Your Not Really Disabled So Why Do You Get Benefits

Topcat71 Community member Posts: 35 Contributor

Why is that people in life feel they the age the right to attack someone when they find out they are on disability benefits. For example a neighbour said to me the other day that bloke at number 12 gets disability benefits but he was out filling up his bird feeders. Are people with disability not to move if they are able to and try and live a normal life . Attitudes need to change or when such time the government decides those claiming may need to work I cannot see it be welcoming for some of us.


  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Community member Posts: 35 Contributor

  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Community member Posts: 35 Contributor

  • davidb2010
    davidb2010 Scope Member Posts: 9 Connected

    There are some people who think you are not disabled if you can move even an inch under your own steam! Thankfully people are slowly becoming more educated, but there are always a few whi want to make a dig.

  • Durhamshire
    Durhamshire Community member Posts: 20 Contributor

    A lot of people don't understand how difficult, painful or the amount of concentration that is needed for some of us to do 'normal things'. We still want to be part of society and although we may struggle, we do those everyday things that many take for granted.

  • Sandra7
    Sandra7 Community member Posts: 23 Contributor

    a civilised society looks after the weaker members. What your neighbour said says more about him. Judging people achieves nothing. Finding ways to support those who can’t do things helps them achieve far more than than being being judgmental.

  • Laura Bradshaw
    Laura Bradshaw Community member Posts: 29 Contributor

    They have a narrow view of disability and those catch you adverts by the dwpand all the fraud articles and all the kicking up poop about fraud when it's been 0.2-0.4% over the last 10 years has made people think unless you are always in a chair or rocking back and forth in pain then you are faking

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Community member Posts: 19 Connected

    Your neighbour sounds jealous most of all. It's pathetic.

    Likely they have no idea how limiting life with all manner of disabilities can sometimes be, nor how much hoop jumping and how many levels of proof are required in order to qualify for benefits.

    I'd pay it no attention, they don't know what they're talking about.


  • jo1984
    jo1984 Community member Posts: 32 Connected

    Hi I think some people do not understand there are people who have disabilities than u can not see but the problem is, there are a lot of people who fake having things like mental health problems so they can get high benefits. I actually do no people who have done it and still doing it. I remember seeing a guy I went to school with, he was in and out of trouble with the police and drugs etc but there was nothing wrong with him, once I saw he at one of these assessments centre and he was putting on great show, like he was really really unwell and he couldn't cope but about 30 mins after I left, I saw him in the centre laughing and messing about with his GF and these are the people make it hard for people to believe people with mental health or any hidden disabilities because they believe everyone is faking it and to make it worse because they are good at manipulating people, they are passing the assessment while others who have got issues or disabilities are not and been put through more stress because they have to go through tribunals etc

  • orangeapple57
    orangeapple57 Scope Member Posts: 37 Connected

    I was called the c word by our neighbour (who's a dinner lady of the primary school), then told I'm not disabled because I don't always use my wheelchair. So it's just for show. It means that I'm frightened to try and walk anywhere and that makes the deteriorating condition worse.

  • Laura Bradshaw
    Laura Bradshaw Community member Posts: 29 Contributor

    There is VERY little disability benefits fraud. 0.2 % and lowering atm the highest it got was 0.4% during covid when proper checks weren't made and a percentage of people carried on claiming for a short term illness too long but overall it hardly happens

    There are several reasons people think others are faking

    1: that person isn't fully honest with you with all the things they are sturggling with because of fear or shame. So they see all these things they can do and the personal even say oh they arnt really that Ill its a whole issue some people have

    2: the media making it seem higher with constant barrage of fraud articles and very little articles about how the disabled suffer under the assemsents and process, very little about access and barriers , very little about how the dwp has helped end hundreds of lives of disabled people through removing benefits they should be entitled to and the treatment of the disabled aka like criminals, like they are trying to fool everyone etc

    3: the gov and media mentioning how disabled cost the uk tax pay xyz and with the cost of living people want to punch down and blame someone

    All this makes people say stuff about the disabled, make things up to have people on their side... unfortunately the more people that believe it the more people that continue to beleive it and the more people look at disabled people and pick at every little thing to try and catch them out..

    Yes there are a small number of people who fake it...

    But spreading their stories as a disabled person only makes things worse for us...

    And we can't always be sure a person is struggling more than they seem.

  • Laura Bradshaw
    Laura Bradshaw Community member Posts: 29 Contributor

    I'm so sorry people really don't understand wheelchair users at all

  • Annabelle26
    Annabelle26 Scope Member Posts: 108 Empowering

    The problem is if you do not look disabled. If you can dress and feed yourself & can walk & even work you cannot be disabled. I am one of those people who has a lot of hidden disabilities. My walking has deteriorated so I now have to use a stick to help me get around but I only have a limp & my foot is turning in. My other disabilities do not show like my severe fatigue where I have trouble doing anything. The constant pain, the titanium in my spine none of these show up so it just looks like I have a bad ankle.

  • Laura Bradshaw
    Laura Bradshaw Community member Posts: 29 Contributor

    That man could have been sturggling and was relieved it was all over... when people are anxious it can make their physical disabilities worse. People with chronic pain and fatigue disorders can be fine one min bad next , ok a few hours later etc … I have come around from operations and within 20 mins be laughing and joking its how I cope...

    Please try to see through a different lense

  • orangeapple57
    orangeapple57 Scope Member Posts: 37 Connected

    This is why I do what I do to protect home education. Everyone has been indoctrinated to believe you can only get educated in a school. Or that it's called home schooled! It's hard because the education on disability is that we are disabled but actually we are able in some ways but society keeps us disabled not enabled with the stigmas and the discrimination that they don't want to change. We are still fighting women's lib hundreds of years after the first person said they wanted equality. If the law has changed then there should be a way to report anyone breaking that law!

  • jo1984
    jo1984 Community member Posts: 32 Connected

    Hi Laura, no he was definitely faking it, most of his family are the same, they are all drug dealer but all make out they have something wrong with them and there is nothing wrong with any off them. I known him for over 30 years and he never had anything wrong with him bar never wanting to work and he never work. Visible disability is a thing but I not naive to think people do not fake it to get more money.

  • wheelie
    wheelie Community member Posts: 3 Listener

    Good discussion from all.

    Some people are small minded, see racist, sexist, ageist et al. Marginalised people, often but not always, minorities, seems to have to go through these bigoted views before befing understood and finally accepted, supported and included. All of these have an important part to play in a diverse culture. I'm just starting my new life in disablement and don't know how it will pan out. But I will be positive and inclusive whenever I can.

    I can sometimes walk inside my house and garden unaided but not always and often need a walking frame. My first rollator and wheelchair are very recently testing my unknown parameters beyond my house dwelling boundaries. We all have mnonoption but to make the most of what we can.

    The majority of people are good, kind and understanding. A 14 year old came to my assistance yesterday in Bassett town centre when aasI struggled to get in and out of public loos. That generation are not a lost cause at all.

  • Motzart
    Motzart Community member Posts: 12 Listener

    What really annoys them is when disabled people get a new car on motability. I have heard so many whine about this. I always say it helps them to get out and around but they fume and say "I can't afford a new car and I work all hours". What they forget is the pain and misery these disabled people suffer the car is a bit of light relief. They would happily surrender their car for decent health!

  • Laura Bradshaw
    Laura Bradshaw Community member Posts: 29 Contributor

    Yes but very few do and very few do and get away with it.

    Put talking about those who do fraud so much makes people who don't know better think there's so much more of it.

    If you want to help make pip and other things for the disabled better and less torture then please talk about jow difficult pip is how disabled people are struggling and not the few people who fraud.

    There was a family where I use to live who took and sold drugs to afford more drugs because of chronic pain to everyone else they were a druggie family but I would hear him crying out in pain sometimes at night... illegal drugs arnt OK but he definitely did it to mask the pain.

    You never fully know the story...

    They can be both a druggie and disabled... dsnt make criminal activity OK but it is a explanation

    And yes some are just terrible and desperate people frauding...

    Again though that's 0.2% that's not even 1% it's so low statistically is classed as 0%

  • orangeapple57
    orangeapple57 Scope Member Posts: 37 Connected

    They don't get given it! In fact it was only a couple of years ago that it was cheaper to get a non-motability vehicle on hire. What reallyakes me cross is it's supposed to be to help disabled people but if you NEED any adaptations you have to pay extra, if you need a wav it's 7.5k-20k deposit!! It's disgusting that even those schemes designed to be helpful aren't. The wait list is 2-3 months for an urgent grant decision to help reduce the deposit. The fact that no one is educated that disabled people still have to pay for being disabled is awful. I'll loose all my mobility component on a vehicle +4k deposit and 590 on the hoist before I even look at the fact you are expected to return it clean and tidy to get £350 back as a good behaviour bonus!