Adult disability payment scotland

Anivad Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 2022 in Benefits and income
Hi there! I am helping my 26 year old son to fill out an application for the new adult disability payment in scotland. He has a diagnosis of sensory processing disorder but hasn't seen anyone regarding this since he was 10. The issue I am having is that he doesn't fully accept everything that I actually do to help him. He requires regular reminders to wash and dress, has huge organisational difficulties and any trip out requires a lot of planning and prior warning. He cant use public transport,  cant use toilets outside of the house and will only really visit places he already knows. He has spent the best part of the last 10 years in doors, until lockdown hit and he saw the impact it had on his siblings he really hadnt started living but he's very keen now and I am worried that the process of going through all the aspects of life that he has an issue with and me pointing out all the differences he has that other people dont is going to do more damage than good. Has anyone on here actually been awarded this benefit purely based on their autism spectrum difficulties and related anxieties? He hasn't yet managed to hold down a job for more than a few months at a time but he's made such significant strides recently and I know my limited funds are holding him back Hearing any advice or experiences with this process will be gratefully recieved :) 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    A warm welcome to the community @Anivad. I'm sorry no one has been able to answer your question or share their experiences yet.

    I don't know a huge deal about Scotland's Adult Disability Payment other than it replaces PIP. Many people do claim PIP because of difficulties they face as a result of Autism, anxiety and related-difficulties. It's important to remember that these benefits aren't awarded based on a diagnosis but on the impact they have on your daily living and mobility. 

    Anivad said:
    The issue I am having is that he doesn't fully accept everything that I actually do to help him.
    I am worried that the process of going through all the aspects of life that he has an issue with and me pointing out all the differences he has that other people dont is going to do more damage than good. 

    Going through the forms and looking at all the things you need support with is difficult for anyone and (at least in my experience) many children aren't aware of how much support they receive as it's not always something they notice. Are you your son's appointee? 
  • stuartmbaillie
    stuartmbaillie Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I am a British passport holder and a citizen of the UK. I have lived in Ireland but I am moving home to Scotland in July this year. How do I apply for an Adult Disability payment. I have primary progressive MS, and in Ireland I qualiufied for a Primary Health Certificate
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    I am a British passport holder and a citizen of the UK. I have lived in Ireland but I am moving home to Scotland in July this year. How do I apply for an Adult Disability payment. I have primary progressive MS, and in Ireland I qualiufied for a Primary Health Certificate
    You will need to wait until you’ve moved to Scotland. You can then either apply online or by phone or paper. Full details here