'Shifting attitudes requires action on many fronts' - read Scope's new research now
Our research team have conducted new research into attitudes towards disabled people. I've highlighted some snippets below, but you can read more about the results and next steps on our website. Let us know what you think about it in the comments! Over to you... * Have you faced negative attitudes? * If so, who by? * What…
Should we drop the distinction between mental and physical health?
I recently read this article on The Guardian, which poses the question of whether we should drop the distinction between mental and physical health. What do you think?
Thankyou all had my assessment and been found to have limited capability for work and work activity. Now to wait for tribunal for pip.
Accessibility in hobbies?
Hello, I was mostly curious For you guys that use (or would use) any kind of accessibility aids, is it mostly for daily tasks? Do you think you'd use aids to help with hobbies and such if it were more of an option? I see a lot of emphasis put on mobility and such but not as much put on the other little things Wanted to…
Hi, attention to all carers! Keep up the great work!!
Has anybody seen and signed this petition for a parliamentary review of the rate of carers which I am sure many would agree with. It only needs 100k signatures and is well on its way, see the following link. signatures. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/617874
Hello all
I decided to leave Facebook. I was finding it to dangerous and additive due to my bipolar and aspergers
Poem called fight for our rights
Poem called fight for our rights Tears are brought eyes reading the harrowing stories on local news pages of my fellow people with disabilities are having to face on a daily basis is bringing me to disappear. I truly wish the government would have someone who has an actual disability so they could understand what a…
Access for wheelchair user in a pub.
"Hello. I visited a pub in which said it was wheelchair accessible but it was not. There were steps with no ramps and no accessible toilet. I want to signpost them to clear help and information on the regulations. What would you recommend please?"
£40 Council Tax Energy rebate
Hi Came back from London Hospital today and had a letter through the door for £40 council tax rebate. To be cashed at post office, just as i did the £150 last month. Anyone else had a further £40?
Hi, I’m Shannon! I want to use my platform to make a difference and raise awareness on disability
Hi everyone! Im Shannon and I have a form of cerebral palsy. This year I have been crowned Miss Black Country and a Miss GB finalist. I want to use my platform to make a difference and raise awareness on disability. I have created a petition online to raise awareness on how hard it is for disabled people at the moment with…
Disability act
Good evening , I have had depression for the last 5 years effecting my ability to do a routine or day to day tasks plus other mental issues for 5 years. I am on medication and under GP. If I was referred to mental health services as far as i am aware they have to make additional adaptions to any services I am referred to.…
Cost of living payments
Hi my name is chrissy1956,i was just wandering am i the only one not happy with the cost of living payments .ie why is it only people on benefits being helped surely people who work and got families and oaps are suffering from the cost of living as well not just people who on benefits
Using Toilet Card
I have recently been told that I have Diverticulitis. I was at Barmouth in Wales yesterday. And luckily there was a toilet relatively close. I don't want to go through this again. I have heard about "toilet cards" that folks carry with them-urgently need a loo. I am looking into getting a physical card, not an electronic…
Public transport and going back to work
I have gone back to work after a hip replacement I have a walker because my balance isn't great after my operation I got one leg longer also have clubfoot but am so grateful and happy that I've got myself back to where I need to be and started getting around again and enjoying the freedom again, the only thing I would say…
Today I was refused entry in my local coop because I had my assistance dog with me
Today it was a first for me. I have a lovely dog called Diego that I have trained for my assistance. He is a beautiful Hungarian Vizsla and has a very nice and friendly personality. I usually take him with me to supermarkets and I have never had a problem: in fact staff are even more helpful when Diego is with me. Today I…
A poem called hidden talents
A poem called hidden talents Today the weather is miserable outside with the rain falling. I looked at my social media posts to show pictures of sunshine Which release happy endorphins, which make think more positive giving new things a try. We know we may cry but dry their tears and put their fears to one side. Keep…
Service Dog and Housing Rights
Hey everyone, I'm with an affordable accommodation agency and they have granted me permission (verbally) to keep my emotional support dog with me in the apartment. We have lived here for 5 months and now - someone in the building is leaving dog mess outside in the communal garden area (not us). I received a letter today,…
Been told I chose the life style I leave abusive remarks to wards my anxiety told I can get a job any where it's beyond a joke most employers see mental health issues as a red flag or people just change there attitude towards people with them completely I have had stinking looks rude remarks constant put downs thrown at me…
Disability Energy support
Hi Ive been up since 7.30am, phone on at 8am..Had an app between 8:15am to 9:15am for Disability energy support, and received an email saying they tried to call. But zero MISSED calls on my phone? Anyone else experienced this? (Not sure what category to put this in)
Riding Life's RollerCoaster
This afternoon, I thought to add a life experience that took me from the Best my Life had to offer me to the lowest Life had ever been before. No RollerCoaster is without a loop and a twist. Now, I am proud to say that sitting in the drivers seat I have completed the loop and the twist. The specifics of my experience is…