New style ESA and carers for my son
I have been claiming new style ESA since December and was put in the support group in March. My son receives high rate care DLA and I receive carers allowance for him. I am now worried as what I have read online is I can’t receive both benefits? However the DWP never mentioned this when I claimed. I care for my son in a…
ESA text message
Had this ESA text today. Payment date is correct. I'm assuming because of the PIP award ESA have been notified and looked at that award again? Not that it makes any difference because I get NS ESA & UC.
Bank Statments
Hi, i hope you are all well. Just wondering if anyone knows how long banks keep records of transactions for an account that is still open. I've read that it should be 6-7 years but then also seen somewhere that they keep them forever. Any help would be much appreciated
Contribution based ESA and carers credit
hi everyone. I recently applied for CB ESA having had limited capability to work due to a knee injury. The claim was disallowed as the claim was for 2024/25 and I didn’t have contributions for 2021/22 despite me having full years for 2022/23 and 2023/24 (bizarre rules but that’s another story!) I was a full-time student in…
Disregarded Capital ESA
My husband is in receipt of ESA - I believe contribution based with an income related top-up. I am named on his claim as his carer. We have just been advised that he will receive a back dated payment from PIP of approx £8,000 which will take our savings to over £16,000. Will this income be disregarded as far as ESA means…
ESA /carers
I’m on income related employment support allowance if I stop claiming carers allowance for my adult son. As we think he might need to try residential Will that trigger a move to Universal credit?.
Benefits Question
Hi Everyone Hope you’re well I live in a council home with my mum who has a mental illness schizophrenia, and she receives the ESA and PIP, however due to the location of where we live it can be a bit challenging with neighbours. So I thought if my partner and I rent/buy a bigger house at a better location , and if my mum…
ESA want my bank statements
Hi, my father died in Oct 2021, I was the executor of the will, I with my sister were left a derelict house with land, valued at £20,000, I forgot about it, then recently I remembered about it, I informed ESA, I was on both ESA's, they stopped my IR and told me to send in my bank statements from 2012. My father's life…
ESA Support group and carers allowance
Hi all I wondered if anyone can help me? I am receiving support group ESA due to cancer, stem cell transplant and lasting and late effects of chemo. We are just going through the process of claiming DLA for our youngest child who has a rare genetic condition and autism. I am his main carer even though I am not very well…
The Capability for Work questionnaire, is hard to fill in, due to invasive thoughts. I try to live in the moment,memories are coming back of being sanctioned before and after being rushed to the RVI, following a seizure caused by autoimmune Encephalitis. I was on the Neurological ward for a month. The day I was sent back…
Sdp question.
Hi all :) someone from dwp called yesterday i was told my pip claim was looked at in the MM ruling court case for social support they told me I should of been getting enhanced daily and I was due quite a big back pay! Shocked to be honest however I feel happy that I've now been awarded fairly. My decision went all the way…
Worried uc migration
Hi I am on ESA Income Related Support Group, also PIP both higher rate. I am worried as I have seen that UC is about £391 a month, on my benefit now ESA Support Group I get £481 a fortnight, that is going to be a big drop for me, plus having to wait five weeks. Have I read into this wrong. I am really worried as I have…
Adult social care fairer charging policy
My autistic son is 19 and receives DLA (middle rate) and ESA. As I work part time, I don't qualify for Carer's allowance. Last year, we involved social services in our lives for the first time as my son had become an adult. First of all it was very positive as the social worker carried out an assessment and provided our…
Proof for permitted work
Hi there, I've been a claimant of ESA for around seven years. Last year I told ESA I'll be starting permitted work, and was approved. It's been around a year and I've kept within the guidelines. Should I send my payment slips (its a small etsy store) to the DWP as evidence… or should I just leave it alone?
Support Group ESA(C)
I was sure when I was awarded my ESA and spoke to them at DWP that reassessment would be within next 2 years. How severe is this backlog that is mentioned and are people in the Support Group are still suspended for reviews. It is bad enough worrying about my health never mind this on top not knowing what's happening. Are…
UC Forced Migration
Hi,is it true that the forced migration from legacy benefits to UC,has been brought forward from 2028,to autumn 2024?Is this 100% confirmed now,or just speculation? When you make the transition,how long does it take for the new payments to begin? Are the payments backdated?I have heard that some going from WTC to UC are…
I'm in the New Style ESA Support group a DWP have sent me a strange letter asking about my employer.
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and would really appreciate any help or advice about a letter I've just received from the DWP telling me I must answer three questions which I must return to them by July 1st. I have recently been put into the New Style ESA support group. I have been on long term sickness, 10 months and my…
When do ESA Payments increase after medical, or do you get a letter first
Hi Everyone, I completed my Medical assessment on 4th June, and my 13 Weeks are up next week. My question is will I receive a letter first to tell me which group I have been placed in or will I see an increase in my payments first, and will the backdated increase (If Any) go into the bank separately or just as part of the…
Backdated Severe Disability Payment
Hello I’m hoping someone can help me please , my sister is down syndrome ( 47 years old) and my mum is her full time carer . I help in anyway I can and recently my mum and I have been going through my sisters benefits correspondence. I noticed a letter saying my sister had been wrongly assessed for ESA some years back and…
Esa and pip
Hi, i have started to get ESA and get £90.50p a week, i also get PIP, standard both parts. Will i be able to get the higher rate of ESA. Sorry all this is new to me.