Hi, my name is Clarebryan2347! Need help with esa claim
Hi my partner has just applied for esa and we just got the lcw form and I’m clueless we’re to start and how to fill the form in and just mega worried he wouldn’t get esa due to me filling it in wrong or what we have to include he’s got mental health problems anxiety depression and problems with restless legs were he can’t…
ESA SDP. My daughter is due a back payment, but we're still waiting. How can I talk to someone?
Hi I made a claim for SDP on 5-1-22 my daughter is registered blind and also gets higher rate PIP which has had since 2012. She moved house in 2016. She has been awards the SDP but is date a back payment each time I ring we go round the houses to be told some one will ring me back ! And guess what still waiting. How do I…
ESA income related entitlement
Hi got my letter saying money goes up April, not sure if I am right its saying your income_related entitlement dose that mean I am on the old ESA, am I able to claim anymore money being on that ,thanks just need some advice
I have a terminal illness but work part time. Can I claim new style esa?
I have a terminal illness but work part team a do 20 hours a week can I claim new style esa please thank you
Just got put on ESA support allowance. I work 15 hours a week, do I still have to provide fit notes?
Hi just got put on ESA support allowance,I work 15 hours a week do I still have to provide fit notes Thanks
Hi my name is Sue I’m 57 years old and have multiple sclerosis. Could I get CB ESA?
Hi everyone, I have multiple sclerosis and after my last relapse two years I don’t seem to have improved. I’m getting low rate mobility pip and standard care.Someone who works in our local Advice Agency has completed a review and thinks I will get nigh rate mobility. I’m interested in ESA as I am short of money I wondered…
If my partner were to move in with me, would it affect my ESA or carers allowance?
Hi I'm just wondering if my partner moves in with me .with a view to get married will it affect my ESA or carrers allowance which I get for looking after him He does work and get PIP
Esa rates 2022/2023
Hi there. I've been in support group for ESA since May 21. I've recently had a letter saying rates will be going up from 22nd April to 29th November 22 only. Has anyone else had this letter? My original decision didn't have a end date.
My ESA , and my wheelchair assessment
Wow so upset right now my housing benefit was frozen because something going on we've DWP and my ESA I have no idea what they're talking about I've had no change in money I've had no assessment I've not had nothing from them and I can't believe the housing benefit froze my money has now I'm £500 in debt with my rent which…
Left money by dad no will. Any advice welcomed, I'm on income related ESA
Hi my dad left 21000 in savings im on esa benefit I have siblings and dad had his grandkids he told me to share it between us I decided I'd do as he wanted because I'm on esa income related will it b ok to share as no will left ill b left with 9000 of it thanks for any advice
Should the full amount plus extra payment for being in the support group be taken off Gip insurance?
I’m really looking for advice after a year of ESA income related , I was also receiving Gip insurance from work they removed the ESA amount from what I was given & was getting £150 a month from them After the year Esa was taken off of me and my Gip went up to £450 a month, but after a health assessment I have now been…
New style esa
Hi I have a terminal illness I work 20 hours a week I have payed enough national insurance contributions can I claim new style esa please
ESA. Capability to work telephone assessment
Hi everyone I had a ESA work assessment done over the telephone on 10th January with the support of my mother on a 2-way phone system as I am unable to talk on the phone and they sent my brother a letter (dated 8th February) saying that he's my power of attorney and therefore is responsible for anything to do with my…
ESA help!
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me. I’ve recently applied for ESA I believe it was the new style ESA and I have a few questions. I already get higher rate PIP both sections. I’ve seen some stuff about premiums but not sure I get them/how much I get on the new style ESA and when are they added to my claim? Sorry…
Retuning to work and ending SG ESA
Good morning. I have been in the support group for ESA for 6 years. I have been constantly searching for suitable employment which could meet my needs and finally I have! I am open about my invisible disability with everyone, as I may need support. The current job I am applying for appears to be rather promising, upto now.…
Stopped ESA
Hi Everyone, My ESA has been stopped without notice, my last payment was the 7th January, when I rang them they said I had applied for universal credit and therefore my case had been closed. I explained that I hadn’t and they said it had to go to the fraud squad and that universal credit had to deal with it, and they would…
Scored 0 on ESA assessment
note from moderator, some comments on this discussion mention PIP, however it was later established that the poster was referring to ESA. Hi, I'm new here. I need advice please. I have just had an over there phone medical assessment that I failed, I scored 0 points by their reckoning. I've been diagnosed with…
Returning to work after 3 months as self employed
Hi, I stopped working in November 2021. I'm now starting back to work part-time and with in permitted work for ESA Support group. What should I do now? I can’t declare how many hiurs or what earnings as don't fully know yet plus it could change week on week. Thanks
Confused!!! Please help ESA and working
It's a long one so I apologise in advance. I'm looking at going back to work and at the moment I recieve child tax credit and child benefit, I know I can apply for working tax credits as I already receive tax credits, the bit that confuses me is my partners esa claim. He recieves contribution based esa and is in the…
Legacy payment payout
Did anyone else get a payout today? It is the exact amount the keep publishing in the newspapers? There is still no ruling on the court case, but today we received the money? Am I dreaming? 😲🙈