Struggling to make friends at new high school
Hi, my son is 11 and started high school in September. He hasTourettes, non-epileptic seizures, anxiety and possible ASD. I am worried as we are nearly at the end of the 1st half term and he has not really made any friends. He was so sociable and had lots of friends at primary school and played football outside every lunch…
1yr old with mild cp?
Hi, I'm after some advice really. My daughter is one year old, we noticed when she was about four/five months old the she didn't really use her left hand and that it was often fisted. This became more apparent as she started baby led weaning. We also noticed her left foot was often clenched, she also suffers a lot from…
Emotional support
Hi My daughter who is 9 has a progressive muscle disorder which requires her to use a wheelchair and wear AFOs day and night - still undiagnosed after 6 years of tests. She is suffering emotionally and is really down, she is expressing self hatred a lot and has secluded herself from her friends at school and is usually by…
Rett Syndrome
Just wondering if there are any parents caring for a child with Rett Syndrome?
hello, just starting to look into deputyship for child coming up for 15yrs age, like to plan ahead as everything takes so long and she will not have mental capacity. Do we involve child social services or just get on with it, looks like £365 initial payment then yearly fee and parent does annual report justifying actions…
Carers Backdate
Hi, I am new to this after becoming I'll in April, I eventually got my pip award this month after going through a reconsideration. Pip was backdated back to June will carrers be backdated to that date, my wife has applied already And UC are already paying us ? Thanks in Advance
School not understanding my child SEN Plan help needed
my daughter is on an SEN plan. Her current targets are two that are linked to her learning like to try problem solving in maths. Then she has to go out and access the schools emotional support group (thrive). I have her review meeting coming up. I’m wondering what I can ask for or what I can suggest as targets to improve…
Is it time we asked for help...young adult daughter
Hello. So we're parents of a 19 year old daughter who was diagnosed with Aspergers 5 years ago. She started Uni last year but she's struggling so much. Stays in her room and won't go into the shared kitchen terrified in case she sees anyone and is starving herself as a result. All the predictable stress of moving from…
Mind and Body
I'm wondering if there's anyone in the same boat as me. I'm a single mum with a great son 34 who has Aspergers. He helps me a lot due to my arthritis in my back.legs and knees. I have also been Agoraphobic for 12 years.Therapy didn't help so I was prescribed Diazapam. They gave me my life back but, I'm now on a slow…
Cooking with a physically impaired child?
Hello How do you manage to cook food? I want to teach my son cooking skills. But since he is a full time wheelchair user, standing up is not a option. Are there any aids, and pieces of equipment that would help? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I have no clue where to start. My son is a paraplegic due to spina…
Hello everyone, I have a 23 year old daughter.She has a diagnosis of global delay,epilepsy and learning difficulties since birth,childhood & teens.She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 18 years. In the search of better health and education for my daughter, I had migrated to UK from Pakistan a year before.…
Road to Resilience - how to process your child's diagnosis
We have a new series of films to share with you, from parents and carers for parents and carers called The Road to Resilience. Our first film is about how to process your child's diagnosis, take a look and let us know your thoughts and experiences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSpkYnOMe8k&feature=youtu.be
Outward facing carrier for toddler for me to use with my electric wheelchair?
toddler in a sheelchair, outwards facing carrier recommendations I am an electric dheelchair user with a two year old toddler, my wife currently straps him to me with a carrier so he faces towards me as he gets bigger he would prefer to face outwards can anyone recommend an outward facing carrier for kids 2-6 years? many…
Housing issues disabled parent
hi I’m new to this but seeking advice, my dad had a stroke in June and has been left unable to walk assisted. My parents are in rented accommodation which is now not suitable as he cannot get out of their flat which has 3 steps. We have registered fir housing, but yesterday was told they would not qualify as they have sold…
How do you go about getting a mental capacity assessment done can you then use it for applying for financial deputyship can someone with a deputy for finances have a bank account in their own name aswell
Special needs
I'm after some advice please my daughter has dyslexia and other complex needs she's in the last year at junior school and we just about to pick her secondary school she has her heart set on one school which her friends are going to but her teacher think she wouldnt be able to cope in a main stream school. my husband wants…
Bridgend Children’s disability team
hi I’m wondering if anyone as had problems with Bridgend social services mainly disabled team
Parent of 17 yr old autistic son
hi im new have battled for years for support for my son got diagnosis at 14 by which time he has found his own way of coping which is gaming. No GCSEs as anxiety stopped him managing school. College promised support then pulled his course at last minute. So really struggling to motivate him to access education. im a stroke…
ADHD support
Im currently going through the process of getting both my children 6 & 9 assessed for ADHD. Are there any parent support groups i can go to, there seems to be a lot for ASD but not ADHD? Often I feel very alone. Also my hubby has realised during this journey that he also has ADHD. He is going to approach his GP to start…
Activities for autistic children
Hi. I have recently been given custody of my 12 year old nephew. He has been through some very traumatic events and I’m working hard to provide him with stability. He won’t allow me to play with him and I feel I’m failing him by always allowing him to play alone. Does anyone please have any advice on how I can interact…