New Style ESA and tax refund
Good Morning, I just wanted to see if anyone had experienced this . I’ve been dismissed from work due to ill health. I will receive my final pay tomorrow, however I’ve been on HMRC app and I’ve paid £475 tax . which is understandable as it was a high amount. Am I right in thinking that, I won’t be able to claim a tax…
Contribution ESA
would my LWRSA stop if my ESA stop or would it continue on universal credit?
Uc migration contribution based esa
Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows when and what happens to those who claim old style esa with an income based top up as can not find anything about it online. Currently claiming: Joint contribution based esa with income based top up which includes - Support group, disability element and 2xsdp all paid in one payment…
ESA IR AND SDP migration
Hi hope all are ok. Just hearing of the proposed early migration plans for those on ESA IR to UC and bit confused. I started receiving SDP as I’m on pip and esa IR and have read that those in my position will be worse off. Would be great if anybody knows what kind of reductions I should be expecting once migrated and will…
DWP- what a joke.
I responded to a DWP letter over 4 months ago now and still have had no reply. I have rung DWP on 4 occasions, and waited about an hour to get through each time. You get through to an agent, obviously working from home, who takes your information, says she will pass it on and someone will get back to you. No one ever has.…
Given a penalty for alleged shortfall in National Insurance Contributions - anyone else had this?
This discussion was created from comments split from: NI contribution .
Hi, my name is Alibaliboo! Sent off reassessment in December and still waiting, any advice?
Hello everyone, I am a new member ☺️. I'm currently in the LCWRA group on ESA. Back in early December I was sent a reassessment form to fill in. I sent it off towards the end of December 2023. Obviously here we are, nearly into June 2024 and I have not heard anything back as of yet. Is anyone else in the same position as…
Hi, my name is Rhys01! not sure if i need to transfer to Universal Credit.
Hi, my name is johnron! when will esa whith housing benefit move to uc?
when will esa whith housing benefit move to uc geting worried again making me so ill
Sigh! Ok I'm going to try and keep this simple as my head is spinning. I contacted ESA to get a breakdown letter, as we may have to move to UC before our Migration comes up, by choice or change of circumstances. So I've been trying to find out what is best for us. I wanted to check that we could Voluntary Migrate and if…
Esa review
Those who have sent your esa form back recently have you heard back yet? My husband is so stressed waiting
In ESA Support Group, but work started paying me SSP again, overlap.
Hi, I went on long-term sick in November 2019. My work contract provides occupational sick pay at full-pay for 2 months, half-pay for 2 months, then SSP. I applied for ESA to begin when the SSP ran out, and was successful in my application. Following some time and an assessment with DWP, I was also moved into the support…
NI contribution
Good afternoon, please could someone advise me? I have spina bifida, a stoma and am a full time wheelchair user. I work 3 days a week but am struggling with this. My husband died 15 years ago when my daughter was 2 so I receive widows parents allowance and will do until the end of August 2025. i know that I am not entitled…
Income-related ESA - the move to UC starting from September
I knew that they were planning to notify all income-related ESA claimants by the end of next year, December 2025, but it sounds like they’re going to start do the notifying from September of this year, 2024. Is this true? Wish this wasn’t coming at all but not all have to move one day. 🙄😒
ESA Contribution - How Long Does it Take
I've just applied for ESA contribution as I have a private pension. How long does the whole process take. I am hoping that I might be able to go into a support group. I have a letter from a clinic advising me that I should not work. I got retired through redundancy from last job. I also have a 10 year PIP award high care,…
Hi. I am very concerned after find out that I have been paid by ESA from 2014 as a single person. I read that the amount for a people living with a partner is higher. I been married from 2004 and I am receiving ESA Support group from 2014. I take strong medication for blood cancer ( leukaemia) since then and also I take…
Question about the SDP and my pip renewal.
I’m in the support group and claim SDP (mother is on pip aswell) and I receive my high rate on both. My renewal started in October, all forms sent back and been getting the standard text every couple of months. My question is my pip award is due to end next month and I’ve received my letter to say it’s been extended by a…
Does my 18 year old son working part time and is still a full time student effect my ESA?
Hello, I am hoping someone here can help me because like most I am completely confused with all the vague and complicated rules surrounding benefits! I am currently in receipt of Child Tax Credits, Old Style Income Related ESA, DLA, Housing Benefit. My partner has a 1 Hour cleaning job for her brother and earns just £20…
Hi everyone, am new here. I'm looking for any info or advice on ESA please. I have Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression, asthma to name but a few. Had a total hip replacement in Feb this year (am now 63) so have been off work since end of December. I only work part time of 20 hrs but would like to reduce…
ESA reduced
I am on ESA and have been for a while,in the support group.I had a call last week saying as my daughter lives with me the severe disablement premium was being removed,my daughter turns 22 next month and has always lived with me..The DWP said I could be liable for repayment since she was 18,yet it is their fault that they…