LCWRA Reassesment Anxiety

Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
Hi All 

Just wanted to know if anyone has had their WCA Reassessment and how did it go? 

I have received a reassessment message for LCWRA and waiting for the forms in the post, this has given me extreme anxiety and sadness just thinking about it and even playing the waiting game. 

Not sure if this will just be a paper based assessment, telephone or face to face. 



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    Reviews are back on for some people, not everyone. There's been some members who have receive this message. Have you actually received the letter on your journal telling you that you're being referred for the WCA?

    For the review you will receive more UC50 forms that will need to be filled in and returned with all your supporting evidence. Most people have assessments which are mostly by telephone. Some are face to face at an assessment centre and some are video call. If an assessment is needed then it maybe quite sometime before an appointment is needed.
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi Poppy, 

    Yes I have received a letter on my Journal. 

    The letter just advises me that they want to review my health conditions to see if anything has changed or still same basically and will be sending me forms in the post for me to complete and return back. 

    the letter also states that the next step, if needed would then be an assessment and a person would contact me to arrange an appointment for the WCA. 

    I’m hoping that they understand my condition and health hasn’t changed and just do the assessment by the paper forms or a telephone assessment. I can’t handle face to face. 

    I have such bad anxiety already and this is adding to it. 

    Do you know if I will still be receiving my payments until a new decision is made? 

    The letter also states at the bottom  under the what happens next info about a person may need to contact me and arrange an appointment,

    doctor fit notes may need to be provided. I am assuming this is only if they do decide to do a wca appointment and I would need to provide them whilst waiting for my wca appointment if they decide to do that? 

    I’m not sure, 

    I am also hoping that because my condition and health is still the same and has not changed at all that I remain in the LCWRA group. 

    I’m also not sure wether to actually put no change in the paperwork or wether I would need to answer the questions all over again. 

    Thank you
  • StillIRise
    StillIRise Community member Posts: 181 Empowering
    Angel212 said:
    Hi Poppy, 

    Yes I have received a letter on my Journal. 

    The letter just advises me that they want to review my health conditions to see if anything has changed or still same basically and will be sending me forms in the post for me to complete and return back. 

    the letter also states that the next step, if needed would then be an assessment and a person would contact me to arrange an appointment for the WCA. 

    I’m hoping that they understand my condition and health hasn’t changed and just do the assessment by the paper forms or a telephone assessment. I can’t handle face to face. 

    I have such bad anxiety already and this is adding to it. 

    Do you know if I will still be receiving my payments until a new decision is made? 

    The letter also states at the bottom  under the what happens next info about a person may need to contact me and arrange an appointment,

    doctor fit notes may need to be provided. I am assuming this is only if they do decide to do a wca appointment and I would need to provide them whilst waiting for my wca appointment if they decide to do that? 

    I’m not sure, 

    I am also hoping that because my condition and health is still the same and has not changed at all that I remain in the LCWRA group. 

    I’m also not sure wether to actually put no change in the paperwork or wether I would need to answer the questions all over again. 

    Thank you

    So sorry that you are experiencing anxiety over this.  It's understandable that anyone would feel anxious having to deal with this stuff.  

    You're in the LCWRA group already, right?  I'm pretty certain you will continue to get the same payments you are getting now until they have completed their assessments and come to a decision.  

    I am confused as to why they've told you that you might need to send in fit notes. Or maybe it's a generic letter that's also sent to people who aren't already actually on LCWRA or LCW and who have never been assessed before?

    Did you get that message on your journal requesting permission to speak to your GP that some of us received?
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi, yes that’s correct I am in the LCWRA group I had an assessment a couple of years ago and was placed in this group based on the decision makers decision. 

    This is what it states in the letter at the bottom. 

    What happens next

    After we have received your questionnaire, you might be asked to go for a work capability assessment.
    The Health Assessment Advisory Service will contact you to arrange an appointment.
    The person assessing you will want to find out how your disability, illness or health condition affects you in everyday life.
    You must attend this assessment if you are asked to. If you do not, we might decide that you are capable of work.

    After your assessment, we will let you know if you are entitled to any extra Universal Credit.

    You still need to report your fit notes (also known as sick notes) in your Universal C redit account.
    Do not bring your fit note into the jobcentre unless we ask you to. Keep it because we may need to see it in future.

    If you do not keep reporting your fit notes, we will not be able to assess your capability for work. You will need to search and prepare for work, or do the things in your commitment that
    you have agreed with your work coach.

    I have no commitments as I’m in LCWRA group currently so does that mean I now need to provide sick notes whilst their doing my reassessment?
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    And no I didn’t get a message on my journal asking for permission to speak with my doctor,

     just a letter saying I have been referred for a reassessment of my health conditions and disability and that forms will be sent out to me to complete and return x
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    You will not need to send anymore fit notes because you've already been found to have LCWRA. If an assessment is needed then you can ask for a telephone appointment, rather than face to face.

    paries1 said:
    Reviews are back on for some people, not everyone. There's been some members who have receive this message. Have you actually received the letter on your journal telling you that you're being referred for the WCA?

    For the review you will receive more UC50 forms that will need to be filled in and returned with all your supporting evidence. Most people have assessments which are mostly by telephone. Some are face to face at an assessment centre and some are video call. If an assessment is needed then it maybe quite sometime before an appointment is needed.
    Any guesstimate on how long you could wait for an assessment if it’s needed for reassessment? I know it’s a ‘ how long is a piece of string ‘ kind of thing . Just trying to calm myself down too . 

    No guess from me sorry. It's as you said "how long is a piece of string"
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi all 

    Sorry to comment again but I wasn’t sure if I should comment on this post or make a new thread. 

    I’m trying not to think about my assessment or the forms but my anxiety is going sky high and I have been sick thinking about it. 

    Anyways I have a question please 

    when I complete the forms what evidence do I need to provide that will help me. 

    I have a social worker and I have asked for a letter from my social worker as she attended my previous assessment and is aware of my mental health conditions/disability. 

    I also have repeat prescription medication, do I need to print this out and include this. 

    I am going to ask my family members to write a letter aswell not sure if this will be accepted? 

    I am also awaiting an appointment with talking therapies again I previously had talking therapies but I could not handle everything and had a mental breakdown, so would I need to let them know on the forms I’m waiting for another appointment with talking therapies? 

    I also have a letter from my social worker regarding my housing and how my accommodation is unsuitable for me because of my mental health condition/ disability should I include this? 
    I also am awaiting a letter from my doctor regarding my mental health condition and housing still awaiting for it should I include this I know they are for my housing however it includes my mental health condition. 

    Also do I need to include any information that I had previously such as my letter confirming my entitlement to LCWRA after my previous assessment, medical record etc? 

    I’m worried that if they do contact my GP they will not have much info recently as the doctor just put me on repeat prescription for a few years for my medication that I take to manage my health condition and I haven’t had any medical reviews as of yet for my medication I’ve just been left on it.

    Sorry for a long message! 

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated thanks. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    You should send any evidence you have that’s relevant to how your conditions affect you. However, if you have several pieces of evidence all saying the same thing you should think twice before sending it. Less is often more.

    You don’t need to send the decision letter regarding your current LCWRA award because they will already know. 

    They very rarely contact anyone so I wouldn’t worry too much with that. 
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi Poppy, 

    thank you for advising me. Really appreciate it! 

    I was a little stressed regarding doctor situation because I haven’t seen my doctors for a medical review in a while and just on repeat prescription medication. 

    Just a quick question, 

    when I was awarded LCWRA previously I did not have PIP at the time as I was applying for both and had both assessments around the same time. However I I was in receipt of pip shortly after I was in receipt of LCWRA so I’m just wondering would it be worth me including my PIP award letter as evidence? 

    Thank you x 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    If it’s relevant to your claim then you can include your PIP award letter but please remember they are completely different benefits. Less really is often more.

    Ive been claiming ESA for 10 years and it my knowledge they’ve only contacted my GP once. 
  • Angel212
    Angel212 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi Poppy,

    ok great thank you for advising me X