ESA does she qualify for free NHS prescriptions?
Hi guys, New to the forum. I am my wife's advocat and deal with all her financial affairs post suffering a stroke. She has qualified for the ESA payment but I am not sure if she also qualifies for free NHS prescriptions. Can any one please advise? Thanks.
Will we be no better off after LCWRA award?
We claim as couple my husband has worked for the last 30 yr we get esa and universal credit however they take esa and industrial injury he had for 35 yr off so we get nil uc however he has now been given LCWRA we receiving a letter I presume this will be backdated my question is will we still get deductions from the uc so…
pip evidence
hello i know lctwra and pip are different but my problems fit both , i have just been awarded lctwra and have put a claim in for pip could i send pip my assesment as evidence as the things are very relevent to my claim?
Hi, my name is manshort! Credit Card Query
I'm unemployed and am on PIP and ESA. This would be my first credit card so I know a credit-builder one would be best, but what companies are the best? Many thanks!
Hi everyone - Carer Allowance query
I have been claiming carer allowance since 2020 for looking after my wife who is disabled and needs help around the clock. I received a letter friday inviting me to a voluntary interview under caution regarding working. They advised me to bring a solicitor if needed but nobody else. This is a problem as my wife cant be…
UC LCWRA backpayment
Hi there I’m Lee! firstly can I say how great it was to find a place like this with the capacity for help navigating this minefield. I am very new to all this and it’s rather confusing so I appreciate it greatly. Now onto my question. I have been on UC since august 2022, and was asked/did provide my first “fit note” for MH…
lcwra Understanding
Hi I have applied for lcwra but unsure of how it exactly works as it’s all a bit confusing to me my cater has tried to explain it but I just don’t understand. I reported health change on 1st January and reported my first sick note 10th February, I had my assessment on 3rd may am awaiting my outcome. If I was to be awarded…
ADP decisions waiting time
My Application has only just been picked up by the case manager I was told on the phone that they had to apply for my CHI number wich was on some of the supporting evidence I sent in to them? Do they check with every single applicant GP? how long have people waited after it’s been picked up to get their decision?
Will an internship mean his benefits are taken away from him?
Please can anyone help, my son who has an active EHCP is 23 and still in full time education but his course has come to an abrupt end unfortunately has he really love it. He has now been offered an internship, he is entitled to and receiving UC limited capabilities and PIP, will these benefits be taken away from…
Would I qualify for disability?
This discussion was created from comments split from: All things Bipolar.
Sdp living with son
Hi could someone kindly advise me if im living with my adult son is under 25 and in the support group of new style esa.would I still be able too claim my sdp please?.its all very confusing .thank you
National insurance
My mum has come to stay with me as a result of family disputes she is scared to go back home but needs her national insurance number in order to apply for a new career as the old one was a family member who is no longer doing her careering. How can she get national insurance sent to my address so she can apply for a career…
Adult PIP tax credits
My husband was awarded standard care and mobility of PIP, backdated to June 2022. Just had a letter from tax credits regarding this. We get extra tax credits for our son's disability (he gets severe disability element). Will my husband's also be included and backdated ?
Hello, apologies in advance as I have asked these questions before but due to my autism and anxiety I have a tendency to repeat myself and overthink so just looking for reassurance. I'm on esa in the support group and claim PIP enhanced for both, are reviews still suspended for ESA and if so are there huge backlogs for…
Regarding jobfairs
Hi can you attend jobfairs at the jobcentre if youre not on any benefits
Help and tips for WCA Interview ( I am panicking and dont know what to reply or do) any help willb
Hello, I just received an appointment for a wca I suffer from severe panic attacks and PTSD just don't know if I could make it to the centre that they are telling me to head to as I just can't manage public transport. I was attacked in a bus, and I am suicide survival (my husband committed suicide) I am really stressing…
LCWRA and making new style esa claim
I wondered if anyone can help me better understand the situation with making a claim for new style esa. I have been claiming universal credit since 1st feb after having to leave work due to ill health. I was assessed and awarded LCWRA a few weeks ago, which will change my universal credit benefit entitlement from June. I…
Wondering if someone can help point me in the right direction? recently my wife got her pip back and the DWP sent a letter saying they owe us back pay but weren’t sure if they did (confusing I know) these are the benefits we get ESA - joint claim wife - standard care pip me - standard care / enchanced mobility im just…
I am a single parent disabled 63 year old Dad to a 15 year old boy. He has never in his lifetime ever been on holiday with me because of finances. I'm on PIP, DLA high rate, receive child tax credits etc. We exist, just. My estranged brother has suddenly and unexpectedly offered to pay for a holiday for us. Please how do I…
Universal Credit - Treatment of Those With Disability
I had a Universal Credit health assessment in January 2022 that saw me with a low capability for work & this last February after my situation worsened I was granted PIP (all due to severe mental health issues). My issues (in a nutshell) are PTDS that result in me unable to plan journeys, handle crowded spaces like shops…