understand the benefit calculator how does it work ? Thank you