Hi, my name is alison2001! I need to change my address on my blue badge
I need to change my address on my blue badge please [removed by moderator - personal information]
Can my housing association tell me not to go over door threshold in my powerchair?
Hi there, I have a bit of a strange one. I moved to a
housing association property last year, sadly both the front and back entrances
are not level and I need to use wedges or ramps to get in and out of the
property in my powerchair. My OT is great, she's been
working with the housing association and local authority to…
Need to be reassessed for housing by council
After a car accident I have fibromyalgia, chronic pain, multiple muscle and joint pains, torn ligaments in my knees, lower back and feet. I had an OT assessment who said I need a ground floor property as I'm upstairs and my building has no lift. So after the OT assessment last year my local council have placed me into band…
I use the NHS manual wheelchair. Would an Active User Wheelchair be better?
Hi! I have the manual wheelchair issued by the NHS. I got it a couple of days ago and it's not bad. I use crutches around the house and the chair when I'm out and about. I find that the chair is quite big, and a little heavy. I was thinking about an active user wheelchair, but they are so expensive, so I'd have to save. Do…
Buying a mobility scooter
Hi i'm thinking of buying a mobility scooter as i'm starting to struggle to walk longer distance but very afraid of getting scammed! Has anyone had any dealings with keepmovingcare.com and mobilitygiant.co.uk? They seem to be the best and have the scooters I'd like.
Hi, my name is lottie286! Is there a grant to help pay for motobility?
Hi, could really do with some help. we have an old car that has just failed it's MOT, needing hundreds to get fixed. Because the car is over 15 years old and costing more every year to repair, we think Motobility car would be best, as we had it some 7 years ago. But we cant afford the £300 pounds a mouth out of my PIP.…
Hi, my name is POGGYFLOSS! I'd like some assistance in dealing with mobility problems
Housework help
HiLooking for some info and advice.I am a carer to my wife who apart from physical disabilities has got severe mental health problems.I myself have disabilities that leave me exhausted and do not allow me to do very much physical housework, we get benefits like PIP, but we also take a lot of herbal supplements, which are…
Housing benefit and pip
hi hi all just asking if anyone knows if I’m on pip and esa do my daughters who live with me and who do work have to pay towards rent or council tax ?
I'm trying to get a blue badge for my sister. Can someone tell me whether she gets DLA?
Hello, can anyone help me? I am filling in a form for my sister who has learning difficulties and was recently diagnosed with 2 serious illnesses. I am trying to get a blue badge and the form asks me if she receives Disability Living Allowance and the summaries on her benefits letters are not clear. She does receive 'money…
Housing help on benefits
Hi, So I claim Universal credit, PIP and Limited capability for work. I'm aware that you can claim via universal credit for the housing element, a monthly amount towards your rent, and that it takes 5 weeks from putting in your claim to get your first payment. If you need help with the upfront first months rent, does…
Hi, my name is Philmo! I want to know about blue badge parking in Whitby
I'm not shy but want to know about blue badge parking in Whitby
Employing, being 'The Boss', being a mate... Describe your approach to employing PAs
The dynamic between me and my employed PA/Carers is hugely complex. It is individualised. It is also extremely challenging. More importantly, from a psychology/human interaction perspective it is enormously fascinating. Good Employer? Bad Boss? OCD? or more Laid Back? Describe your approach to being an employer of PA's.…
Wheelchair friendly days out
My dad has recently started using a wheelchair to recover from surgery and is struggling with the lack of independence and being outside that comes with it. It isn’t an automatic wheelchair so someone has to push it which limits places we can go on days out. He also has chronic pain in his shoulder so can’t do too much…
Malicious neighbour's
I live in a close off hammond drive, there are a few women that spread lies, and false statments, I am at my wits end, one is like a spy that talks to me, then goes to all the Naibours and lies disgusting rumours, she may be sick, I don't know, but it's just not normal. It is bringing me down very much...
My brother has MS. I'm looking for audio technology on which he can request songs and audio books
My brother has MS and this means he has speech impairment and dexterity issues. I'm looking for some audio technology on which he can request songs and audio books. I am not tech savvy. Any suggestions which might help me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Need some advice. My pressure wheelchair seat curation has become damaged
Hello Scope to scope community My pressure wheelchair seat curation has become damaged on my electric wheelchair provided by Coventry wheelchair service I appreciate what I should do because I know whether things changed during covid 19
A Comfortable Office Chair
Hi, I have Cerebral Palsy Diaplegia and have worked in an office environment for many years full time 35 hours a week I sit on an ordinary office chair which is absolutely fine. During a conversation with my physio today she asked if I used an ordinary office chair as she thought that perhaps I would be more comfortable on…
Train Travel to London as a powered wheelchair user
Can anybody advise how a user of a powered wheelchair can get from Burgess Hill or Haywards Heath by train up to The Sky Garden, Fenchurch Street, London? Thanks.
Mobility scooter permit for public transport
Anyone goes on the bus on their mobility scooter? I've learnt that I need a scooter permit to use public transport. I was wondering if bus operators accept permits issued by another operator? I really hope I don't need to get a separate permit from each operator in the area.